Wednesday, May 23, 2007

[blog on hold] june 28th to 29th

For seven years, my apartment has been virtually untouched - not painted, not repaired and the taps slowly disintegrating. It can't go on and a windfall offer was made yesterday and these repairs are scheduled for:

June 18th to June 29th.
I don't know if I can do any blogging during that time period because I suspect the computer and sundry bits will be packed away. This site and other sites associated with it will effectively remain up and I'll try to do a mega-posting just before the hiatus. I'll leave comments on as well. If you could spare the time to mosey on over and look through some of the archived material in that time period, I'd consider it an honour and that it wouldn't be so much of a "dead" blog.


  1. I will be away from in corsica from June 15th till July 2nd..... glad i wont be missing too much on your blog..

  2. Plenty of time to plan but clearly no committment. :)

    I'll have nobody to 'speak' to.

  3. You're giving us plenty of warning! I'll enjoy browsing your archive but will miss you...

  4. Well that will give us time to visit the archives. I have never got past the current page on any visit.

    Don't worry, I doubt you'll lose any readers. Tell them to put you on bloglines temporarily so they'll know when you are back. I daren't put you on my regular bloglines feed since you seem to post about every ten minutes. I individually click on my blogroll to get here.

    Ma vale la pena! Ask welshcakes!

  5. You will be missed, but as jmb and others have said we can read the archives. great news that you have a windfall and that you are getting your apartment done - post photographs.


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.