Friday, April 18, 2008

[net neutrality] euphemism for control

The analogy is not far-fetched at all

First the news about "net neutrality"

Silicon Valley high-tech entrepreneurs told the Federal Communications Commission yesterday that there needed to be more oversight of phone and cable companies at the agency's second off-site hearing on broadband Internet rules.

However, none of the largest service providers -- Comcast, AT&T, Verizon and Time Warner -- attended the hearing yesterday, despite requests by the FCC to participate, according to FCC Chairman Kevin J. Martin.

At issue is whether the Internet needs rules that mandate it remain open and unfettered by network operators.

It seems to this blogger to be the thin end of the wedge. I'd like to see pornography thrown off the web altogether but to place the net under governmental agency control seems something that is being angled for.

This is the standard tactic - create a malaise so that the public demands something be done. In step the regulators to address the problem - voila, the government now controls it.


  1. The only reason I'd agree with porn being off the net is that too many underage people have unsupervised access to the net. As for the porn being on the net, if one doesn't like seeing it, don't go view it.

  2. That's precisely the reason - the underage.

  3. Kids or adults who don't want to see it and don't try to find it will still be exposed to it. I've seen it by just hitting the next button on a blog, or doing a search for something totally unrelated on google. Also emails don't seem to know or care if you are a child when they are promoting that stuff.

  4. Still comes back to parental control, if you don't want your kids seeing stuff on the net, exercise some control and watch what they do, you can set and filter your pc. Too easy.

  5. I haven't actually had e-mails like that but do agree that almost any google search on anything brings up the sites. Maybe if, as Blogger and YouTube do, they won't handle it and maybe if Google down't allow such a site in the algorithm, then those who want porn must go look for it as in the old days.

  6. If it was government controlled it would just be porn that would be blocked...

  7. I agree with you! Porn should be thrown entirely off the net. If you need to use a bloody magazine !! Buy a dozen or two if you must. Save the young hearts and minds that are seeing waaaaaaaaay too much of that dark art, which seems like a cess pool, getting bigger and deeper all the time. Easy to preach about parental control, but obviously those that do don`t know kids very well. If they want to see the forbidden they will one way or another. There`s always the unsupervised buddy`s house. Next to child abuse (well this actually is a form) and animal abuse, this topic inflames me no end and makes my blood literally boil.


  8. underage people should be supervised by PARENTS not Government.

    All this talk of banning, you do realize that every commenter here is objectional to SOMEONE dont you? Next they'll ban you 'for the underage'...

    That's the easy way out.


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.