Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Devising a workable pushback

Brittany's come out of her closet and is vlogging again, which is nice because it needs people not to shut themselves away and say it's all hopeless, she has some influence with Millennials, not a lot, but the more Brittanys who appear, the more the voices are heard by word of mouth.

Meanwhile, we blog and Gab and until we're kicked off, we use the corrupt platforms too.  There was a fair bit I agreed with her on here:

I'm not averse to armed uprising as such - the thing here is, as she said, those bstds have had decades to brainwash our kids and factor in the pushback, so the sickening Wokery is endemic, even on our own side.  In other words, all key placeholders will betray us and looking at Johnson - our kids will betray us, snitch, turn us in, there may well have been 74 million voters for Trump but on the enemy side - count all the kids, illegals, non-thinkers, quislings etc.

Therefore, the response needs to be asymmetric, in the spirit of non-cooperation whilst pretending to cooperate.  If the Capitol thing was factored in, planned by the enemy, seized on such that nothing came out of that rally at all, then the side which is for a decent society of law, integrity, jobs etc. really has to get a bit more wise about how to take on this monster.

In short, we must choose our battles.

One thing for sure is that there must continue to be platforms and when they go down, new ones, and when suppressed, the Samizdat - it's very much the bag of late Gen X and Millennials now, we ourselves have just about run our race.

Over here specifically, Miss Grant makes a good point that unlike in some western countries where there are alternatives - for example those in California can move to Texas, those in Germany can move to a Swiss canton - in Britain, there's nowhere to escape to from invasion - where we are now is the land of last stand:

How, therefore, to stop Johnson, Hancock, Patel?  In a way that they see it as political suicide to continue what they're doing?  


  1. Steve

    Christina Bobb:


    1. The essential and same old error she made is to say what if the eventual, delayed audit, now that all faux ballots have been shredded and everything is spick and span, that critical delay losing all element of surprise - what if they show Biden did win? We would have to accept it. That’s plain stoopid. The entire thing was compromised. The election must be re-run and not using the same damn machines over again, operated by the same corrupt people. It’s not unlike the Hutton enquiry.


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