Saturday, June 13, 2009

[kate middleton] time to transcend euro prep

What's the problem here? That shirt of course and the fact that it is not Kate. Now if she could relax with a stripier shirt, be more Middleton in bearing and not flash those gloves, she'd pass muster.

Of course, girls, if you really want to look like Kate Middleton, you need to find:

“... cable-knit cashmere in pastel colours, velvet scrunchies, riding boots worn over jeans” and “traditional labels like Barbour, Hackett, [and] Thomas Pink.” Dress in a “stripy shirt under a fitted tweed jacket, and lots of rings,” and you’ll have the Euro prep style down pat just like Kate.

Now, in the photo lower right, that's how it should be done. Also note the hair.

Marilyn puts us on to this article about how the hair should be done. From Philip Kingsley preen cream to Frizz Control, this is the right stuff.

The main thing is, Kate is moving into the matrimonial phase in a month so she really should metamorphose her Euro prep look into a more neo-Sloane.

Above all, my advice to her is not to get too pregnant until after July 2009 when it's possible we'll hear wedding bells according to a little bird who told me.

So, back to Kate watching. By the way, Kate has now drawn level in the Brit Poll.

Here's a Kate poll you just have to check out before you die!

[not half bad] wonder what year it was

All right - no doubt you all know about this concert at the Royal Albert when I was still over in Russia. I was looking up the Small Faces on youtube, then the Faces, which then led to the video below.

Don't know about you but as a rule, I can't stand dinosaur reunions or charity concerts where everyone tries to outdo one another and massacre good songs. Also, there really does come a time when dinosaurs should quietly fade away - IMHO, for example, the Stones are now a sad parody.

So, with trepidation, the play button was clicked.

Hey, do you agree old Rod wasn't altogether bad? Be fair - his voice didn't crack but better than that, surely, was the mandolin player in the background - she needed instant researching. Maybe she's famous but I'd never seen her before ... J'Anna Jacoby ... hmmmm ... very nice indeed.

This is of interest too.

[bbc reduces services] in your best interests

Yet another attempt by a department to reduce services to the public:

Across the BBC website we are making a change to the way we present content for audiences inside and outside the UK.

Up to now, people outside the UK who visited the website could select a UK version and those within the UK could select an international version of the site.

A radio button in the "set location" section at the top of the BBC homepage and on the left hand side of News and Sport pages allowed you to switch between versions.

From now on this won't be the case. The button is going, so if you are inside the UK you will simply see the UK version, outside the UK you'll see the international version.

Isn't that nice? Some comments:

# 29 comments so far, and 100% against the new scheme. As an IT professional, I have to agree that customization of the site based on source IP address is a bad idea. As a reader of the site, I have to agree that I prefer the ability to choose International or UK versions.

# ... "The change also means that the advertising which you can see on our pages if you are outside the UK can be integrated around our pages without the need to change page formats for the UK version of the site" ....

Which we can see on your pages eh? What makes you think we want to see advertising in the first place? Do we have a choice? I complained bitterly when it first started to appear in small doses and was fobbed off with meaningless drivel. I fear the worst for the BBC when hype stories like this emerge.

Typical BBC Arrogance towards many faithful expats who want to keep in touch with home and what is happening there. Personally I don't care about being able to watch TV shows or some other content. I can use the BBC iPlayer to listen to Radio 4 or 5live. However, I do like to see the UK Content upfront when I sign in and be able to go to the UK Sites that I like.

Speaking personally, when I was in Russia, I wanted the UK version. Now I'm here, I want the international version.

[climate change] still blinkered in britain

While you could be forgiven for thinking, on your blog rounds, that there's absolutely no change going on, no siree, meanwhile the climate is actually ...

... er ... changing.

In countries like Russia where it's as obvious as the lack of snow until the new year and the severely contracted winter, in Australia, they're also feeling the heat:

Thousands of demonstrators have rallied across Australia to demand greater government action to protect the environment from climate change. Scientists have warned that Australia is particularly vulnerable to the effects of a shifting climate.

In countries like Australia, where it is more accelerated, naturally the clamour will come more quickly than say, in Britain, where Brit bloggers still churn out stats to 'prove' that what is happening elsewhere isn't happening and anyway, even if it is, human agency is in no way involved. When pressed, they say well, let's wait and see. Yeah, really good. Let the house of cards come down and then watch them falling. Great policy.

And these are otherwise intelligent men and women. Fortunately, there are actual experts who are trying to get people to wake up:

New data was presented in Copenhagen on sea level rise, which indicated that the best estimates of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) made two years ago were woefully out of date.Dr Katherine Richardson, who chaired the scientific steering committee that organised the conference and issued the six "key messages", said the research presented added new certainty to the IPCC reports.

"We've seen lots more data, we can see where we are, no new surprises, we have a problem."

More than 2,500 researchers and economists attended this meeting designed to update the world on the state of climate research ahead of key political negotiations set for December this year.

What about the actual science? New Scientist says:

Rising CO2 was not the trigger that caused the initial warming at the end of these ice ages - but no climate scientist has ever made this claim. It certainly does not challenge the idea that more CO2 heats the planet. We know that CO2 is a greenhouse gas because it absorbs and emits certain frequencies of infrared radiation. Basic physics tells us that gases with this property trap heat radiating from the Earth, that the planet would be a lot colder if this effect was not real and that adding more CO2 to the atmosphere will trap even more heat.

The issue is with the political process before any sort of carbon footprinting of the ordinary citizen takes place. So far, global policy has been to make you and me feel guilty and allow governments themselves to continue along the same path they had been before, with the situation steadily getting worse and worse.

Just on sheer population growth alone, let alone all its associated evils and leaving climate change out of it, governments have shown no inclination to offer more than lip service to radically address the question.

When global warming re-enters the discussion, the first fingers need to point at China. Next, the U.S. dependence on the internal combustion engine and the chemical pollutant releases need to be seen to. On the other hand, plant emissions themselves are perhaps causing cooling in some parts, along with added pollution. Bio-fuels seem hardly likely to help either in attempting to alleviate the uneven temperature increases.

Friday, June 12, 2009

[weekend poll] sexiest current era aircraft

1. F18 hornet [lost link, sorry]

9. Eurofighter Typhoon

10. AH 64 Apache

You might like to look at this at Theo's too.

Thanks to my mate for the assistance.

If you think two or three other distinct craft have been left off, feel free to say.

How to vote

Choose any three you think the sexiest and click on them in descending order of merit in the poll in the right sidebar at the top. It's best to open this post first in a new page.

[evil ways] revisited

Everyone has it somewhere in a collection but it never dies, this track and this particular performance has a nice intensity to it.

Sound quality could have been better but .. hey.