Tuesday, May 13, 2008

[indiana jones] latest could well be a dud

The latest offering in the relaunched Indiana Jones franchise may be a turkey:
A harshly critical review of Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull appeared on aintitcoolnews.com last week from a poster who identified himself as "ShogunMaster." Rife with details from the film, the review said, "This is the Indiana Movie that you were dreading." The problem, said ShogunMaster, was the lack of tension.

"During the whole of the movie there was not a single moment that I thought our hero Mr Jones … was in any sort of peril or even significant inconvenience. In most cases you were so many steps ahead of the characters that it was really just an arduous wait for them to get through it."

The man who posted as ShogunMaster said he is a cinema executive who saw the film at an exhibitors' screening.

I wonder if it is one adventure too far and immediately Arnie springs to mind in his third Terminator. While I personally liked that offering and thought that the John Connors and Kate Brewster characters were great and while Arnie held up his end and while Kristanna Lokan was a honey - still people didn't like it and it bombed.

When to stop? Perhaps we should ask Rod Stewart and Mick Jagger that.


  1. If it's a dud I think my girlfriend will be very angry or she may cry...

  2. There is no way this film's a dud...it's Indy!

  3. Is there a new film? Is that why the Beeb's showing all the old ones? Is Harrison Ford (may his name be hallowed) in it? Why am I so out of touch?

  4. Dud or not, I know I'll love it. As oestrebunny said, it's Indy.

  5. Yeah I like him too but the criticism might be valid. Then again people say James Bond is predictable and yet who doesn't watch it?

  6. Any very different series is never as good as the original as time goes by but can still be enjoyable.

    Well I had long given up on James Bond movies, even the Pierce Brosnan (whom I like a lot) ones but I'm back with the new edgier Daniel Craig remake.


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