Monday, March 10, 2008

[lizard queen] sincerity is my second name

Hillary and Bill Clinton are again teaming up on Barack Obama - this time saying the first-term US lawmaker, whom they have derided as inexperienced, would be a strong running mate on a Democratic presidential ticket headed by the former first lady.

In hailing Senator Obama as a possible vice-president, the Clintons are reaching out to him and, perhaps more importantly, to his backers, whose support she would need to defeat Republican presidential candidate John McCain in the November election.


  1. Clinton would have relished the role of UN secretary general but is now in the process of carving out the next best thing: the unofficial job of Presidential Escort or Praetorian Guard. It will keep him busy while Hillary runs the country. A man whose personality must rank amongst the vilest of the age, no shred of compunction for his wife has ever prevented Bill from pursuing whatever woman took his fancy...

    Here’s a man cast in the mould of a Roman Catalina - deception formed the basis of his entire presidency...

    I have no problem with Hillary, it’s the man behind the throne whom I detest!


  2. This is a terrible attempt to diminish Obama in the public eye, painting him as a #2, despite the reality that he is factually the current #1.

    This is pure desperation.


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