Sunday, August 14, 2022

Sunday [5 to 11]


11.  Phantom Digger

a.  Sunday morning heart-warmer.


b.  Related to 9

10.  As neutral as the DemRat FBI

9.  Part of Sun 8 was this

The set on the right is that of Ellen Degenerate whom a number of Americans inexplicably watch and then read things on Yahoo such as she’s not as nice as she makes out.  No, nor was Epstein, Baldwin, Pol Pot, Mao …

Now this one’s lesbian lover, whom I’ll not name:

… is supposedly dead, called braindead before going into the ambulance.  There are many ifs, as the provider of this footage acknowledges:

Tried To Get Off Stretcher, Dead For EXPOSING Child Sex Trafficking? (It has been reported that her newest project was a documentary.) The video is short but basically here’s what it shows…

It allegedly shows the firefighters and EMTs taking A*** H**** on a stretcher into the ambulance after the fatal crash. Does that look like someone who is “brain dead” to you?

We see it only in gif form, when what certainly looks like a fairhaired woman sits up and tries to get off the stretcher.

8.  Ripper

Don't know if we had this already.

7.  Further

6.  A bummer

“We also know that Obama refused to keep hard copies in his library – everything was to be digitized. Also, no archivists were there to oversee the digitization of Obama’s documents while he was President. So there is no way to tell whether Obama didn’t have classified documents in the materials he took with him after his corrupt presidency. 

We also know that at that time The New York Times reported that the National Archives is not overseeing Obama’s library. The Times published the following:

And the entire complex, including the museum chronicling Mr. Obama’s presidency, will be run by the foundation, a private nonprofit entity, rather than by the National Archives and Records Administration, the federal agency that administers the libraries and museums for all presidents going back to Herbert Hoover.”

5.  The sanity of these times?


  1. Don't know if we had this already.

  2. Sunday morning heart-warmer.

  3. Related to 9

  4. Just to give everybody a heads up - could be something or nothing but suddenly I'm getting some unusual stuff whenever I visit the Gateway Pundit site.

    First thing I spotted is a close gadget right at the bottom of the page, all on its own. This will disappear if clicked on, but on further digging I find that the close gadget is attached to an invisible 728x0px area called 'persistent footer', according to the Firefox 'inspect element' function. When clicked the close gadget simply disappears, it does not actually close the persistent footer. The footer is connected to and runs a script that I cannot get access to.

    Second is when I go to click out. I get a popup asking me if I really want to leave the page, as information may be lost. The right-click is also disabled so I can't inspect that element. I can, however, use Privacy Badger to block that and the footer.

    Privacy Badger shows 16 blocked trackers, whilst Startpage Privacy Protection shows 15 blocked trackers and 1 cookie. UBlock Origin shows 31 blocked trackers with 11 out of 30 domains connected.

    As I said this may be nothing nefarious. On the other hand it could be something running on the page that GP are not aware of (though they should be at least aware of the visible close gadget). The only errors that show up on the page are those showing that my attempted connections to read the scripts were denied.

    1. The GP is toxic, I don’t trust its modus operandi one little bit but we have the Evets filter here and get the general idea without having to run that gauntlet. I went there yesterday and was hit by panels and pop-ups, plus nauseous ads. Yet the copy is the only game in town right now.

    2. I've given up with GP as
      a) they are mostly aggregating from others' work and thus late with the news. I prefer to give the clicks to those actually putting the work in.
      b) I'm fed up of boat/bus/bike/plane spotting to access the site and now I can't view the site at all unless I subscribe. The subscribe pop-up superimposing articles doesn't close. So it is goodbye GP from me.

      Btw, there's a new search engine in town - Doesn't do gargoyle censorship.

    3. PD - Was just going to say this but you beat me to it. GP never has any exclusive content that isn't available at a ton of other places. Most news on there refers to Twitter comments and Rumble videos. So GP isn't the only game in town by a long stretch.

      One thing I don't like about the site is having to login to the poisonous Disqus to read comments. The comments section on any site is the most useful thing for getting info from other places or new discoveries - you can start reading comments on one subject and be pointed to 10 more elsewhere. I won't touch Disqus with a barge pole.

      Anyway, have been to the site and blocked the persistent footer and its close gadget with UBlock Origin. The popup on leaving the page has now also gone.

      I know you don't bother with GP any more PD, but you could get rid of these subscribe popups forever and get uninterrupted access to the site by setting up a filter script in UBlock Origin. I've done this with Twitter, blocked the popup which asks you to sign in/telephone number etc, even blocked the cookie bar and now its unchallenged access. I don't, and never have had a Twitter account. But like James has often said, Twitter may be a cess pit but really good for breaking news until Twitter censors it.

      Again, showing how useful the comments section is - thanks PD, I'll give Freespoke a check out later.


Comments need a moniker of your choosing before or after ... no moniker, not posted, sorry.