Tuesday, August 04, 2009

[formulae] to help understand life

Quite like this one too

At the same moment, I'm trying to rig up a post with Sonus, Uber and Cassandra, keep a correspondence going, in French, with my new French friend [yikes - this is a philosophical discussion in French - help!], my American friend and I are in the middle of a discussion, there are some polls going up at Bloghounds, there's a thing going on with Russia, the sex education thing and the Ayn Rand thing are going hot, not to mention awaiting Tiberius, the meal was nice and I'm incapable of multi-tasking.

corollary states:

Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion ... plus 30 minutes.

Higham's corollary to Parkinson's corollary states:

... especially when one has other things which need doing in Real Life.

Take the multitasking test!


  1. It's womwn who can do multi-tasking [if our brains are different, that is].

  2. He he he! I just had that classic race before midnight to get the day's post up thing so I know how you feel. Hope I haven't kicked off things too badly down there :)


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.