Wednesday, August 26, 2009

[wedding quiz] what do you know of matrimony

Are you wed-savvy?

1. A gimme to start with. A Cheongsam or Hanfu is which country's traditional formal wedding wear?

2. What colour is a morning suit?

3. After 7 p.m., what is the dress referred to as?

4. In North America, the bride wears two garters; one as a keepsake garter and the other for the throw away. Both garters are worn on which leg, just above the knee?

5. An Old English custom was while the bride and groom were in their bridal chamber, the wedding guests would sneak into the chamber picking up discarded .... [?] and throwing them at the couple.

[Thanks Wiki and Wedalert]

Actually, come to think about it, I don't fancy anyone coming into our chamber at critical moments. Each to his or her own, I suppose.


China, solid grey, white tie, right leg, stockings


  1. Churchill said he realized early on that breakfast was a critical time for matrimony, because after sampling it for a few days, he gave it up for life.

  2. Well, we'll have to see if third time's lucky.


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.