Wednesday, August 26, 2009

[ode to uber] sky's the limit

Well, that was a bit of a shock today. Still reeling but my First Response is:

"Uber, you don't know what we can find; why don't you come with me little girl, on a magic carpet ride?"

OK, now that's sorted, we'll have to decide the venue for that official proposal. Thinking 'bout the south of France, myself, vis-a-vis vous. Howzabout Marseilles?

All right - Paris? Tell me soon 'cause I'll have to steal the dosh to do it right.


I'm a bit out of practice with this matrimonial stuff and if one remembers that a headmaster of mine once said, "Higham, you're like a cow which gives good milk and then kicks the bucket over," you'll perhaps understand that I've committed a number of faux pas today.

I was tossing up whether to use Bryan Adam's "Everything I do," or "Straight from the Heart" in this post but thought they might be a bit forward and frighten the lady
off, so I went with Steppenwolf, Talking Heads and The Angels. It appears that Steppenwolf is not high on the list of romantic, pre-nuptial ditties, according to the afficionados so I may have bombed out there.

Still, it doesn't do to quit at the first hurdle so I'll press the suit again tomorrow upon awakening. Perhaps advice from your experience would assist.


  1. No stealing James. All the best things in life have to be earned ;-)

  2. Well, I am partial to Billy Idol and Paul Stanley but you already know that! :)

  3. You'll see I've altered it but as I really like the pilot and plane ion that top clip, I kinda left it in there.


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