Friday, April 13, 2007

[wolfowitz] question of time

On this Day of Paraskavedekatriaphobics, a question:

When is a wolf just like a pig?
Answer: When he's caught with his snout in the trough.

What Wolfie did was no surprise. That he was caught was more of a surprise. Either:

1] someone shopped him or
2] he was very, very careless or
3] he was very, very arrogant or
4] all three of the above.

Encouraging, that with this headlong charge for the police state cabalocracy, the guys up the top are seemingly too incompetent to effectively carry it out.

We have to hope so.

1 comment:

  1. Just watched the news and know what you are talking about now! They both seem very unsavoury to me, though she seems worse. [That's because women are usually harsher judges of another woman than they are of a man - had you ever pondered on that, James?]


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