Wednesday, December 17, 2008

[the real eu] this is how they operate

Admittedly, this is a UKIP promotional, courtesy of Trixy but it needs to be viewed by all Brits. This is what Ireland is probably going to vote in next year - democracy, EU style:

Assuming that this man standing over Hannan, browbeating him, is Christopher Beazley, then wtf is he doing? He was supposed to have been elected on a eurosceptic platform. Iain Dale and commenters give a possible clue.

Further, from Daniel Hannan's blog:

A few minutes later, Nigel Farage, the UKIP leader, rose to make a similar point. He reminded the Speaker, Hans-Gert Pöttering, that, when 14 MEPs were fined for demanding a referendum in the chamber, the stated reason was that they had misbehaved in the presence of a national leader: José Sócrates of Portugal. Yet when Cohn-Bendit and others behaved with outrageous boorishness to another national leader, Hans-Gert not only ostentatiously declined to restrain them, but joined in, upbraiding the Czech leader for daring to mention Communist Czechoslovakia (the complete transcript is available at the splendid EU Referendum blog).

People, this is lawlessness and blatant disregard for their own rules.


  1. James,

    I saw this via Trixie and only want to say (because it's obvious what was going on) that Dan's forbearance when the dinosaur invited him outside (U an' me PAL! Ootside NOO! When it was a given that had Dan accepted, Mr.Darwin would have chalked up another victory) was magisterial.


    p.s. My pal Geoffrey the Gregarious Glaswegian tells me that the entirely civilised way to deal with that aforementioned thug is to accept his kind offer of outdoor fisticuffs whilst mentioning/inquiring as to the efficacy of The Marquis Of Queensbury taking off one's Jaisket meantime and at the appropriate moment dropping said Jaisket which previously hid stunning Waisket over his cranium thus achieving two matters one his temporary Blunkettness and two affording the temerity of achieving a double Blunkett by the accepted norm of firstly blind the opposition to your want and secondly secondly and no that were no mistake I repeat secondly reaffirm said Blunketness physically thus winning said offer of stepping outside.

    I blindly presume that is clear?


  2. That was awesome! Sticking it to the eurocrats, oh yeah!


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