Friday, January 19, 2007

[al gore] speculation is the name of the game

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama both have strikes against them. As this Age article states:

Although Clinton has proved herself a highly capable senator, worries abound about her electability. And then there's the recurring query that worried Democrats whisper to each another: Is Bill behaving? Obama certainly qualifies as the next new thing, and … yet, in the age of terrorism, it will be a tall test for a first-term senator with no real Washington accomplishments to persuade the country that he's ready to be commander in chief.

That dynamic of doubt is sparking renewed interested in Al Gore.

"More and more people are asking, 'What about Al Gore?' " says Steve Grossman, former chairman of the Democratic National Committee. "If Al Gore were to announce for president, he would be a first-tier candidate on day one. Instead of it being Hillary and Obama on the covers of the national magazines, you would have three faces there."

Of course, this is the season of all sorts of speculation but the more I read of this, the more one looks at historic US presidential run ups such as this and this and the likelihood that the Democrats might struggle for the presidency with the current candidates, it might be worth a second glance at this Al Gore factor.


  1. What about Condi Rice? The first woman and the first black president maybe?

  2. The Dems have no candidates who can seriously challenge McCain or Guiliani


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