Sunday, March 11, 2007

[jacques chirac] the grey havens beckon

On Jacques Chirac's retirement:

The candidates, and France at large, credit Mr Chirac with three main achievements: standing up to the US by opposing the invasion of Iraq; recognising France's anti-Semitic crimes in World War II, and opposing racism and political extremism.

The low points were the loss of the outright control of parliament in 1997, the repeated abandonment of reforms in the face of strikes and protests, the 2002 election in which the extreme rightwinger Jean-Marie Le Pen came second, and the race riots and voters' rejection of the French-inspired European constitution in 2005.

His "crimes" during his time as the Mayor of Paris will most likely not be sheeted home to him. No doubt he'll soon pass into that twilight zone of the venerated elder statesman. As Le Figaro put it: "Pour Chirac, le temps des hommages a commencé."


  1. France is a great country that always prodcues terrible political leaders.

    Chirac is another one. Sarkozy may turn out to be little better in the end and Royal would be a disaster.

  2. Can't disagree with any of this, Cityunslicker

  3. I thought Chirac would never stop! Sarko is at least interesting but I'd like to see a woman get the job.


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