Saturday, December 08, 2007

[blogfocus saturday] tales of day to day life

Day to day events in people's lives can often be eminently readable:

Firstly, Ubermouth, yes she of the four letter words, gives us a gentler picture of life here on her farm [above]:
This is in the entrance of the woods, where I often walk when I am stressed out. It is nice to be able to have ample room to walk about , knowing that you will never bump into another soul.

One day I tripped over a tree root and sprained my ankle. Mum had to fetch the wheelbarrow ( which I sat in) and cart me home that way. LOL

On the farm we have a variety of natural growing berries, chestnuts, holly as well as bluebells, honeysuckle bushes, hedgerows, snow drops etc.

Trees surround the property on all sides so, as you can see, I am totally cut off from civilization ( which I prefer). I can, and sometimes do , walk about in my knickers. I often blare my music and dance at midnight and have complete control of my privacy and surroundings.

Not that I am anti- social. :)
2. Shani tells the story of the blown fuse:
I very quietly and calmly started working back through the events... and then I asked him to check the fuse box.. which he declaimed angrily was of no use... but he would anyway....

Low and behold - it all started working again (except the blown light bulb!).

The lamp had blown first, everything else being a coincidence...

So we rang the book club and yelled at them, a combined effort - because obviously it was all their fault.. ended up with the books at a heavy discount and on cessation of the conversation ----- fell about laughing...

3. Oestrebunny tells the history of her schooldays as they really were:

Secondary school things get easier. They usually do. When all my friends were getting braces to fix their teeth I didn't need too. I filled out a bit and looked more like a person, less like a lanky baby deer. I made new friends and was put into the groups that best suited my intellect. I suppose I'm actually quite intelligent when I apply myself.

I didn't really have many problems in secondary school. One insult from a boy who had particularly large ears, particularly stands out. He called me 'thunder thighs', charming. Way to blow a teenage girls self esteem and imply that she is anything but stick thin.

Which coming from him was a bit rich really. Given the right wind conditions I have no doubt that if he'd flapped those enormous ears of his, he'd have soon taken off.
4. Betamum explains blogging epithets:

Ben was standing over my shoulder the other day, watching me as I caught up with all the postings from fellow bloggers.

He asked why I would want to have anything to do with someone called Potty Mummy, potties being a part of his long-forgotten past, and not a word which can mean two things. No-one says “potty” to mean slightly crazed, not around here anyhow.

So I explained that people use nick-names or made up names when they blog on the internet.
And in the course of explaining this, I mentioned my own blogging handle.

He was silent for a moment, in a deeply confused way.

And then he said,

“I thought you were called Better Mum!”

4. Finally, Sean Jeating is caught in one of those meme things:
fact 4: books. There are about 3,000 in the shelves around me, and - I did even read them. :)
Being asked which one I'd take "to the island", I could not decide and would therefore prefer lots of papers and pens, so that I could write the stories I want to read, myself. :)
Another day in the life ...


  1. Nice one, James and some new ones for me to look at. I know exactly how Shani felt!

  2. LOL James. I of the four letter words- ONLY in extreme cases actually! Not even when I tripped over the root.:)

  3. "Certain" photos invited me to walk my breakfast off. :) Thanks.


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.