Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Wednesday [9 to 12]

12.  One more before the film

Had to smile at Grandad's post:

Lacking energy ... and for once I’m not talking about the virus [mine, or that Covid thingy].  I’m talking about batteries which seem to be joining the long list of hardware items that have set out to annoy me.  Last night I went to bed. There’s nothing unusual in that and I have been doing it for most of my life.
I'm getting the notion that we're currently winning this war.  In hard numbers, well of course we are - the Donald won that election by a huge number, there are millions of us not putting up with all this vaxx fascism, although it would be wrong to play down the numbers of the triffid-blind either.  I've put it at about 52% to 48% for a long time, about the same margin as Brexit, which was really about 62% before the counting shenanigans.

We'll continue to present what we have here, what comes in but it would be wrong to assume it's all gloom - more just hardwired cheerfulness, grim humour if you like.

One nice thing was some feedback from my Russian mate and I'll post that next under the tramvai post.

11. DR from earlier

a. The fear tactic:

b.  Graphene oxide revisited:

10.  Ironclads

9.  Vox

It’s increasingly clear that Russian military intelligence was essentially correct in its analysis of the situation. There was never any pandemic, as the “fear the deadly virus” campaign was a massive psychological operation designed to kill as many as five birds at once, but most importantly, freeze the global economy to prevent the financial crash that was imminent at the time.

1 comment:

  1. Steve

    War Room:

    Episode 1,261 – Repurposing Of National Security Apparatus Against Trump Supporters

    Episode 1,262 – Top General Feared Trump


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