Saturday, June 20, 2009

[twenty4seven] are you dreaming

This is a group which always puzzled me. When they were in vogue, so was Betty Boo, Paula Abdul and MC Hammer who was soon to drop the MC. Dance music and Game Boys were the rage and at this time, I was back in England, I'd bought the Twenty4Seven cassette and had it on quite loud on the way back from Newcastle in the little roadster. This was when Take That was in full swing, also New Kids on the Block and East 17 were about to come on the scene, so you can gather the tastes of the people in the car.

They were polite about Twenty4Seven, one said he'd seen a vid and the group danced well, the girl was nice and that was that. They didn't diss the group but somehow it didn't capture them. So, as I said above, I always wondered about it because they were big in Europe and did well worldwide but not in the U.K. for some reason.

Now that this music is out of vogue, I suppose I'll never find out. I can only surmise that the sound was a bit thin and they appeared a bit amateur, esp. at Top of the Pops. I don't know - they had the rhythm, the dancing, the girl's voice and the regulation suggestion of rap. In the end, I suppose it was that the girl's singing was of a different genre to Captain Hollywood's rap. Maybe the 'love the world' lyrics didn't move people who were looking for a harder edge - it killed off MC Hammer, after all.

See what you think. This was their biggest hit.

[dishonesty] promoted above their station

There is an appalling person over in Canada who has already been fisked by Mark Steyn and Ezra Levant.

These people are always head of this commission or that, aren't they? PC obeyers who are therefore given the nod. In this case, Jennifer Lynch, head of the Canadian Human Rights Commission. As you'd expect, as in the 1984 Ministry of Truth or the Ministry of Love, the opposite is the case.

Her tactics are to make long, aggressive, jingoistic speeches from the safety of her office then to cocoon herself from any possible criticism by refusing to answer questions. Her idea of debate is for the opponent to go on the talk show first and have his say then, once he's gone, she comes on and gives her point of view for people to listen to.

How many of these earthworms do we have in Britain? Could you think of anyone offhand?

[lisbon] the last candle flickers in october

This will need to be confronted by the ordinary man and woman before October.

The press first, in the words of EU Referendum:

[In this recession], increasingly, the news is not generated by newspapers but by the various agencies. Much of the copy is now simply a "cut and paste" job, with a few tweaks, the less honest of the papers then simply adding their journos' names to the final result. Where this gets important is that a very few news agencies (and then a very few journalists within those agencies) are essentially controlling the print (and indeed much of the rest of the electronic) media.

Through this means, one sees insidious distortions and simplifications which completely change the context of the political debate. And, like water flowing through the cracks in the dam, they percolate everywhere, finding their way into thousands of print and online journals, influencing the way people think about the world.

So, while the major players on the No side put their view on the 2nd Lisbon vote, AP reported it as 'Ireland Votes Again' - distortion of the debate and 'the poisonous drip of misinformation'.

On the chances of a No vote second time around:

However, it seems to us obvious that Mr Ganley made a monumental mistake when he allowed his vanity to lead him into trying to form a pan-European party.

Flushed with the triumph of the No vote in the first Irish referendum he ought to have sat back and said that he was interested only in stopping the treaty. This could not be done in the Toy Parliament (a point that escaped Mr Ganley, I suspect) and, therefore, Libertas was not going to get involved in those elections but wait for the second referendum and campaign there.

At most, he should have campaigned only in Ireland, making that into a back-up referendum. He and his colleagues might have done quite well.

Instead, Mr Ganley decided to promote himself and his followers into a band of brothers dedicated to the salvation and reform of the European project. They failed miserably and deservedly. In the process, though, they destroyed Libertas's political credibility in Ireland and damaged, very severely, the chances of a No vote in October when the second referendum is likely to take place. (Smart money is on October 10 but no decision can be taken until the Referendum Bill is passed by the Dail in July.)

The battle in Ireland will be a tough one, made much tougher by Declan Ganley's recent antics and failure. We, in this country, must do all we can to help. This blog is standing by.

Courtesy of EU Referendum, here is the list of British traitors who defied public opinion and voted Yes to Lisbon, knowing full well, in the words of Heritagedotorg:

The new Treaty poses the biggest threat to national sovereignty in Europe since the Second World War, would threaten the future of the Anglo-American Special Relationship, and would significantly weaken the transatlantic alliance.

So what's new in this post?

Only a perspective.

Most anti-Union pundits concentrate on the threat to our sovereignty and to the corruption of the EU. Not many write of who would head it. Yes, I know Tony Blair has been mooted and Barroso but I mean who will really control Europe.

The powers that allowed and funded Hitler's rise are still there. The majority of the Thirteen Families are still there. The Round Table Groups are still there. It's not the very monolithic nature of the Union and the hoovering up of all semblance of sovereignty within the UK which frightens me the most - it's the presence of real evil in the heart of Europe, the posterity of the generators of strife over the centuries. They're the ones whose puppets will govern and the work they had Hitler doing, which went pear-shaped due to his imperfections, can begin again.

Do you honestly believe that the people who put Hitler in power were all killed in the bunker with him? Or did they just slip back into the shadows to wait for the next opportunity?

It's not just an economic zone we're on about here, it's not just the shape of your power sockets - it's the whole sordid agenda of 1929 to 1945 all over again. Make no mistake, if Lisbon goes through in Ireland, the implementation pan-Europe will be swift and complete. Then the real agenda will begin pulling what was the UK into the vortex with it.

It's not at all fanciful to suggest - just look at the whole nature of the European Project to date, the strongarm tactics, lies and spin, their very manner of going about business - that the very things Churchill spoke of those black radio nights will have to be spoken of again, only this time, minus a Churchill.

I'm in training and ready to rejoin Dad's Army but unfortunately, the enemy is already inside and in power in every region, in key posts in all fields. This time, Britain, no one is going to send up Spitfires, no one is going to rally us all together. This time, the vans will be sent to quietly mop up all known insurgents in a time of crisis - you, me and every blogger who has dared to speak out against this monstrosity.

Ireland must vote NO.

By the way, here's Vox Day's transatlantic interview with Dan Hannan, touching on why he [mistakenly] supported Obama, why he doesn't stand for a place in the UK parliament and including views on the BNP.

[blowflies] disturbing increase in unexplained deaths

How do you eliminate these varmints? Personally, I have a can of Raid nearby but what's this I'm finding? The buggers are dying of their own accord.

Right through the flat, dotted here and there are upended and very dead flies. Something, someone, some powerful force, maybe the Fed, maybe Gordo, maybe the one whose name must not be mentioned, is doing this.

It's a conspiracy.

Friday, June 19, 2009

[art of noise] peter gunn theme

In 1987, two of us choreographed the Peter Gunn theme for a bunch of kids in a review, around a single street lamp, slightly stage left. Was this one of the earlier pole dances? We were pretty chuffed by it, they looked slick, the guys and gals and my friend was a pretty hot choreographer. The light and sound were in place and a techie I knew came in gave it the once over, so all seemed well.

They did do it well but unfortunately most people likened it to Bugsy Moran so it lost a bit of its wow factor plus the song was still too freshly in people's minds and everyone was doing arrangements to it. Doesn't matter. Whenever I listen to this I still remember that black and white number.

It would have been nice if the Art of Noise could have run the characters in the video in monochrome and the girl's dress in red. That's just my personal preference though.

[weekend poll] age and beauty

Yes, Rachel, the Boys' Poll is next Friday.

Well, I've already made a hash of this right from the start. I left Nigella off and Freepolls only allow ten variants. So the only way out of it [some votes already having been cast] is to count TOTAL VOTES and I'll tot up the percentages once it's all done, after the weekend.

Now, let's get down to it

Only a fool would claim that young women are not beautiful and enticing but 'sexy' is a much broader term than just perfect skin and sharp movements. It's the combination of so many things and the expression that a woman is like a fine wine - better as she gets older, I'd vouch for from my [limited] experience.

There's an animal wildness and a knowledgeability to the experienced lady [in the one or two I've known] which the younger girl is going to have to wait years to develop.

So, here are eleven such ladies for you to vote for in the right sidebar. Remember that you're allowed multiple votes done at one time.

1. Stevie Nicks [61]

2. Queen Noor of Jordan [57]

3. Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. President of Argentina [56]

4. Segolene Royal [55]

5. Michelle Pfeiffer [51]

6. Ann Curry, U.S. television personality [51]

7. Susanna Hoffs, from the Bangles [50]

8. Kate Bush - yes, Kate herself [50]

9. Julia Louis Dreyfus, U.S. actress and comedienne [47]
[This picture was removed on 02/11/10 at the request of JL Dreyfus's management.]

10. Monica Bellucci [44]

You must be wondering about Catherine Zeta-Jones, Emmanuelle Beart, Queen Rania of Jordan, Audrey Tautou, Carla Bruni and many others. They're all too young! Slips of girls.

You might be wondering about why Christie Brinkley's not here either. She's a model and I've left the models out because their profession is beauty.

2nd group - those the readers insist should be there

11. Nigella Lawson [47]