Saturday, June 12, 2021

Where are the brave men of a reasonable age?

Sorry, I’m not getting off this topic just yet, if at all.  Saturday [3] looked at this:

I could have chosen from how many hundred links from DR, Steve, Ripper, Rossa’s mother, Torquaymada and a dozen more yet unnnamed - any one of those links a potential post.  So I chose this one.  Later, I’ll go back and look through “our gang’s” offerings and choose one.

Mindy Robinson’s post on GAB stated:

It’s not about pushing for a certain party or wanting one candidate to win over the other, it’s about making sure our votes matter. Unlike a lawsuit where it would be our job to prove anything, these affidavits remind the state that its actually their job to prove to us [there] wasn’t fraud. They are bound by the constitution to look into investigating if we suspect something, and I don’t think people realize that. We the People of Nevada have legitimate questions about this election that the powers that be are being very combative about answering. Why did counting stop? Why weren’t poll watchers allowed to be close enough to observe? Why did dead people get ballots? Who certified these machines before the election? I just find it odd that CNN, ABC, and even top level Dems like Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris all believed these machines were easily hackable and a danger to our Republic….right up until they got the result they wanted? We just want to know if our votes mattered and it’s 100% on the state to prove it to us if we petition them…which we just officially did.

What a gal!  Look at some others - Laura Loomer, MTG, Michelle Malkin in her day, Candace Owens - can you see why it dismays me to see the MGTOW boys laying into ALL women  when it’s a distinct large proportion to be hauled over the coals?  Not this largish minority, no way!  

And again, where are the key men in the public eye?  What does Rand Paul actually do?  Jim Jordan?  Where did Tom Fitton go?  All men still within an active age of 35 to 55, after which we tend to write and tend the garden.  Who’s the male equivalent of Conservative Woman?

They’re working, ok.  They’re in Woke jobs, the cancer is in every workplace.  But not one man?  Not even one solitary man anywhere leading the charge?

Plenty of men and women at a more street level, going to rallies, to protests - we have them here contributing and reading.  I’m looking at high profile men as Farage once was.  Any around?


  1. The remaining men are simply waiting for women to finish burning everything down so we can start the Patriarchy back up again.

  2. There won't be any men soon if the young men risk the wacky-vaccy

    Look at #6 & 7 on that thread.


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