Friday, May 08, 2009

[opera] elite test

To be a true member of Them, you’ll need to display an appreciation of opera. Supply the name of the composers from the initial letters:

1. Eugene Onegin…..1879…..T
2. The Tales of Hoffman…..1881…..O
3. Prince Igor…..1890…..B
4. La Boheme…..1896…..P
5. Salome …..1905…..RS


Tchaikovsky, Offenbach, Borodin, Puccini, Richard Strauss


  1. Why is it Tchaikovsky but Chebyshev? Is one Tsar and the other Czar?

  2. You like to ask the easy ones, don't you, Dearieme? :)

  3. Wow guesswork gives me another 4/5. I am a philistine when it comes to music that does not start with ontoofreeFOr then a buzzsaw guitar!


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.