Friday, April 09, 2021


1.  It's the combination

Julia quoted this about July 2020:

A software mistake caused a Tui flight to take off heavier than expected as female passengers using the title “Miss” were classified as children, an investigation has found.

The departure from Birmingham airport to Majorca with 187 passengers on board was described as a “serious incident” by the Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB).
Combine that with N5 here:

... plus all the posts on dumbing-down and education in general ... plus this:

... plus this yesterday:

... plus this footage:

... plus this:

... plus this Albion College I saw in passing where the students voted overwhelmingly to be protected from hurt feelings in lectures ...

... and we can draw certain conclusions about competence today.  Now, stand in a queue for a flight and reflect on all that.


  1. The photo gives every appearance of social distancing.

    1. Social distancing or not, its a cafe they are sitting in, which should not be open for indoor service. They are still breaking their own rules.

  2. "One rule for us and one for him!!

    The above sentiment completely misses the point.

    If it was a case of (the usual...) hypocrisy such as being caught fiddling expenses or committing adultery (whilst punishing us mere mortals if we were
    guilty of such things), then the above comment is valid.

    BUT... MP's & celebs (inc persons such as Sky 'Journalists') are narcissists
    & cowards. IF they REALLY believed in all that they spout (about CV19),
    there is NO WAY they would put their precious little selves in harms way.

    That they ARE forever being pictured hugging/kissing & not wearing masks,
    etc ad nauseam... PROVES it's all loblocks.

    That people continue to merely accuse them of double standards is beyond pitiful.


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.