Tuesday, June 23, 2020

All the children are insane

Lost in a Roman wilderness of painAnd all the children are insaneAll the children are insaneWaiting for the summer rain, yeah

The theme of the previous political post [before the boat post] was what is actually happening.  This one looks at why two groups do as they do.

Starting with the Z Man:

One thing that seems to be true of all civilizations that are in crisis is they have a period in which the laws are no longer respected by the people in power. It is not exactly a period of lawlessness, as in chaos. That certainly does happen when the crisis reaches the point when the official authority can no longer project power. Before that, there is a time when the people charged with enforcing the laws simply stop doing it on a consistent basis. The law becomes arbitrary and selective.

Further down:

Boat things

Nothing's altered except the fwd sail ... the image is not up to scratch but that's the fault of the diagram, my original, which has seen so much tweaking, it's starting to go through the paper. However, you can get a rough idea.

Aiming at around 540 sq feet all up, also wanting to keep mast height under 20 feet, given my shallow draft, this can be done by three identical lugs of 180 sq ft, but they involve taller masts.

Or else the fwd sail needs to be larger.  I'm not keen on running the aft sail larger, as in a schooner, as there's no area fwd of the bow to balance it.

The pollies are now taking the p***

We're unfortunately in this position where we can do nothing ourselves to stop it but these people above have definitely gone beyond the pale and are now extracting the micturation - it's the most polite way I can put it:

UK Prepared to Accept Tariffs as Price for Diverging from EU Standards: Report

The pressure on decent people to walk off their jobs and march on somewhere or someone is intense.  The PTB are cowards, knowing old people can't very well form an army which could shift these politicians and place-people in key posts throughout the land.  

Nor can working people who must look after their families and their livelihoods - all very well for those on benefits, where everyday is a breeze.

If we ever have another election, which I doubt, I'll not be voting Tory, Labour, LibDem, Green or any shape or form of the cucks and the left.



I've posted this as well at OoL, plus at the old site and have turned comments partially on [meaning regular commenters].  If it works and I can continue to get in, then it might save us from more drastic action.  Watching closely.


5.  [Cough]

4.  Bring it on


Apparently the authorities in Chaz were immensely flattered to see themselves being compared to French Revolutionaries. Now, a thing everyone knows about the French Revolution—even, I guess, the drug-addled, low-IQ, miseducated rabble running Chaz—a thing everyone knows is that the revolutionaries chopped off the heads of the former ruling class, including the king and queen, with the guillotine.

Don't moan, act!

I'm assuming he's not just sitting back moaning:


I'm hoping he actually has people on the ground who are on his side and can move to stop these ballots under some anti-fraud EO. 

He may be waiting to see what happens in November but to my mind, that's too late. If they win it, the Rats, then he is not in a good place for ordering any investigation.

The Rats know they're doing it, nothing he says will change that, so what's the point of telling supporters how rotten the DemRats are?  What can the people do, except turn out in large numbers or start a civil war? 

Risky, especially if Cv part two descends.

Monday, June 22, 2020

11 p.m. notes

Just ‘checking in’ so to speak, out like a light about 8 p.m., awake now, realised there was a task to get over and approve comments.  I really do NOT like doing this to readers, as if I’m some tinpot high-up ... it’s not the nature of this blog at all, I simply don’t accept it.

But equally, I do know how horrible Blgr comment captcha is and most of the time, the blogger him or herself has no idea that ggl are presenting panel after panel at his readers, spotting the traffic lights or zebra crossings or buses.  Truly ... does Blgr think this is right to do to people?  Grrrrr.