Thursday, January 20, 2022

Thursday [10]

10.  More snippets through the afternoon

The article Thur [11] will go up sometime today after this but this here remains open and live as the current polit-post today - please check back at intervals.

Long time friend of Ghislaine Maxwell says that Bill Clinton and Epstein were like brothers.
In a recent ITV documentary she highlighted the fact that Epstein displayed the infamous painting of Clinton in a blue dress inside of his home. This story is far from over. More red pills to come anons. [Story in the Wail]

Here's one today:

DOCTOR MENTIONED In Hillary Email Released By Wikileaks Found DEAD In Apartment…Police Say He Committed Suicide By Stabbing Himself To Death??

"...he described the situation as “shameful” and witnessed, first hand, a huge misappropriation of funds, with the people affected by the disaster receiving no help whatsoever. Dr. Lorich was disgusted by what he saw and sent an email to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s Chief of Staff Cheryl D. Mills to report what he had seen."

[ Oh, and the OTHER guy that was supposed to testify that week ALSO committed "suicide" the week prior. In Miami-Dade county, a Clinton political power stronghold. ]


Regarding carpentry in one's home at 9pm - I have a method of living in harmony with neighbours, one of which keeps exotic animals, and thinks nothing of hammer drilling the walls at 10.30am - which you may think is a reasonable time - and so it is, but not to me, when I have just got to bed after a 12 hour night shift. He does not work, and knows that I sleep until 3pm, so he could easily wait until I'm up. When he goes out, his dog howls constantly until he returns.

Despite this, I say nothing and keep taking the hit. BUT - I expect the same from him when I need to make some noise at an inconvenient time. If he complained I just say "well, what about your drilling, or the dog howling, or your bird imitating the phone all day?".

Struggling to get all my DIY done (I have a couple of years worth, working alone) around night shifts isn't easy, so what I tend to do is get all my wood cutting done during the day (machine tools in the bedroom at the moment so that I'm not restricted by weather or daylight), then save all the quiet jobs until evening, packing in by 9pm.

So far its worked well, none of the neigbours have complained, and I've made some big noise in here, drilling, sawing and knocking holes through walls.

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