Monday, March 10, 2008

[alcopop test] as useful as the mcdonalds test

Iain Dale asks the question, appropriately on his current poll on the best and worst chancellors since 1945, "Should alcopops be taxed more."

I'm going to extend that to a wider poll below:

Should alcopops be:
Banned from sale
Taxed higher
Taxed lower
Provided free free polls

The Economist's Big Mac Test was, of course, as a comparative determiner of the state of countries' economies.


  1. Should there not be a fifth option? That things remain the same? It doesn't matter how they are taxed, people will still buy them. And if they are banned, people will just mix there own.

    If people want to drink, they'll drink.

    Providing them for free of course, is a tad ridiculous.

  2. I voted to lower taxes as it would make this the drink of choice rather than something harder.

  3. Im going to search this as I don't know what your talking about yet.

  4. Push up the tax on them to £200 a litre then collect the revenue off stupid gangster rappers who will then drink it for its "exclusivity" and pour it over scantily clad models in their interminable music videos.

    Coupled 100% tax relief on Pouilly Fume and Sancerre to keep the bleeding-heart champagne-socialists quiet about it.

    Cheer me up and all.

  5. With the aid of a whole bottle; very well thank you.


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