Friday, November 24, 2006

[nagging] how can it ever achieve the desired result

Picture which some ladies find offensive and which I think is fundamentally flawed - girls are a lot more subtle than that.

Men nag about sex. Yes they do and it drives women mad.

Now, having done my bit on behalf of the ladies, we need to look at the other side of the coin. A short time ago, there was a most unpleasant scene next door and it’s rare for this particular couple. He was shouting at the top of his voice and from what I could make out, was indicating that she was dragging him to an early grave etc. She could not be heard. I often hear this sort of thing from neighbours above, below, left and right.

What does it indicate – that men are nervous creatures? Or that they’ve reached the end of their tether? The carefully placed female word can carry a lot of power when it wants but I do wonder what they are trying to achieve? I asked some girls why they harp on about things and they said, ‘So that it will finally sink in.’ By which generally accepted, efficacious psychological theory does this method work? I would have thought you’d get what you want by the opposite – building up his ego.

Sam Brett ran a post on this issue sometime back and I did as well.


  1. i think a lot of this trouble stems from the fact that men appear not to be listening or taking it in due to lack of feedback, and that they tend not to take criticism well. This can strike women as being insensitive.

    There have been a lot of books written about this problem and it has yet to be solved....

  2. ...appear not to be listening or taking it in ...

    And therefore the girl repeats it? I'd really like to find a solution to this one. I don't know if a forum of men and women would help achieve that.


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