Wednesday, September 17, 2008

[the viper inside] pre-emptive paranoia alive and well

Yeah, right, Mr. McNab. How did you ever get inside as a church mentor in the first place?

Don't answer that.

Brits of a certain age will also recall David Jenkins and his 'conjuring trick with bones' statement and there is a healthy [?] tradition of clerics worming their way into positions of influence within the church and then doing dirt on it.

Why would a national newspaper choose to run a giant poster like yesterdays' in prime position on the front page and run this guff as front page news?

Why would a modern newspaper choose to run a denunciation when there had been no positive assertion otherwise which had grabbed the popular imagination and needed counteracting in the first place ?

These pre-emptive denunciations have a history too.

The Dome on the Rock, in its Inner Octagonal Arcade, [then stressed twice in the Outer Octagonal just for good measure], assures the world that Jesus of Nazareth is in no way divine.

Why? Why would they even bother?

Why wouldn't they just lay out their own stall and let it go at that? Why, today, would anyone bother decrying a religion which is supposedly down on its knees and virtually snuffed out? Why does Christmas need to be renamed by the paranoid when it is just a historic tradition with little modern relevance to its roots, according to the renamers? If multiculturalism is the reason, then surely this festival takes its place as one of the many under the tolerant umbrella of relativism?

Why bother pro-actively discriminating against this particular one? And a second question: 'How scholastically honest is it to do so?' And why would a university administration go into a Christian chapel, remove and lock away a cross, declaring the chapel open to all religions?

Do you detect a whiff of obsession with these people? What is it that they actually fear?


  1. The ten commandments were drawn from the Pharaonic Confessions of Spell 25 in the Egyptian Book of the Dead.

    For example

    "I have not killed", was transcribed as "Thou shalt not kill"

    "I have not stolen", became, "Thou shalt not steal",

    "I have not told lies", became, "Thou shalt not bear false witness", etc

    Remember, - Moses was highly trained in Egypt!

  2. These idiots fail to comprehend exactly what they are trashing.

  3. need to stop reading your blog it makes my head hurt........don't you do humor or light stuff? lol

  4. You have to understand that Fairfax just laid into their journalists and many going to lose their job. The goal is to sex and titilate up the content and cut down on real journalism. This is exactly the consequence. I stopped reading after the first paragraph. It is just rubbish and I am a non believer in the first place.

  5. It's don't commit murder, not don't kill; and don't give false evidence AGAINST someone IN COURT, not don't lie.

    Would a society run on the principles of the Ten Commandments - or at least the last 6, for the unbelievers - really be so bad? Or do we now smile indulgently on theft, murder and adultery, since it makes up so much of the material for TV soaps and drama serials? Have we fallen in love with our society's problems - a sort of Stockholm Syndrome?

  6. BTW: McNab is quoted in James' linked-piece as saying:

    "Allegedly he went up the mountain and came down and said "you shall not kill', so how come he was such a genocidal man?"

    Look at my previous comment - if that's the quality of his Biblical scholarship, he's the charlatan that his body language screams he is.

  7. need to stop reading your blog it makes my head hurt........don't you do humor or light stuff? lol

    Funnily enough, Anon, I was thinking exactly the same thing just now. :)

  8. Colin, Sackers, good points. Yes, the man's body language says it all and it's supported by his statements.

  9. Colin's right.
    Same with Sackerson.

    And not to forget: Anon's, too. :)

  10. let's have a laugh James........

  11. For your additional thinking James.

    There is a direct blood-line from the Anunnaki thousands of years earlier, through to Moses.

    The episode on the Mount was highly significant, and the Ten Commandments was only a small part of it.

  12. ... and linked to orgone accumulation, a post on which will appear at 6.37 tomorrow morning, anon.

    I do know of the ones who shall not be named too but that's getting a bit weird even for this blog.

  13. James.
    Don't go the orgone route, it's wrong!

    There's nothing wrong with naming anyone, the trouble is the names used vary between 3 languages and more than three mistranslations.

    To be accurate you have to trace things through generations of begats and begots, and mistranslations, and mis-namings, and dual names, and things get tricky.

    If you have about a month spare..... :-)

  14. James.
    The Burning Bush episode, which caused Moses to prostrate himself, was an exhibition by "The Lord of the Mountain" to show his, uhmm, skills.

    The "Philosophers Stone", the second aspect of "The Holy Grail", which I referred to recently, was discussed openly in England by members of "The Secret College".
    Several of them got mighty near to solving the identity of the philosophers stone. ( I think some did.)
    Members of "The Secret College" were early members, and founding members of a certain type of Freemasonry in England. Hook, Boyle, Newton, etc, all great intellects. Newton, who came the nearest, made extensive studies of early Egyptian texts.

    The "Philosophers Stone", used correctly, breaks all the known laws of physics, and involves, err, uhmm, alternate realities, if measured by our own laws of physics, and that includes Einsteins works.

    It in turn has many aspects, or properties, and many varying affects on the human body.

    As I said, science has rediscovered it, but maybe they don't yet realise its historical/religious/actual significance.

    What I find truly amazing, is that it was known to man 6000 years ago, at least.

    It's all there on Cylinder Seals, and Hieroglyphs, and Ancient Semitic writings, if you know what to look for.

    It was known to the Anunnaki.

    You should really come see me.


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