Friday, May 04, 2007

[france] le plus grande nation du monde

I'm a sort of francophile but all the same, this sort of thing is a bit rich:

Les Français les plus influents du mond

Le Figaro bases that on Frenchmen being among a Time Magazine top 100 list of influential people in the world. They're further delighted to announce that George Bush has been excluded from the list.

Ho hum. They do seem to have this thing about being first in the world or is it just my imagination?


  1. I love the French dearly - hell, I even married a Frenchwoman - but they do drive me up the wall.

    Part of my unified field theory on the Gauls is that we often see in them what we cannot bear to recognise in ourselves. Try it - take all the things we accuse them of and then ask if that isn't true of us.

  2. . So that's it, is it? You married one of them, you sly devil. No wonder you have a grin on your face along with the strained look.

  3. The entente cordial broke down, alas....


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