Saturday, December 08, 2007

[country quiz] five curlier ones

Can't attribute this Wiki photo because it is one of the countries in the quiz.

1. It is long and thin and near the coast. It actually elected a communist leader years ago and is next door to a country whose sporting colours are light blue and white. It might sound cold but in fact it crosses many climactic regions from warm to cool.

2. This country exports water and electricity, it can get down to minus 7, Celsius, during winter, is in the British Commonwealth, it is 2/5 Catholic and the currency is the loti.

3. This country is long and sprawls across many islands, as well as half of another big island it disputes with its large southern neighbour. Bombings there have tarnished its image of exotic South East Asia. The wife of its former corrupt President was known for her thousands of pairs of shoes.

4. This country is hot and has an aging leader whom half the world accepts and the other half thinks is a madman who sponsors terrorists. It was the scene of huge battles in the Second World War, mainly between the Australians and Germans. From its desert you could sail across the large sea to Europe.

5. This country also has an aging leader and is famous for its cigars and lovely beaches. It is a very poor country under its system of government and it was nearly place for the start of World War 3 in 1962.

Don't peep now!

Answers in reverse order: abuc, aybil, senippilihp, ohtosel, elihc


  1. Without peeking or googling, I got Cuba. Countries are not one of my strong points.

  2. Three. How bad is that? After checking the answers, only one more was an of course.

  3. Three our of five for me. I didnt get the first two.

  4. I got 3, 4 and 5. That's clever - the way you put the answers.

  5. With No 2 you widened my horizon. :)

  6. I am so ashamed, I am not telling you how many I didn't get.

  7. The quizzes are clearly popular so I think I'll do some more often but not too often. Next one might be film. Any topic you'd like?

  8. I'm puzzled about three.

    Is this the phillipines claim to sabah, you refer to?

  9. Sultanate of Sulu granted Philippines Government power of attorney to pursue its sovereignty claim over Malaysia's Sabah State but Malaysia rejects claim.

    And the Spratly islands. You're sharp.


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