Saturday, January 23, 2021

Is Covid real?

 We've been through the non-approved facts and figures as we know them: 

... we can read those things on many blogs and in tweets and gabs.  What I thought I'd do here is say what I truly think about it and invite you to also put what you truly believe.

You see, my Russian mate did go down with something last January which involved the loss of taste, the cough, the rest of it in classic form  - so what was that?  Was it actually this Covid and what is that anyway when it's at home - is it a virus, something else?  I didn't have any of that but did have that radiation aversion some of you might recall.  Two weeks.

We're on safer ground in calling out the scam, the opportunism of govt, the chance of those connected to charlatans making fortunes and giving kickbacks to pollies.

The Rise of the Mutants | underdogs bite upwards (


  1. As a (now long time retired) Police officer, I was taught to accept nothing at face value, and question everything, so I have mind about this coronavirus. However, the son of an ex colleague, 41 years old, marathon runner, with muscles in his spit, spent three weeks in hospital on a ventilator after collapsing, unable to breathe properly. He was diagnosed as having this virus. Now recuperating back at home, he has difficulty in walking part of the training route he used to run. I believe there is definitely some form of virus, though whether it was nature fighting back, or it was man made and, either deliberately, or through negligence, was allowed to infect the world, I have no firm proof, though a suspicion. I have no medical qualifications, needing to watch a YouTube video before opening a box of elastopladt, but my main concern is whether governments in general, and the British government in particular, have reacted to this pandemic in the correct way. There are theories of a One World Order to reduce the planet's population down to 500 million, but would this be feasible?
    Being a natural cynic, I distrust everyone in authority, suspecting they are following an agenda of their own, but being just one person, a 'little man', there is little I can do. I am nearing the end of my life but it is for the future of my children and grandchildren that I am fearful. I can't help thinking of the last line of "1984".
    If I wasn't depressed before I started writing this, I am now!

  2. Respecting the families of those who've died, I suggest it helps no-one to call this a hoax. There's definitely a virus, SARS-CoV-2, which is dangerous to the already-unwell and the very frail.

    The large numbers who have died from, rather than with covid, are disputable, as nearly all deaths in 2020 were labelled covid. The almost complete absence of deaths from flu suggest many of the covid deaths were not labelled correctly. this may be deliberate, to maintain the panic level, or more likely just due to the usual incompetence of bureaucracies.
    But there are many in positions of power doing very well from all this. Allegedly even some members of SAGE have links to vaccine manufacturers!
    Apply Occam's razor: it's government bumbling incompetence and panic, not a conspiracy.

  3. Bill here on the new old platform.

    I've been scouring the internet for months for any evidence that anyone anywhere has even seen a virus in the flesh so to speak and all I have discovered is germ theory is still a theory.
    We have not the first inkling of how the body reacts to the mind or the mind reacts to it or how they work together and apart to deliver our experience of life and death yet science pretends.
    All imagery of the thing is CGI because it is too small to be seen by even the most powerful electron microscope.

    Covid-19 is not what we are told it is some piece of genetic code wandering about infecting people instead we are told what it is capable of.
    Measuring the numbers of people in a room,
    Deciding if people are within the 2 metre mark
    It can tell the time.
    It can travel with impunity for months and months from land to land without mutating then suddenly it mutates.
    If the mask allows you to breathe it will pass through the mask both ways.
    It can jump species from bats to humans to mink to tigers to domestic cats and even into avocadooes but what it does in these other species is never 'declassified'

    As you may tell from my tone I am sceptical to say the least.

    But what puts the tin lid on it for me is the way in which flu has disappeared from the governments Notifiable Diseases weekly reports, the use of tests that are not designed to diagnose to be used as evidence of diagnosis, the improper use of these tests, the relabelling of the lateral flow test HMG/NHS buy in from Innova to exclude the 'must be used by a health professional warning' and the reliance on asymptomatic spread as the way it can move about 'undetected'.

    Happy New Year.

    1. Re "All imagery of the thing is CGI because it is too small to be seen by even the most powerful electron microscope." Actually viruses are very readily imaged by electron microscopy, and in considerable detail, and have been so for many years. I have done so myself, and rather long ago.

    2. Adding to my earlier comment, the first electron microscopy images of coronaviruses (not the Covid-19 one) taken many years ago were initially dismissed by some scientists as just poor quality images of flue viruses, but they were not. The virus is real (unless I spent my career in an illusory fantasy world - but if I did at least it paid well and provides a good pension), but it probably kills a bit less than 1% of those who catch it. I suggest governmental responses are a significant over-reaction in a modern age that, in countries with advanced economies, increasingly loses the resilience to accept that, unfortunately, people will die from diseases.

  4. I agree with all the above. The scare stories are manufactured by computer modellers despite the evidence, and lying politicians use them to gain power over us. Incompetent bureaucrats do the same and have screwed up the NHS and BREXIT transition, we are just the ones who have to pay for it all as none of them ever accept responsibility for their failures.

  5. Penseivat says: "There are theories of a One World Order...".
    Sadly, they are NOT theories. The info is there, 'hidden in plain sight'.
    Schwab, Gates, etc are NOT pantomime villains. They are powerful & dangerous.

    Plus - supposed 'World Leaders' ALL bleating "BUILD BACK BETTER"...

    I accept this doesn't answer your actual question (namely, is teh virus real?) Mr H, but what it does show is that Blojo, Hand-cock, etc are NOT doing all 'this' for OUR benefit.

    I think Bill sums it up brilliantly.

  6. "germ theory is still a theory." Quite. The Theory of Evolution is just a Theory, Maxwell's Field Theory is just a theory, Quantum Theory too, Gravitation ...

    "There's definitely a virus, SARS-CoV-2, which is dangerous to the already-unwell and the very frail." Yup, and it gave us a nasty epidemic March to May 2020. The government had a half decent plan, published in its 2011 report, though the detail assumed a flu rather than a Sars virus. Then it panicked, apparently at the hands of the Astrologer Royal at Imperial College. It knew that the media - widely hating it over Brexit - would take any chance of presenting it as a gang of heartless Tory scum. So we got lockdown which was perhaps unwise and certainly too broad-brush. It was the vulnerable who needed protection not the schoolchildren or their teachers. (Whatever the shortcomings of the government they are nothing compared to the vile behaviour of the teachers' unions.)

    By June the epidemic was over. It was unclear what might happen next. Maybe the virus might dwindle away - sometimes viruses do - or it might prove seasonal in which case it would probably come back in the usual flu season, especially December - February. The government probably should have decided that the second possibility should be the basis of planning. Maybe it did.

    After what may have been largely a false outburst in the autumn brought about by the increase in testing we now have a second real outburst. Again a lockdown, again perhaps unwise or wise but too broad-brush.

    The likelihood seems to me that the bloody virus will become endemic, with different mutations perhaps demanding modified vaccines. Happily we have, apparently, the world's leading system for studying the genomics of viruses; hence its success in identifying the Kent virus.

    In the six months of blessed relief from June to November the administrators and senior doctors in the NHS seem to have been bone-headed in their lack of preparation fo a second wave. The NHS clearly needs the most sweeping reform and the electorate clearly wouldn't stand for it. Impasse.

    The great success was the buying of vaccine doses. The woman put in charge - Tory pal, according to the media, with no medical expertise - had decades of experience in Venture Capital for bio industries. Her team pulled it off! Well done them - just compare our results to the shambles in the EU.

    We are, however, gambling on vaccines accepted by the regulator only for emergency use. Well, life is just a series of gambles, isn't it?

  7. Covid-19 is real but it isn't a virus. I get the feeling its missing a word that travels with it in private. Operation Covid-19.
    As for the one world order, the new world order or just new order (not the band) if we known their names they are not part of it.

  8. I know three people who have been tested for 'the virus'. Apparently unlike the flu which isn't tested for this 'virus' can only be identified by test.
    Friend A who has been diagnosed with COPD and was in the local NHS, Blessed be its name, hospital for a diabetes test was automatically tested on arrival. She said the very long swab was pushed up her nose a long way, it hurt and it smelt of something odd she couldn't identify. Her test was negative.

    A teacher who works with the good lady was displaying cold symptoms and being a keen follower of health news tootled along and got tested. Same procedure as mentioned above. His test was positive.
    He was told to stay at home for 14 days. No medication, no advice on what to do about the symptoms but then again he was informed by test n trace NOT a doctor.
    His cold/flu symptoms subsided but before he got his test result his sense of smell went wonky and then disappeared, He lost the will to do much and got fatigued. All of these are subsiding as the test was three months ago but he has found he has lost his focus as he puts it in other words his attention span and attention to detail have disappeared. "I'm wondering if there was something on that swab as I had none of the effects prior to having the test" His words not mine.

    The third 'patient' and friend of mine proudly announced "This covid eh I've had it."
    What did it feel like? says I.
    "Don't know because I didn't even know I had it. No symptoms of anything but the test said I had it and was only tested because the wife felt under the weather so we all went for one"

    She tested negative.The rest of the family tested negative.

    So there you go no mathematics language just real world experience.

  9. Steve

    I found the news that such a thing as Event 201 had taken place just a matter of weeks before the Chinese released (inadvertently or not) SARS-CoV-2 on the world a tad co-incidental. The way the elites immediately re-tooled it for use on multiple agendas - some going back decades - makes it's origins all the more suspect. The elite seem more emboldened than ever. Klaus Schwab is one of them:

    "That it is now far easier to manipulate with precision the human genome within viable embryos means that we are likely to see the advent of designer babies in the future who possess particular traits or who are resistant to a specific disease."

    Klaus Schwab & His Great Fascist Reset

  10. Yeeesss. There seems t be something but certainly not justifying the hysteria and draconian measures. In my ’umble.

  11. I believe that there was an initial panic in Gubmint, NHS, Health England, causing them to fling money in all directions.
    Then they used wrong treatments for those who were ill and did not publicise preventitive measures, vitamins etc.

    Then the existing cheap treatments were poo-pooed
    Then they emptied the hospitals of elderly, regardless of illness, back to care homes.
    Now they do not dare admit they got it wrong, so bumble on.
    Something funny in Sweden the unmentionable. See Worldometers coronavirus for Swedish deaths.


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