Sunday, August 14, 2022

The hammered dulcimer

Now, not saying the ladies last evening on their dulcimers were not pleasant, they were fun … but sometimes the chaps … weeellllll …

Sunday [5 to 11]


11.  Phantom Digger

a.  Sunday morning heart-warmer.


b.  Related to 9

10.  As neutral as the DemRat FBI

9.  Part of Sun 8 was this

The set on the right is that of Ellen Degenerate whom a number of Americans inexplicably watch and then read things on Yahoo such as she’s not as nice as she makes out.  No, nor was Epstein, Baldwin, Pol Pot, Mao …

Now this one’s lesbian lover, whom I’ll not name:

… is supposedly dead, called braindead before going into the ambulance.  There are many ifs, as the provider of this footage acknowledges:

Tried To Get Off Stretcher, Dead For EXPOSING Child Sex Trafficking? (It has been reported that her newest project was a documentary.) The video is short but basically here’s what it shows…

It allegedly shows the firefighters and EMTs taking A*** H**** on a stretcher into the ambulance after the fatal crash. Does that look like someone who is “brain dead” to you?

We see it only in gif form, when what certainly looks like a fairhaired woman sits up and tries to get off the stretcher.

8.  Ripper

Don't know if we had this already.

7.  Further

6.  A bummer

“We also know that Obama refused to keep hard copies in his library – everything was to be digitized. Also, no archivists were there to oversee the digitization of Obama’s documents while he was President. So there is no way to tell whether Obama didn’t have classified documents in the materials he took with him after his corrupt presidency. 

We also know that at that time The New York Times reported that the National Archives is not overseeing Obama’s library. The Times published the following:

And the entire complex, including the museum chronicling Mr. Obama’s presidency, will be run by the foundation, a private nonprofit entity, rather than by the National Archives and Records Administration, the federal agency that administers the libraries and museums for all presidents going back to Herbert Hoover.”

5.  The sanity of these times?

Sunday [1 to 4]

Morning all.

4.  Look at 3d below

Those odds, which we’ve seen variously reported at around that number, whilst the Cv itself had a death rate of somewhere in the region of 0.05%, also factoring in the misattribution ‘to Cv’ instead of ‘with Cv’, has meant, in retrospect, that not only were the odds dispropotionate but that with every new shot, there was a game of Russian Roulette going on with people’s lives:

With each new shot, whatever was being injected into people was spreading around the body, into organs such as the liver, and though all the claims of graphene, DNA altering, immunity wrecking and shedding are still being disputed, are you, personally, going to take that chance?

Given that these are designer viruses?  Look at the plethora of data we alone have posted over the three years and feel frre to pooh pooh it, to dismiss it … point is that you were given virtually no choice.

It’s truly rich calling us out for spreading a climate of fear and disinformation - what, based on things Fauci, Birx, Gates, Ferguson and Whitty have been enforcing?  And look how the machinery of the State, MSM, the medical practices themselves, on heavy £££s incentives, have been coercing us, esp. the elderly.

Just look at those tactics and you don’t even pause and consider that?  Fearmongering, are we, asking people to consider the odds?  What, like Net Zero farm wreckers, fearing nitrogen in the soil?  That sort of fearmongering?  Also, hands up if you died during this heatwave?

At an absolute minimum, the very people pushing all this, strongarming us, whilst screaming ‘disinformation’ on our part, fearmongering … which view has at least taken an investigative approach?

3.  Evets 1

a.  Clanet Povid (Toxic Soup Edition):

German Researchers Examine Covid “Vaccines” and Vaccinated People’s Blood and Say Stop Vaccinations Immediately

b.  Please Watch and Share - La Quinta Columna graphene oxide detox remedy

c.  Nearly 1 in 6 “fully vaccinated” for Covid American adults now suffers from serious health problems

d.  1 in every 482 Vaccinated People died within 1 Month of Covid-19 Vaccination in England according to the UK Government

e.  142 New Cases of COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries in Babies Added to VAERS as CDC Now States “Unvaccinated People Have Same Guidance as Vaccinated”

f.  Large German Insurer Reports Staggering Rise in Adverse Effects from COVID-19 Vaccines

g.  The Miracle Not Heard Around the World: The Success of India’s Uttar Pradesh

2.  Phantom Digger

On Sat 17. No urgency quashes the "concern" about 45 destroying docs 😎

1.  DAD


Giorgia Meloni video in French, English and Spanish. The English section is at 1m47.

[Best at NOWP]

Saturday, August 13, 2022

The evening calm

Saturday [12 onwards]

Almost evening all.

17.  Rude boy

16.  Steve

War Room snippets..

Liz Harrington: The Establishment Has Failed To Take Down President Trump For ‘7 Years’

Mike Davis Breaks Down The Legal Formalities Surrounding The FBI’s Unwarranted Warrant

Dr Wolf: The CDC Finally Admitted The Vaccinated And Unvaccinated Have Same Protections

Steve Kircsh On The Hundreds Of Thousands Of Deaths From COVID Vaccines

15.  Ripper

a.  Ofgem:

b.  Bridgee Cee:

14.  Phantom Digger

c.  [Twitter tracking you]:

d.  [60% 40% what's declass]:

f.  Thread by Jason Foster.

Read on McDuff

"More recent historical context for current events.

According to Newsweek, the "road to the raid" on a former President's home began with NARA and National Archivist David Ferriero.

I have some experience dealing with him.🧵..."

g.  One "star" in some American soap is urging the alphabet brigade to dig up Ivana to check 45 didn't hide stuff in her coffin.

One sick 'itch.

13.  On the naughty step

The chap or chapess who wrote a perfectly good comment “the Romans turned in contempt” but then:



12.  Evets 3

a.  The Battle for Britain?

b.  Wot, No NHS GPS or Dentists? Yet HMRC Pays 16 Diversity Tsars £1 MILLION a Year Each To Do Nothing!

c.  It Wasn't An Accident - It Was All Planned!

d.  Good News Friday: Australia, Sweden, Denmark, US

e.  WEF Will Starve A Billion Human Beings To Death

f.  Agenda 21 For Dummies

Evets 5 and 6

Saturday matinee

We’ll run this now, then resume politics, then in the evening some more serious music.