Monday, May 12, 2008

[strange] the adventure of the high diving scissors

Just had a more than strange experience.

We all misplace things and under pressure of time the brain does weird things. You know it - you could have sworn you'd done this or that when you hadn't, as subsequent events proved.

An example

Years ago, in Melbourne, I went to buy a fishtank in a street called Chapel Street. Parking the Honda hatchback just down from the shop, I had my things on the passenger seat as the tray near the window is useless when the car is moving.

As I often did, I took the bag and packets and all, went round to the hatch and deposited them in the "boot" under the cover, closed the hatch and went into the shop. Found a tank I liked and went back out to the hatch to get my credit card.

It wasn't there - neither in the bag or in any other place in the boot. Dismantled the boot, took everything out, searched near the spare wheel and so on.


OK - closed the hatch, went back to the front and looked everywhere on the passenger side, on my side, under the seat, down the sides etc.

Nothing ... and so on ... and so on ...

Tried to think out some of the stupid things I'd done in the past to see if they'd shed a light on it.


Went back to the driver's seat to collapse for a few minutes, glanced over and there it was - sitting on the tray nearest the window, the one I never used.


Well, this starts months ago.

Lost a pair of black handled scissors at that time - simply couldn't see them anywhere in the kitchen where they live and assumed I'd taken them through to the other room. Drew a blank and wasn't particularly concerned - I had another pair.

Time passed, the cleaning girls hadn't seemed to have found them and I'd forgotten about the incident. Twenty minutes ago now I was in the kitchen getting coffee when I heard a slide down the side of the benchtop unit, glanced across and was stopped in my tracks.

Now this gets complicated.

On the bench, at that end, I have an open mug with tablets in foil for headaches, stomach or whatever. Above is the end of the shelving unit on the wall.

Sitting bolt upright in the mug were the missing scissors.

Had the scissors been perched on the shelving unit, fallen off, hit the side, done a reverse pike and softly landed in the thin china mug, moving the tablets aside and creating a space to reside?

And why now? There'd been no disturbance, no vibration. Plus those scissors could not have been up on the shlving unit as they'd last been used for cutting paper.

Also, the sound I'd heard was something going down the side of the bench unit, not from above.

I've just looked now and something had indeed slipped down - a tablet packet which had been sitting 10cm from the mug, which itself hasn't moved from its place.

Hmmm. Now that is more than weird.


  1. I have heard of this type of crime, but,myself, I do not have attachments to my p.c for specifically that reason.


  2. Think you meant to put this one on the other post, Uber.

  3. Now that IS strange! I DID put it on the other post! :)

    I love that av....I stole it, FYI.
    It may end up on my blog one day ( with your permission, of course).
    If I had a kid, it would look like that, but with a tuft of read hair.hahaha

  4. I think we all have episodes of this nature we can't don't we? For example, one time I was trying to untangle a long silver chain. It was hopeless, so knotted and tangled it couldn't be done. Finally giving up in frustration I put it down and then just said to empty air "Please untangle it for me, I can't do it myself." I picked one end of the chain up, and the whole thing just unravelled.
    Spooky, lol.

  5. And then we have episodes where we think we've written something and then only afterwards realise we've missed out the rest of a sentence, lol.

    I meant to say:

    I think we all have episodes of this nature we can't explain don't we?

  6. Easy explanation, your place is haunted and its the work of a ghost LOL.

  7. Hmm I think someone is coming in and doing this deliberately. The sinsiter cabal that runs the planet regularly access my linen basket and nick a selection of socks

  8. Seriously though - one wonders. An episode of the Twilight Zone touched on this.

  9. Things like that happen in our house all the time - we put it down to our local friendly poltergeist. Spooky tho - maybe the scissors were there all the time. :-)

  10. In the films the people this happens to end up in loony bins or being murdered by spirits.

    I'd put the scissors away if I was you.

  11. I think it must have been my Twilight Zone eyes that did it!!!

    Joking apart I hate it when those things happen, they really spook me out! I am guessing the scissors weren't there all along...

    But you should really worry if my driving license which I still haven't found, turns up in that mug too!


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