Thursday, May 10, 2007

[blogfocus thursday] easy-bloggers' evening

This evening we're giving the political issues a rest and looking at another type of blogger I simply adore - who blogs about life's minutiae and gives us a glimpse into another world.

Kicking off is Welshcakes Limoncello.

1 Welshcakes was out for her morning constitutional when this happened:

Simi and I were on our first walk of the day yesterday morning, I noticed that there were about four pieces of fallen masonry on the ground beneath the posters. By the time we came back, this had prompted the arrival of two fire engines and their crews, police, an ununiformed gentleman who seemed to be organising everything and, of course, the usual crowd of onlookers shouting advice, exclaiming and chatting to each other.

I confess, reader, that I joined the group of spectators for there is nothing like a good, clamorous Italian commotion to kick-start the day.

2 You want the good oil on films - Reel Fanatic is the man to see:

Even with Ron Howard attached to direct, "Frost/Nixon" is another upcoming movie that I'm jazzed about, and the news about it just keeps getting better.

The pedigree for this one is certainly solid. The stage play and movie script, based on the series of Richard Nixon interviews conducted by Brit David Frost, were written by Peter Morgan, who was rightly nominated for an Oscar for his whipsmart script for "The Queen."

3 La Femme Contraire has come to a realization:

There is a thing I feel the need to share for the benefit of one of my readers (he'll know who he is). I can now look back at the behaviour of my hosts on that awful trip I had to New Zealand, and, well, just laugh at it. I drew the conclusion a little while ago that the attitudes and behaviour of some people just is not worth getting angry or upset about.

All it does is empower them anyway. If people's behaviour is either very strange or very unpleasant in your view the best remedy can be to make light of it. Political Umpire told me that such a day would come and I did not believe it at the time.

4 Max speaks best with his sketches and watercolours, when he's not using mere words:

5 Bonnie Wren is unique. Here she tackles the Hillcrest Robber:

HILLCREST – Police are looking for a man dressed as a woman – French manicured nails and a pink bra – who held up a bank yesterday.

How did witnesses know this guy wore a pink bra? Did they see a pink strap peeking out from the neck of his shirt?

Maybe the robber’s shirt was one of those thin polyester tees and people could see right through to his bra — I hate it when this happens to me. It’s hard enough to color coordinate my clothes without worrying about color coordinating my underwear, too.

6 Dave Hill puts Chaka Khan to good use in the gym:

I was in gym the other day feeling very tired indeed when Chaka Khan came on the in-house sound system. It was her hit "I Feel For You", a cover of the Prince song, and not my favourite of her recordings. Wasn't one of her favourites either, as it happens (that rapper, the production...) but it still put a little zip into my rowing machine regime. And may I say that I've always liked Chaka Khan - ever since "Tell Me Something Good" came sweltering out of my bedside tranny when I was a secret soul-freak teen.

7 Tea and Margaritas has gone pillow shopping and you can see photos of the results at her site:

They have cut back largely on salting the roads. Now his van needs tending to and he has to find some time to repair it, so my Mum took me over to Lens Mill Warehouse to the their other little building and I got more pillows!

We dug and we dug and I stood on a wire shopping basket upside down (the basket, not me) and dug some more to the bottom of the three huge boxes. They aren`t feather like I thought, but feel and lay like feather and for $2.50 a pop, who could resist?

8 Clive Davis, the man who hugely popularized blogging so long ago, has a brand new blog at the Spectator, well worth a look. check out his old blog too:

A worm's eye-view... I took this shot by accident while I was out on a walk.

Eight already and we haven't even started covering the Easy-bloggers. Have to continue this next Thursday.

There'll be a different kind of Focus on Saturday - not too different though. Actually, not that different at all really.

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