Saturday, June 09, 2007

[zevon] ain't that pretty at all

Were there ever such savage lyrics set to such harmonious music as those of Warren Zevon, already mentioned earlier today? Was there ever a muso's muso unknown to the public at large?

Most know him as the gravel voice behind the classic Werewolves of London but his songs were myriad and often very, very strange: “Roland The Headless Thompson Gunner”, “I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead” and “Tenderness On The Block”, about teenage love on the street, were three of note.

On the idealism of the young which turns to disappointment and then resignation:

“Looking For The Next Best Thing”

I worked hard, but not for the money

Did my best to please

I used to think it was funny

'Till I realized it was just a tease

So I'm looking for the next best thing

Looking for the next best thing

I appreciate the best

But I'm settling for less

'Cause I'm looking for the next best thing

On visiting much lauded sites and not seeing what all the fuss was about:

"Ain't that Pretty at All"

I've been to Paris

And it ain't that pretty at all

I'd like to go back to Paris someday and visit the Louvre Museum

Get a good running start and hurl myself at the wall

'Cause I'd rather feel bad than feel nothing at all

On the modern malaise which threatens to destroy relationships:

"Nobody's in Love this Year"

We keep walking away for no reason at all

And no one says a word

We were always so busy protecting ourselves

We never would have heard

And the rate of attrition for lovers like us

Is steadily on the rise

Nobody's in love this year

Not even you and I

Due to lack of commitment on both of our parts

We're going our separate ways

This show of indifference is breaking our hearts

It's making us crazy, yeah

You sit back and wait for your love to accrue

You'll be waiting a long, long time

Nobody's in love this year

Not even you and I

The lyrics only do partial justice to Zevon, who died in 2003, aged 56. Try to find the albums if you can.


  1. I'd not come across him- thanks James for the reccomendation.

  2. Very melodic but with a definite edge to the lyrics - sometimes quite violent but in the context of what he's singing about.


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