Friday, April 09, 2021

Friday too

2.  Laurence Fox is a prat

I see Laurence Fox has fallen for the playbook as many have before him trying to be politicians:

No such thing as native Brits. Just Brits from all different backgrounds, united under a flag, who stand for freedom of speech, equality under the law and democracy. 

He's being eviscerated on social media and rightly so. Crossing to the US for a moment - you pay hundreds of thousands of people from Honduras to pour into your country, set them up in hotels and pay them again and you have an issue of course - over time, it's not going to be Anglo and/or European in shared  history and values.

But it is going to be similar in religion.  Wiki:

Christianity is the predominant religion in Honduras, representing 76% of the total population according to a 2017 estimate. The pre-Hispanic peoples that lived in actual Honduras were primarily polytheistic Maya and other native groups. In the 16th century, Roman Catholicism was introduced by the Spanish Empire.

However, it's not the brightest and best pouring in from there.  Nor from Mexico - it's the thugs and dregs overwhelming the good quality people from .  

Story over here is quite different - it's not Christian nation refugees, it's death cult nations which mix not at all.  And why is nothing done?  Because the cabal has cleverly played the guilty conscience card.  Playing on Brits' muddling and 'mustn't fuss' nature, they've jammed a crowbar in there which always catches the non-thinking Laurence Foxes.

There was an incident in the States, via Andy Ngo, where someone was running an 'all niggers must die' campaign.  And of course you've guessed it - it was a hoax by a black man. BLM.  Leaving aside brainwashed post-Millennials, how is the average Brit here on racism, in the sense of what occupies his or her mind during the day?

Is it not lockdowns, vaxxes and Covid?  Plus Wokery?  About jobs lost, businesses?  Go back through the posts here and see how many are about blacks.  Yet that killer wanted desperately to make it about his colour - he was the instigator, the murderer, the whole thing was his doing.  No one was walking around thinking oh dear, am I oppressing a black today?  They might be thinking oh dear, have I offended a woman, but not all the time.

And this is the crux of the matter - it's people importing their own alien issues, which are not ours, who are the whole issue.  Plus the idiots on the left who go along with this garbage.

And what they do is make it impossible to deal with them.  Even worse, those of the death cult or black nations, esp. those with beards, who are not radical alien, who wanted to migrate the right way etc. - they get lumped in.  When I go shopping, for sure I watch carefully if any of these demographics which hide large numbers of offenders - if one of those comes near to where I am, I get out of there quickly.

On the other hand, if it's a Pole, I might even go up and speak to him/her.  But what if the Poles were known for bellyaching and murdering, raping, which as far as I know, they're not doing en masse?  Well obviously I'd add them to demographics to be avoided.  

It's all about the attitude and behaviour.  If T-1000 appears in a supermarket aisle, is my first reaction to assume it's a friend?  No, I sidle away, don't I?  Later we can look at it being about attitude and behaviour.

Laurence Fox, in equating all peoples and their attitudes, let alone having some sort of pride in his heritage, quite happy to have the world's dregs swamping the land - has rightly lost a great deal of kudos today.


  1. 2. Just performing another role. This time on the political stage.
    Suspicious from the start, imo but gave him the benefit of the doubt. Comes from a long line of actors or people strongly affiliated with theatre. Most of that ilk are lefties.

  2. Steve

    2. Laurence Fox is a prat

    I'll simplify it for you: he's a civic. Met loads of them over the years. They talk about the nation, and how important it is to preserve what we've got, but when asked what that is they suddenly go all multi-cult. Waste of time.


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