Friday, September 04, 2009

[mindless vandalism] no joke when it was your livelihood

It's a very small incident and a short post. I go to McDonalds on a Friday for breakfast because it's near the office and today, the lady who runs it came over and asked if I'd heard what was just being said about some man's bike.

What it came down to was that last night he left his bike chained to the porch pillar of his house [why he didn't take it in I don't know - maybe rule of the house]. He came out this morning and the wheels had been almost torn off and bent over, they'd bent the frame and all the spokes had been kicked out.

This was more than vandalism, which tends to be hit and run. This was a concerted attempt to put the bike into a completely irreparable state. He apparently uses it to go to work in a nearby town and for everything else - shopping and so on.

It scarcely needs comment from me.


  1. A little toe rag who had no business being out so late (3am) tried to pull the wing mirror of a neighbours car. It woke me up and another neighbour woke up and frightened him off...

    I don't know what is the matter with people these days.

  2. There are two bad things going on in cases like this:

    1. People who have grown up with no respect for other people or property.
    2. A society in which vermin like this have no fear of consequences.

    You can't always do anything about #1(some people are just unfit parents), so #2 needs to be applied. Nothing teaches a vandal like either legal repercussions, or a local citizen beating the stuffing out of him. When I was growing up, that sort of thing could have gotten you a butt load of rock salt from a shotgun, and the local sheriff might not really care about a vandal getting hurt that way.

  3. Yes, Cherie. I have to agree too, Bob. It's about time consequences attended such actions.

  4. Everything in life is a transaction.If the price you pay is not right then the situation is unbalanced. Criminals do not pay for their crimes therefore they do more for no cost. Start punishing them and they will consider the costs in what they do.

    There is no Justice in the UK.

  5. You would amaze yourself with the things that can be left out for theives and vandals once you put your mind to it.


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