Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Tuesday [7 to 14]

Have a lovely elevenses.

14.  Haiku

As an aside:

... which sashays neatly into the authors’ website, more especially Glyn Moody, who was one of the main reasons that I subscribed to Techdirt (before it became so openly left-wing).

13.  Tech magazines

... being the Woke rags they are today, fail to understand that the powers that be they adore and vote for - you know, the cabal itself and all its mandatory this and that, stealing people's life savings, throwing them out of work, that sort of thing, left-liberal heaven - what the Woke rags don't understand is that the new targets are us, the centre or centre-right, the middle of the indigenous country, and Singapore simply confused El Reg with us.

What's the issue?  You guys wanted this.  Be careful what you wish for.

[H/T haiku]

12.  Best get yerselves over there

A fair bit happening:


11.  Phantom Digger

Fed employees to be compensated for jab injuries

10.  InYerEar

Testing this. 

See NOWP to see why.

9.  Hash rather than hashbrowns

There's something a bit wet about grated tatties, even using a cloth, and the onions cause trouble, but this way, just a standard julienned hash, came out quite well.  You're culinary efforts today?

8.  Twitter continue to send my own people

... hoping I'll come back.

7.  The dislocation

The events of Sunday, still continuing today, have thrown the blog around a bit but as you see, it's mking its way back.  Quick question - why are we the ones under attack, why not t'other side?  Never happens that way though, does it?

Then on the Monday came the compounding problem of the quite illogical attempt to post Wokery and you, the readers, of our ilk, had to wait till I could deal with that before even getting onto the blog issues.  Again - why is it always us?  

An interesting addition to the discussion was my mate I spoke to just now and he added something as he always does. In one sense, what the other said was right in that overall, worldwide, births are going up, as I acknowledged but not in Britain and in western nations.  In these nations, indigenous birth rates are declining badly whilst mass invasion and breeding goes on among the immigrants [see yesterday].

On top of this, as we have been saying, the issue is not deaths per se - we know those percentages, but 'adverse events' and in the US, as we saw, they're around 700k following the jab.  Plus they're at all ages now, across many demographics, not just in those where they'd be expected.  But that's still not my mate's point which was to remind us that most of the severe damage to the vaxxed comes two years or so down the track. 

Now, the PTB have decided to stop all this by 2025, possibly after 2023, after they're sure everyone's been poisoned or affected adversely.  And where is much of it coming from?  Again search for Sinopeg.

On the personal front, Sunday is my regrouping day and Monday my domestic chores day - needless to say they're right behind and I've still today's to do so those two bits of dislocation really have knocked me around.  Stress, you see.  Increase the stress on the unWoke, ramp it up.


  1. E'en now, the banging noises from the kitchen tell me that my beloved is making carrot soup.

    She got a pack of seven sizeable carrots for 10p at the supermarket. Irresistible, even for a day that's really much too warm for a winter soup. The kitchen back door is open to let some heat out.

    1. Love carrot soup, have been tucking into carrot cake here, bits of carrot sticking out all over the place.

    2. My tomato and cannellini bean soup for lunch. Forgot the onion last time but remembered today and it was definitely an improvement.

    3. Oh yes, gotta have the onion or some variation of. Round two of my hash coming up.


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