Friday, April 17, 2009

[air travel] fly the python way

How would you like to find one of these on your in-flight magazine?


  1. I had one as a friend. Until she bit me.

  2. A friend of our daughter was bitten by a tree python (in Queensland). Off to the hospital for an anti-tetanus jab: being bitten by a rat-eater isn't healthy. (I'll keep the story of the wombat bite for another time.)

  3. Nice looking snake. The only ones that bother me are rattlesnakes, and if they're of a decent size they make a good lunch.

  4. How would I like it? Medium-rare please.

  5. when my husband left he left behind his pet corn snake... the boys loved it so i tried to keep it and managed well for many months.... then it escaped from his nice house into my house, took us a day to find it.... and it left soon after to another good home :-) Eddie was his name :-)


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