Thursday, January 20, 2022

Thursday [9]

9.  McMartin and other fun topics, part one

Yep, it's a trigger word and it involves me first of all finding the hard disk with it on which could be at a number of addresses, then getting it back here, going through the copious notes and forming some sort of post.

Why?  Because it's relevant right now.  In fact, it's quite like this:

Let's start with Garry Webb:
Whatever the details of Webb’s death, American history owes him a huge debt. Though denigrated by much of the national news media, Webb’s contra-cocaine series prompted internal investigations by the Central Intelligence Agency and the Justice Department, probes that confirmed that scores of contra units and contra-connected individuals were implicated in the drug trade. The probes also showed that the Reagan-Bush administration frustrated investigations into those crimes for geopolitical reasons.

Unintentionally, Webb also exposed the cowardice and unprofessional behavior that had become the new trademarks of the major U.S. news media by the mid-1990s. The big news outlets were always hot on the trail of some titillating scandal – the O.J. Simpson case or the Monica Lewinsky scandal – but the major media could no longer grapple with serious crimes of state.

Sounds familiar?  Rings a bell or eight?  I'm afraid that even the man who wrote this piece I quoted from - Robert Parry, Dec 13, 2004 [Associated Press and Newsweek] - is guilty of the self-same selective journalism.  Not only is he a leftist but a cabalist leftist of the syndicators, so he's playing at fearless neutral journo in all the correct rags. Controlled opposition.

I wonder if he ever produced a series of pieces laying out Obama's crimes against America, both Clintons too?  The CFR and TLC?  I doubt it and he may well be dead now but if you ever do find something like that, I'll eat humble pie.

It's a good illustration of how the fearless reporters and ferreters of the day did tend to the left, politically, those of the right tended to the complacent.  Hence the left got the drop on the other side because their investigative abilities were very good. There's this person called a left-libertarian and by and large, as a pundit, he's hot. Anyone remember Ministry of Truth?  Very, very good on detail, wonky on ideology in our current view.  Revolution Harry is another who was excellent.

Just where and how did the left abrogate their responsibilities as investigative ferreters?  And why?  Let's look across at Blighty momentarily and Spitting Image.  Brilliant, eh?  But in comes Blair and it is no more, tail between legs, off they 'slank'.  Gutless.  Not real ferreters and parodyists in any way ... just like gutless leftist Hislop.

Moving on:
In 1983, fifty people, many of them Nicaraguans, were caught unloading a big coke shipment in San Francisco. A couple of them claimed involvement with the CIA, and after a meeting between CIA officials and the U.S. attorney handling the case, $36,000 found in a bedside table was returned because it "belonged to the contras."

In 1986, Wanda Palacio parted company with the Medellin cartel and started talking to Senator John Kerry's subcommittee but her testimony was not accepted. An Associated Press reporter, Robert Parry, investigated a crash and obtained the pilot's logs, which showed that he had taken a Southern Air Transport plane to Colombia, just as Palacio had said.

Alan Fiers, who headed the CIA Central American Task Force, testified during the Iran-contra hearings in August 1987, "With respect to [drug trafficking by] the resistance is not a couple of people. It is a lot of people."
And so it went on:
Gary Webb was in Sacramento in the summer of 1995 because of a call from a woman named Coral Marie Talavera Baca. She told him her drug-dealer boyfriend was in jail and one of the witnesses against him was "a guy who used to work with the CIA selling drugs. Tons of it." 
Webb started to back away on the phone, the woman sensed it and exploded: "How dare you treat me like an idiot!" She said she had lots of documents and invited him to a court date that month. And so he went.

Coral's boyfriend turned out to be a big-time trafficker. She brought Webb a pile of reports about, and grand-jury testimony by, a guy named Oscar Danilo Blandon. During a break in the hearing, he headed for the restroom and ran into the U.S. attorney, David Hall. Webb told him he was a reporter for the San Jose Mercury News, and Hall asked why he was at a piddling hearing. 

"Actually, I've been reading," Webb answered, "and I was curious to know what you made of Blandon's testimony about the C.I.A. and drugs for the contras in L.A. Did you believe him?" 
Gary Webb suicided in that now familiar way [see David Kelly, Seth Rich].  If you take the sum total of the investigative journalism of that day and that of our day today, it has most certainly shifted base but we're still trying to convince those on the centre-right, the 'rationalists' as they like to think of themselves, the Colonel Harrumphs I once called them.  

And the left?  There is no true centre-left anymore ... they've all gone hardleft ... feminazi, antifa, BLM, that climate lot.  Violence and karenism.  They're useless as people's advocates anymore.

The litmus test is a simple one.  Along comes a commenter and he's full of 911, Bush, Patriot Act, FEMA, New Orleans, Denver, McMartin, Franklin, Aum Shinrikyo ... and I say well done, excellent, you've ferreted well!  Now, let's see your piece on Fast and Furious.

You wot, he asks me?  Fast and Furious, you know.  Holder?  And while you're there, your piece on Obama's birth cert and college records please.

Er, I gotta piece on Drumpf.

My case rests.

More soon.

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