Saturday, June 12, 2021

Francis and Ros as Paul and Steve

The problem with most MSM reviews, in my eyes, is that they will simply not take risks in delivering less than a eulogy and so it is here with the Paul Temple TV series:

Francis Matthews once complained: “Generally nobody wants me to do anything but stand there in a suit and tie, with a cigarette, being sophisticated. Funnily enough that’s the hardest part. You haven’t got anything to help. But give me a funny hat and a silly voice and I’m halfway there.” 

The trouble was that Matthews, whether he liked it or not, had the handsome, laidback presence that attracted adjectives such as urbane, debonair and suave. It was happening before his most famous television role, as the detective Paul Temple, and it continued to dog him long afterwards.

Or from the left bank:

Saturday [7 to 9]

9.  Utter hogwash

Difficult finding expletives to describe these crims which would not dismay our more genteel readers but seriously, this from the LDS emailing…
Florida has been open since September 2020. Texas reopened in March. But this delay means the U.K. won’t be open until at least July 19th. I’d like to say the Prime Minister will suffer the consequences at the polls for continuing to keep the electorate under extreme restrictions, ignoring the plain evidence from the U.S. that reopening is safe, as well as the overwhelming evidence that lockdowns don’t reduce transmission. But we all know most of our fellow citizens will buy the fear they’re sold and lap up the lockdown, and likely reward the Conservatives at the next election for keeping them “safe”.
Johnson or whomever it is will suffer nothing.  The electoral system has him not facing an election for years and sure enough, approaching the next one, they’ll trot out yet another Krankie or Corbyn bete noire and all the good people on the “right”, as they did last time, will go out and vote blue rosette again, ushering in another five years of whoever fronts the party in his earnest, “for the people” appeal, thereafter reverting full-cuck.  Game sewn up.

I even met someone some time ago who earnestly wanted to discuss the latest R rate with me - you wot?  Latest film classification?  Seems it’s something to do with Ferguson or Whitty whom I’ve never listened to once.  Why on earth would any sane person give that the slightest heed?

8.  Steve

Saturday [4 to 6]

Added to this morning as and when.

6.  Certainly are

“There are fake political operatives in the church and there is a huge battle over property and cash that looks like Grand Theft Auto. There is an election for a new President of the Southern Baptist Convention, and we have a sort of MAGA candidate, Mike Stone who is being destroyed by leftist candidates who want control. We have the left loading up the committees for control and using Critical Race Theory as an excuse to get access to church property and to the members, by using the same tactics to discredit candidates they don’t like, just like we see in national politics.”

Words cannot express my disgust for these Harper Valley PTA types but much worse than that - wreaking huge damage through all Churches, confusing these abominations with the church of like souls worldwide.

5.  Conservative Woman

Where are the brave men of a reasonable age?

Sorry, I’m not getting off this topic just yet, if at all.  Saturday [3] looked at this:

I could have chosen from how many hundred links from DR, Steve, Ripper, Rossa’s mother, Torquaymada and a dozen more yet unnnamed - any one of those links a potential post.  So I chose this one.  Later, I’ll go back and look through “our gang’s” offerings and choose one.

Mindy Robinson’s post on GAB stated:

Saturday [1 to 3]

3.  The disconnect between the people and the criminal machine

The embarrassing bollox of fawning Johnson and coup figurehead Biden, legitimised by the MSM and lapped up by Woke sheeple worldwide is not a spectacle I’ll devote any column inches to.

Meanwhile, without the billions of dollars/pounds those faceless crims are pouring in to prop up this travesty, ordinary people, at least in the States, are trying to pour dimes in to stem this tide:

There are many reasons ordinary people do not rise and one is, “Who will bell the cat?”  There is no real mechanism available.  Not sure if you’re aware that there is a recall mechanism in Russia - yep, vilified Russia, similar to the States but of course - just try to activate it!  We saw numerous examples locally, nothing nationally or republic by republic.

“Lack of political will”, the killing off of any “leadership” as it pokes its head above the parapet, the pouring in of obscene amounts of money to propagate and maintain the fraud, the failure of people in general to see through the bollox but having seen, keeping quiet about it and hoping someone else will start something rolling … this is different either side of the pond and even the channel.

Friday, June 11, 2021

The curious case of Gal Gadot

Sounds fair, does it not?

"I am sending my love and prayers to my fellow Israeli citizens. Especially to all the boys and girls who are risking their lives protecting my country against the horrific acts conducted by Hamas, who are hiding like cowards behind women and children ..."

She was not telling any untruths there, right?

The issue she has is that her-half leftism, being a woman into this tree hugging, love-everythingism must be tempered by the bitter reality of life in an endangered nation. There's this natural kibbutz type of leftism which lets you also run businesses there, it's not unlike Russia in that the hardwired western division into sane politics versus global socialist, insane left Wokery is another thing again, does not work that way in the non-west.

Thus, in the US, she goes on pigswill shows such as SNL and the rest, expecting low ethics left troughers to extend to her this love-all thing ... and then finds out that they are the actual vicious racists and sexists on that side, let alone congenital liars in line with their ideology.

And while the left clamours for her taking down and perhaps DC have acceded, the toxic white males of the right still swoon before her - same sort of thing happened with that Lindsay Shepherd in Canada - pure SJW, finding out what total tossers the left really, whilst begrudgingly understanding that she's actually accepted by our side by taking the red pill.  But her brainwashing won't let her accept it, just as with Lara Logan.