Friday, May 04, 2007

[france latest] sarko has the edge

You don't need to know French to follow this:
le Figaro:

L’ÉLECTION présidentielle est-elle d’ores et déjà pliée? Avec 54,5% des intentions de vote (+2,5), Nicolas Sarkozy accroît son avance sur Ségolène Royal (45,5%) à trois jours du jour J, si l’on en croit les résultats de notre dernière enquête Sofres-Unilog Groupe LogicaCMG.

le Monde:

Les trois derniers sondages publiés depuis jeudi 3 mai placent toujours Nicolas Sarkozy en tête des intentions de vote pour le second tour de l'élection présidentielle. Le candidat de l'UMP semble même avoir creusé l'écart à l'issue du débat télévisé de mercredi.

To tell you the truth, my eyes tend to stray to the right in the above photo. Such a pity Segie wasn't politically sane and her social views were so destructive. She was a damned fine woman, other than that.

It's not over by a long shot - Sarkozy realizes that and is not crowing. Can't wait for Sunday.


  1. I'm pretty sure he has it in the bag, he has some lovely French fans with him in the pic, no wonder he is smiling.

  2. As you say, it's not over yet! It will, whatever happens, be interesting on Sunday.

  3. there's 2 choices for France:

    1) Sarko wins and its up and away for the people

    or 2) they become the 1st muslim country with a nuke


    should be a blogpower member.


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