Tuesday, January 15, 2008

[true confessions] je déteste

I've never ever read a Harry Potter nor seen any film of the ilk. I have not the least clue what reality TV is or whether Big Idol and American Brother are something real or a home for ASBOs.

Since my television was stolen ten years ago, there has not been the least desire to replace it.

I do confess to once watching the colour coded Cilla Liverpool's Blind Date or whatever it was called and it appeared to be for non-comps to postulate on pointless things and to look inarticulately ultra-cool while putting down other contestants. This was confirmed when they interviewed a couple, near the end, who spent the entire time slagging one another off.

Somehow, all of these were labelled entertainment. Still, it beat On the Buses and Alf Garnett.

On the "good" list?

Doctor Who, Fawlty, All Gas and Gaiters, Rumpole, Python, Yes Minister, Young Ones and one or two others. :)


  1. I love Harry Potter!

    I'm really just a big child on the inside though :)

    Also a big fan of Monty Python. When we're together, me and my friends can quote it for hours. No one else might find us funny but we amuse ourselves.

  2. I've got Harry Potter wallpaper, lampshades and duvets throughout... No, I haven't, but I have read almost all of the books and seen the films.

    'Shameless' is one of the few series I find worth watching at the moment.

  3. I've never read a Harry Potter book nor seen one of the films either - and I never intend to. Dire TV here. I long for reruns of "Dixon of Dock Green" - innocent days.

  4. NO,no, no! Magic is brilliant! I love Harry Potter (his real time, naked, actor version not withstanding). Come on, have a bit of fancy...:-)

    I haven't had a televison for some five years and before that it was in the closet, but I am a DVD girl..and I am in the land of cheap and plentiful:-)

  5. I have never seen nor read any Harry Potter and have no desire to. I watch very little tv.DO I win?

  6. Yes.

    Fry and Laurie from way back are on my good list, too.


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