Wednesday, September 09, 2009

[graffiti] when it is a national art form

From Alexandra Hertell, of Iceland Review:

Icelanders are not only creative but also superstitious and many, especially in the countryside, believe in gnomes, trolls, and hidden people.

The art splashed around town is playful and reminiscent of their particular cultural psyche. Spontaneous street creations are usually left intact by the government.

During Culture Night, which celebrates just that, young artists embellish various walls as a reminder that street art is a modern form of expression to be acknowledged alongside the Skaldic poetry of the Vikings.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

[toilet talk] in the middle of the night

Imagine the door frame more solid than this, floor to ceiling.

Russian cafes fall roughly into two categories - the old and the new. The old have natural airconditioning, as I call it and are not noted for either the service or the food quality. The new use the latest materials but things can be built in an interesting manner.

They like to use this plastic covered metal which we have for window frames, only they use it for anything, including bathroom doors. Another thing they often do is not think of consequences because a Russian simply can't plan. He's friendly, brave and handsome but he can't plan.

Therefore, when our anti-hero lost his girlfriend and went to the cafe to drown his sorrows, a number of things happened. One was that, near closing time, he went to the loo and what with one thing and another, he fell asleep. Now, the door to the loo closed in a snug fit with the metal lip of the frame [draughts in a Russian winter can be unpleasant] and though there was an extractor fan inside, it did not connect with the outside world but into another room at the back and through a tiny opening.

About this time, the waitress went off-duty and the manager and the floor manager came in, cupboards, doors and anything lockable was locked, including the loo, the lights were switched off and the building vacated until the next morning. As this cafe was in town, there were no houses and thus no one about in the wee hours.

When he came to, our anti-hero realized the situation, hollered and tried to kick down the door, except that it opened inwards and now, as he wrenched at it, the handle came off. There was water in the bowl, water in the taps at the wash basin but the air was becoming musty because of course, all the power had been turned off and he was in pitch black.

When his eyes adjusted, he saw that he was not in complete pitch black, as the tiny connecting hole of the fan admitted some air flow but not enough and it was becoming clear that his air supply was ever so slowly diminishing.

Now he had some decisions to make. If he shouted, he used the air. If he tried to break down the door, that had consequences too.

What should his steps have been?

[late evening listening] sade

Judging by the last Sade piece, she's not all that popular or her style of singing is not so this evening's piece is clearly just something I like and that's that. Sometimes one has to do these things.

[sherlock again] how much did each cost

Dr. Watson purchased six garden ornaments, which he duly placed around the back garden at 221b Baker Street, only to find that when he awoke the next morning, some thief had made off with them all.

"They cost me a fortune," he complained to Sherlock Holmes. The six items had individually cost Watson £4, £10, £12, £15, £18 and £24.

a. The statue of Peter Pan cost £3 less than the statue of Admiral Nelson.
b. The fishing gnome cost £8 more than the hanging basket.
c. The reading gnome cost £14 less than the small fountain.

What did each cost?

[iceland] last post corrected

I've received a reply from Iceland Review to this post, correcting me on a number of points. Sorry, Iceland.

[match tricks four] try before you check

Arrange 4 matches to make a glass with a cherry inside it.

Now move only 2 matches to leave a glass with the cherry outside it.

Check the solution.

You might like to try these too:

Matchtricks 1
Matchtricks 2
Matchtricks 3

In particular, look at the alternative solution Lord T has provided to N3. Smarta--e!