Monday, May 25, 2009

[passenger to frankfurt] wisdom unwonted

God-free-morals takes me to task for tearing down the holy cows of godless humanism – the so-called ‘great’ philosophers but I charge that the humanists themselves are tearing down the greatest humanitarian of all, a philanthropist and a scientist to boot, then crying foul when it’s done to them. I see precious little practical, hands-on philanthropy in this interesting theorizing – there’s nothing in it for the common man and it’s the common man plus truth that this blog is interested in.

I’ve been called ‘ignorant’ for daring to question the unholy icons of irrationalism, having majored [admittedly long ago] in political philosophy for my degree. So yes, I have read through their turgid texts and parroted them with enthusiasm at the time and the finished product was to be accepted as a paid up member of the Fabians.

The things we do when we’re still in our philosophically formative years.

Whilst my natural metier is G-d, Queen and country and I feel comfortable with that from my upbringing, nevertheless, if you can show, on reasonable grounds, that the Queen is concurrently guilty of being head of an occult family and a temporal realm, if you can show that Voltaire was fundamentally flawed or that David Beckam is not god, then I’m willing to hear it.

Certain things stick in the mind and one which sticks in mine is a dialogue by Morse and Detective-Sergeant Lewis in Vicenza, when they were hot on the trail of a subtle murderer on whom no mud would stick. Lewis despaired, ‘Maybe it was an accident after all, sir,’ to which Morse, exasperated, replied:

When will you recognize the undertone, Lewis? There’s something, an image. A room. In Oxford. A note in an envelope. A woman’s body hanging in a doorway. She’d promised to testify against Clark [the suspected murderer of a current day woman who’s seemingly suicided]. But her nerve failed. Under his persuasion probably.

He’s … in … this!

Recognizing the undertone – so difficult for so many.

The immediate charge against Morse, myself and out ilk is that we’re obsessed with the destruction of another person, that we’re off our heads. Or as Paul [Saul] of Tarsus was charged by Festus:

Thou art beside thyself; much learning doth make thee mad.

We’re certainly unpleasant to behold whilst in full pursuit and all sympathy is, understandably, with the guilty, the perceived ‘innocent’ victims of the withering barrage.

What the people who make those counter-charges never explain though is what possible gain is there in it for the pursuer, the bloodhound, the guided missile? What’s in it personally for him or her? Money? Morse is an excellent example of a non-respecter of persons whilst being a devout respecter of people. He’ll go where the leads take him. There was much in Paul’s manner which was galling, especially his absolute conviction that he was on the right path and yet it’s this sort of person who finds things out in the end, who gets the results.

Dates are very important things in discussing anything of major importance, especially when something written earlier turns out to accord with more modern revelations.

There’s a lady I sometimes quote from her 2000AD article on Them and so far, the things she alleged have only been supported with the passing of the years.

Similarly, there are things written in Passenger to Frankfurt, by Agatha Christie [1970] which mesh with what has been subsequently learned. Only in the context of when it was written, only in the context of things which have come to light since then and from a mind which allows such a scenario to be seen as possible, can it be taken seriously.

‘Marvellously entertaining,’ wrote the Observer but I’d have to disagree. ‘Uncannily accurate in places,’ would have been my comment. As a story, it’s perhaps one of her weakest, it is single-plotted and driven by an idea which in those days was in the realm of pure fantasy. She wrote herself:

It is not an impossible story – it is only a fantastic one.

The reason it is so weak in plot and dialogue is that it has no basis in known reality but she’d got this idea into her head about the shape of things to come and all plot devices were governed by this idea, all relationships, all dialogue, served this end. Nothing stood on its own, in its own right, as a piece of entertainment.

Christie’s world-view was always pro-human, slightly orthodox and filled with compassion for the afflicted. It was also scathing about those who would destabilize the world for their own selfish ends. Very young in WW1, she lived through the depression years and WW2, plus its aftermath, so her views were bound to be coloured by these things.

The context of her 1970 story had to have been the student riots in Paris in 1968, the climate of terror sweeping the world – Munich was only two years away, the machinations of various parties behind the scenes -Watergate was also two years away and the falling away of society, which is interesting to read in this story because many feel the breakdown is a more recent phenomenon.

The lady was also nearing the end of her life and as her writing prowess had necessarily diminished, she rambled more than in her best works, yet she was deeply concerned with the state of affairs which were beginning to consume society. She wrote of these:

‘What is going on in the world today? What is everyone saying, thinking, doing? Every day there is a killing, a girl strangled, elderly woman attacked and robbed of her meagre savings, young men and boys attacking or attacked, buildings and telephone kiosks smashed or gutted, drug smuggling, robbery and assault, children missing and children’s murdered bodies found not far from their homes. Can this be England? Is England really like this? One feels no – not yet – but it could be.’

This was written, remember, in 1970.

She continues, through the mouth of one of her characters:

‘Fear is awakening, fear of what may be. Not so much of actual happenings but because of the possible causes behind them, some known, some unknown but felt. And not only in our own country. Hijacking of planes, kidnapping, violence, riots, hate, anarchy.

They, whoever they are, work through youth in every country. Youth has always rebelled. You pull down, you want the world to be different from what it is. But you’re blind too. There are bandages over the eyes of youth, they can’t see what’s going to come next. And who is behind them, urging them on? That’s what’s frightening about it. You know, someone holding out the carrot to get the donkey to come along and at the same time there is someone behind the donkey, urging it on with a stick.’
The other character now says: ‘You’ve got some extraordinary fancies.’

‘There not only fancies. That’s what people said about Hitler. But it was a long, careful preparation. It was a war that was worked out in detail. It was a fifth column being planted in different countries all ready for the supermen. It’s a creed that they’ll be willing to accept if it’s offered cleverly enough.’

‘Whom are you talking about?’

‘I don’t know but there’s something somewhere and it’s running on the same lines. Pattern again you see. It’s so frightening, the same idea which always recurs. History repeating itself. The young Siegfried.

There’s a good deal of alarm and despondency about. More than usual. Something is brewing and the kind of people who will go anywhere, do anything, unfortunately believe anything and so long as they are promised a certain amount of pulling down, wrecking, throwing spanners in the works, then they think the cause must be a good one and that the world will be a different place.

They’re not creative, that’s the trouble, only destructive. The creative young write poems, write books, paint pictures, as they always have done. But once people learn to love destruction for its own sake, evil leadership gets its chance.’

When told that she should bring this to the attention of the authorities, she replies:

‘Politicians don’t have time to look at the world they’re living in. They see the country they’re living in and see it as one vast electoral platform. They do things they honestly think will make things better and then they’re surprised when they don’t make things better because they’re not the things people want to have. And one can’t help coming to the conclusion that politicians have a feeling that they have a kind of divine right to tell lies in a good cause. It’s not really so very long ago since Mr. Baldwin made his famous remark:

If I had spoken the truth, I should have lost the election.’

Recognize any current pollie in this? Then she gets right down to it:

‘There are forces at work always that give you certain things. But behind of each of them [transport, power, energy] there is someone who controls it. You’ve got to find who’s controlling the powers that are slowly gaining ascendancy in practically every country in Europe and further afield … you’ve got to get behind the things that are happening and find out the motive force that’s making them happen.

One thing that makes things happen is money.

There are big movements afoot. There has to be money behind them. We’ve got to find out where that money’s coming from. Who’s operating with it. Where do they get it from? Where are they sending it to?

'Then there are trends.

It’s a word we use a good deal nowadays. Trends or tendencies. A tendency, shall we say, to rebellion shows up. Look back through history. You’ll find it coming again and again, repeating itself like a periodic table, repeating a pattern. A desire for rebellion, the means of rebellion, the form the rebellion takes. It’s not a thing particular to any particular country. If it arises in one country, it will arise in other countries in less or more degrees. It’s a pattern, a pattern that arises and seems inevitable. You can recognize it where you find it.

There was a period when a yearning towards crusades swept countries. All over Europe, people embarked in ships, they went off to deliver the Holy Land. All quite clear, a perfectly good pattern of determined behaviour.

But WHY did they go? That’s the interest of history, you know. Seeing why these desires and patterns arise. It’s not always a materialistic answer either. All sorts of things can cause rebellion – a desire for freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of religious worship, again a series of closely related patterns. It led people to embrace emigration to other countries, to formation of new religions very often as full of tyranny as the forms of religion they had left behind.

But in all this, if you look hard enough, if you make enough investigations, you can see what started the onset of these and many other – I’ll use the same word – patterns.'

'In some ways it’s like a virus disease. The virus can be carried around the world, across seas, up mountains. It can go and infect. It goes apparently without being set in motion. But one can’t be sure, even now, that that was always really true. There could have been causes. Causes which made things happen.

One can go a few steps further – there are people. One person, ten persons, a few hundred persons who are capable of setting in motion a cause. So, it is not the end process one has to look at. It is the first people who set the cause in motion. You have your crusaders, you have your religious enthusiasts, you have your desires for liberty, you have all the other patterns but you’ve got to go back even further still.

Further back to a hinterland. Visions, dreams. The prophet Joel knew it when he said:

Your old men shall dream dreams. Your young men shall see visions.

And of those two, which are the more powerful? Dreams are not destructive. But visions can open new worlds to you – and visions can also destroy the worlds that already exist.’

An example was now given of an Embassy wife who went to hear the Fuehrer speak:

‘Why was everyone so impressed? And so she went. She came back and said, ‘It’s extraordinary. I wouldn’t have believed it. Of course, I don’t understand German very well but I was carried away too. I mean, his ideas were wonderful. They inflamed you. I mean, you just felt there was no other way of thinking, that a whole new world would happen if only one followed him. Oh, I can’t explain properly.’

She was urged to go and actually write down what Hitler said at the next rally. She reported:

‘I started to write down what he said. This is frightening. There wasn’t anything to write down at all. I didn’t seem to be able to remember a single stimulating or exciting sentence. They were just … meaningless. I don’t understand.’


‘Jan Smuts puts it in a phrase: ‘Leadership, besides being a great creative force, can be diabolical.’’

One of the characters then asks what can be done about it.

The answer:

‘You’ve got to go like Kipling’s mongoose. Go and find out. Find out where the money comes from and where the ideas are coming from and where, if I may say so, the machinery comes from. Who is directing the machinery? There’s a Chief of Staff, you know, as well as a Commander-in-Chief. That’s what we’re trying to do.’

Later, in describing the modes of behaviour of a new generation which these people are encouraging:

‘Against their mode of government [democracy], against their parental customs, against the religions in which they were brought up. There is the insidious cult of permissiveness, there is the insidious cult of violence. Violence, not as a means of gaining money but violence for the love of violence. That particularly is stressed and the reasons for it are, to the people concerned, one of the most important things and of the utmost significance.’

‘What about drugs?’

‘The cult of drugs has been deliberately advanced and fomented. Vast sums of money have been made that way but it is not, or so we think, entirely activated for the money motive. It looks that way. People are being arrested and brought to justice. Pushers of drugs will be followed up. But there is more than just the drug racket behind all this. The drug racket is a means and an evil means, of making money. But there is more to it than that.

If you live in a castle on a mountain peak, overlooking the world below you, well, it makes you despise the ordinary folk, doesn’t it? You’re the top one, the grand one.’

Eventually, because Passenger to Frankfurt is a work of fiction, the two heroes do get to penetrate the veil and come face to face with the head of the Bavarian family who is behind it all. Actually, it is a woman, a great mother of darkness and she says:

‘With money, if one knows, if one has the discrimination, what is there that money cannot do? It can give one the best.’

Around the walls of the schloss are countless paintings and other works of art, many of them stolen. Throughout the castle are lines of golden haired, blue-eyed Aryans, singing the most beautiful of Wagnerian stanzas and an element of madness pervades.

A great bell now tolls.

Christie, of course, is in the realm of the novel here and she clearly based her idea of what the real power whom the real world Mr. Whites serve, on a Wagnerian and Nietzschean ideal while the actual head is a fat, bloated testament to total excess, with no constraints.

Your own image here is as good as hers, as good as mine, which is somewhat different to Christie’s. The thing she has got right though is the geographical location of one of the hubs of Europe from where the world trouble is generated and fomented.

‘Modern thought, modern writers and others whom she finances and controls. She’s behind it in once sense, supports rather curious charities, earnest philanthropists and idealists, raises innumerable grants for students and artists and writers.

[But] it’s not yet complete. It’s a great upheaval that’s being planned. It’s believed in, it’s the new heaven and the new earth.

That’s what’s been promised by leaders for thousands of years, promised by religions, promised by those who support Messiahs, promised by those who come back to teach the law, like the Buddha. Promised by politicians. The crude heaven of an easy attainment such as the Assassins believed in …

[Drugs] … only a means of having people bent to her will. It’s one way too of destroying people – the weak ones. The ones she thinks are no good although they had once shown promise. She’d never take drugs herself – she’s strong …

Propaganda is the first stage and behind it, there are vast armaments piling up. Arms that go to deprived countries and then on to elsewhere. Tanks and guns and nuclear weapons that go to Africa and the South Seas and South America. In South America, there’s a lot building up. Forces of young men and women, drilling, training. Enormous arms dumps. Means of chemical warfare.’

On the way impressionable people are sucked into it:

‘That’s a very ancient one, the one that everybody understands and appreciates. Something in it for you. That’s your line. You haven’t been appreciated in the past but all he stands for will hold out the hope of reward to you. Because you give him all the inside dope he wants about your own country, he will promise you places of power in that country in the good times to come.

It’s a world movement all right. They come up from nowhere and destroy everything. They haven’t got knowledge and they haven’t got experience but they’ve got vision and vitality and they’re backed by money. Rivers and rivers of money pouring in. But it’s based on hate, it can’t get anywhere. It can’t move off the ground.

Don’t you remember in 1919, everyone going round with a rapt face saying Communism was the answer to everything? That Marxist doctrine would produce a new heaven brought down to a new earth. So many noble ideas flowing about. But then, you see, whom have you got to work out the ideas with?

After all, only the same human beings you’ve always had. You can create a third world now or so everyone thinks but the third world will have the same people in it as the first world or the second world or whatever names you like to use … and when you have the same human beings running things, they’ll run them in the same way. You’ve only got to look at history.’

‘Does anybody care to look at history nowadays?’

‘No, they’d much rather look forward to an unforeseeable future. Science was once going to be the answer to everything. Freudian beliefs and unrepressed sex would be the next answer to human misery. There’d be no more people with mental troubles. If anyone had said that mental homes would be even fuller as the result of shutting out repressions, nobody would have believed him.’

Ha, ha you effing sheep

And those who oppose these overwhelming forces and the power of money?

‘There’s always an opposition. There are people who have a suspicion of what’s going on, of how the world is going to be made to change, of how, with money, wealth, armaments, idealism, great trumpeting words of power, that’s going to happen.

There are people who say that shall NOT happen.’

I also like this little barb, which could apply to England within the EU:

‘Can we contemplate a corrupt state subsidized from some outside source?’

That was written, as previously stated, in 1970 but based on the knowledge of a lifetime. I also like her diagramatic explanation of how it all works:

Key to Wagner’s Ring:

A = armaments
D = drugs
S = science
J = agents provocateur
F = finance

A little comment of my own:

When the resources of the state, which is itself in debt, in thrall to outside forces, are swung behind youthfully impractical visions of impossible ideals which sweep the new generation along with it, when those visions were fomented and endlessly funded from elsewhere for socially destructive ulterior reasons, when the entire leadership of a country is treasonous and self-serving, in line with the new philosophy, then that country is heading for a fall and so is the known world.

As is now happening.

Fortunately there is an issue in this country which shows these people in their true light, these people who loudly trumpet their new morality and that issue is the gurkhas. That’s how much the corrupt leadership cares for the traditions and for the defenders of this island nation. I can’t adequately express my contempt.

But that’s another topic.

[poll results] new poll up now

Without going overboard, should Brown ...

Be had up on High Treason 17%
Be prosecuted for his crimes 9%
Be summarily hung at Tyburn 17%
Be made to live on the dole 11%
Be forced to live in Bradford 6%
All of the above 14%
Be allowed to retire now 0%
Be rewarded 6%
Something else 20%

35 votes total free polls

From Mark Wadsworth on May 18, 2009 at 4:36 pm.
Oops, I didn't realise there was an 'all of the above' option, please transfer my vote from 'be prosecuted'.

From North Northwester on May 17, 2009 at 2:26 am.
Everything's too good for him, but seeing his simpering clone David Cameron in Number Ten should do it.

From James on May 15, 2009 at 10:04 am.
And it should be done now.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

[the finer things] captions please

[geometry] earth, moon, pyramid

1 Draw the Earth's circumference and superimpose the base of The Great Pyramid on it, so that the diameter of the earth is also the base of the pyramid.

2 Draw the moon in proportion to the Earth and 'rest it on top' of the Earth.

3 Rule a square around the Earth's circumference.

4 Create a third larger circle around the Earth, which is 'the circle squared'.

5 Connect the ends of the base line to the centre of the moon. This new shape is the exact shape of The Great Pyramid, in exact proportion.

6 Place a triangle next to the moon, the same height and leading out to the end of the 'earth enclosing square'. It's the classic 3-4-5 triangle.

The Great Pyramid is at the geographical centre of the Earth, if the total area of land mass is calculated.

[five by five] state your preferences

Let’s do another one of these:

1. Five pet likes

Kindness, intelligence, creativity, humour, one2one with someone who likes me

2. Five pet hates

Artificial bonhomie, enforced dancing, shopping, disloyalty, rank hypocrisy

3. Five pet colours

Maroon, navy, grey, dark olive, black

4. Five pet genres

Action, romance, humour, music, travelogue

5. Me in five words

Passionate, compassionate, careful, dangerous, passive

Your turn …

Saturday, May 23, 2009

[would that it were so] captions please

[squaring the circle] and other gems

Squaring the Circle

Squaring the circle is one of the three great problems of Classical Geometry, along with the trisection of the angle and the duplication of the cube.

Since 1800 B.C. mathematicians have worked on the problem of constructing a square equal in area to that of a given circle. Whether or not this is possible depends, of course, on what tools you allow yourself. Plato insisted that the problem be solved with straightedge and compass only.

To achieve this requires constructing a length equal to Pi times the square of the radius of the circle. Thus when Lindemann proved in 1882 that Pi is transcendental (not the root of any polynomial with rational coefficients) he effectively proved that the construction was impossible with only straightedge and compass.

Dimensions of The Great Pyramid

Some interesting mathematics is associated with The Great Pyramid of Cheops. Here are its dimensions in Royal Cubits, the measurements employed at the time:

(A Royal cubit is equal to about 20.62 inches or 0.5239 metres and was the distance from elbow to fingertip of the Pharoah.)

a] The area of a circle = Pi R2 b] The circumference of a circle = 2 Pi R
Bear in mind the value of Pi = 3.14 to two places and keep the figure 2 also in mind.

Task 1: Double the base length of the pyramid and divide by the height.

Task 2: Take the perimeter of the base and divide by the height, then halve that. See anything interesting? OK, so what does Pi have to do with a linear polygon?

Task 3: Take the distance when Earth is closest to the Sun (perihelion): 147x106 km and translate it into Royal Cubits. What is the number x 109 ?

Euclid said:

A straight line is said to have been cut in extreme and mean ratio when, as the whole line is to the greater segment, so is the greater to the less.

This means that if I divide a line into two and when the ratio of the whole line to bigger piece is the same as for the bigger to the smaller, then we have The Golden Ratio.

This is translated into a number: 1.6180

Task 4: Divide the "slant height" of the pyramid (356 RC) by its "half base" (220 RC) and what figure do you get?

[a woman’s fragrance] last in the armoury

Welshcakes wrote an interesting piece on aromas, including perfume:

Recently I nearly came to blows with a friend over the
matter of perfume. I was both surprised and upset by what this person said,
which was, basically, that he liked people's "natural" smell and preferred women
to wear no perfume at all.

I was surprised because it had never occurred
to me that any woman would go out - or stay in, for that matter - without
putting perfume on, and upset because I drown myself in YSL Paris every day and
it's as much a part of me as my make-up and clothes.

I've always
regarded perfume as essential and have been proud of wearing a scent that has
become my "signature" one. My friend pointed out that some people may not like
it, to which my response was that they could stay away from me, then, though I
did take his point about allergies.

But heavens above, as an asthmatic I
suffer from enough allergies myself and I don't think a good perfume can be
classed with something positively harmful, like the odour of tobacco smoke.

Talking of fashion, I wonder what you all think about jewellery? I am of
the opinion that the right piece of costume jewellery can "make" an outfit and
have been known to buy a brooch or necklace first and then get an outfit to set
it off! But I also believe you can wear too much of the stuff, a view not shared
by the majority of Italian women, who pile it on. Chanel famously advised, "Look
in the mirror before you leave the house - and take one thing off!"

That's fine with me as long as that one thing isn't my perfume!

Perfume is a signature

Was there ever such an issue to illustrate the divided opinion between men and women as a woman’s fragrance?

Most men’s opinions of perfume range from ‘it’s a bloody waste of money’ and ‘they know how to rip off women, don’t they’ through to ‘that smells nice - what you’ve sloshed over yourself before we go out’.

At best, men don’t profess to be experts in this – it’s a woman’s thing. The theory is that the fragrance merges with your own body aroma to create an enticing effect and either unconsciously or subconsciously, the targetted males are affected, the peripheral females quite consciously picking up on it too and realizing how classy that woman is.

That might be the theory, based on each woman wishing to feel special but the reality is that it gets lost, particularly in an office. If you’re wearing the most subtle of forest scents, it will get lost in the plethora of other females present, especially some young girl who’s splashed on a spicy, sporty mix which overpowers the room plus the smoke in the air, plus the gorgeous bodies which grab the man’s attention from a distance before the fragrance has even had a chance to do its job.

Yet women persist in paying exorbitant amounts for the stuff. I happen to agree with the woman here, simply because she feels it’s so vital to her.

To her, this fragrance is a statement, it’s her signature, it sets out her stall, it can define her, so if she’s wearing, say, a light floral during the day but moves to a heavy oriental at night, there is a message there, if the man cares to receive it. Certain classics might say, “Hands off me, I’m far too much of a queen for you.’ Chanel Chance might say, ‘I’m feeling fresh and flirtatious,’ but some say it’s more suited to a younger woman.

By far the most important reason for a woman wearing her perfume is that it makes her feel good inside; she actually enjoys the feel of it on her. So, if she’s wearing a certain fragrance which makes her happy and gives her confidence, if she’s prepared herself with care and everything seems to be in place, a man would do well to recognize it and comment if he wishes to have any success in that direction.

The science of perfumes

For the boys, these historically famous perfumes below illustrate the thinking which goes on behind them:

Miss Dior by Christian Dior: chypre, sage, gardenia, rose, patchouli, and labdanum. This classic scent is perfect for the office. The scent itself is quite complex, it is marketed as refreshing, woody and mossy - and to be honest that's not a bad description.

Chanel No. 19: floral, woody, and green. Notes of neroli (a flower oil), galbanum (a resin from some Asain plants), may rose, and irises from Florence finish with a chime of chypre with a subtle, woody vetiver (an East Indian grass). The refreshing yet flowery scent of Chanel No 19 never fails to remind me of sunnier days, which is always nice in cold gloomy weather.

Chanel Allure: bergamot (a herb), mandarin, water lily, magnolia, jasmine and may roses, vetiver (an East Indian grass) and, finally, velvety vanilla. Chanel Allure has a feminine, sophisticated, light smell of an oriental, floral fragrance. It is fresh and light, aimed at a younger market than Chanel No 5. Allure is a beautiful perfume.

Shalimar by Guerlain: (Gare-lahn) contains bergamot, lemon, and patchouli accented with vanilla, sandalwood and musk. Shalimar is a classic perfume from Guerlain, which was popular, although very exotic, in the 50's. According to one reference, it "was inspired by the timeless love story of an Indian Emperor who designed the Shalimar gardens for the wife he adored. [...] The hint of musk from exotic spices such as amber and vanilla were considered too overtly sensual for refined women at first."

Bois des Iles: It's exciting, daring, provocative, and confident. Oh - I'm so in love!

Each fragrance has its own message and in my second book, Lemmings, each of the women had three or four which reflected her personality.

Natural and painted

In the field of overall presentation, perhaps ‘natural’ can be interpreted to mean ‘as cunningly natural as the woman can get away with’ and in this, the French have the game sewn up with the number one rule of style:

Less is more.

Admittedly, the Italians have a different approach to the same subject but then again, they have a different skin tone. The Russian women are slowly learning how to do it but still tend to be as heavy-handed as the Italians, particularly the rich middle-aged. I can’t comment on Anglo-Saxon women because I don’t know any these days.

Look at the people in these pictures – Clémence Poésy, Virginie Ledoyen, Emmanuelle Beart, Sophie Marceau and Ségolène Royal; age notwithstanding, they all follow this rule, blemishes are not particularly papered over and look at the unpaintedness of the fingers. You might say Sophie Marceau is very much made up but the effect is still ‘natural’, it’s subtly done, it’s not made-up to look made-up.

The French approach to perfume is also subtle – just a dab in the right places and even some unusual places, at the critical times. Combined with the maxims: clean and groomed, simple but well cut attire, something expensive, something naughty and flowing body movements, it’s hard to resist.


These were mentioned in Welshcakes’ article.

I have to confess that I’m allergic to many perfumes, particularly the cheaper variety, which always gets the rhinitis going. However, if a woman cares for the man at all, she can use a particular fragrance she’s learnt does not bring on massive attacks, which she likes, which she can then use sparingly and all is well.

Fragrances are not selfish – they are interactive … or should be.

The person inside

There are many Russian girls who think they need only take care of the outer shell and feel that the inside - the nature and personality - are hardly of any consequence and to an extent, they’ve learnt that from the Russian man’s approach to lovemaking.

Writing as a man, I suppose the first sorting out is the look, the attire, the way she holds herself, as viewed from a distance, the way she moves, whether she’s the type he likes.

Closer, it’s how she’s looked after herself, how well she’s groomed, an offputting aspect being if she looks expensive and high maintenance. Better to pass on her and find someone equally as ravishing who’s not going to cost the earth.

By now there’s a two way process going on which involves the man himself and how he presents. If he fails in this regard, he’ll get the haughty bitch effect from her. If he intrigues her, then it comes down, in his eyes, to the niceness or otherwise.

Penultimately, the critical test is when she opens her mouth and starts the conversation. How many women have fallen at this hurdle?

In this whole process, perfume comes a very long last. Yes, it has a vital place in a woman’s world but nowhere near the extent, in the wider world, to which she hopes it would be or should be.

What can a woman do?

If she’s still in the game [and which woman would claim she’s not] then my humble suggestion is that she deals with the way she moves first. Anne Boleyn was a classic case in the way she returned from the French and Austrian courts and knocked ’em dead back in London.

It was partly the accent she’d picked up but far more powerful was the way she moved, with that blend of the elegant and coquettish which drastically lowered her true age. I once had a 36 year old wife [they’re not all 23, you know] whom I’d thought for months was 27, until she showed me her passport.

Look at how the French woman stands and sits also, her poise and you’ll get the idea. It’s the same for men too. I was interested hearing Matt Damon speak of this and how his body movement was edited to create the effect. Apparently, my own is not unlike a guided missile combined with a faintly amusing shuffle, so I believe, which makes it hard to be taken seriously.

One of the funniest things I ever saw was a Russian girl I was at the beach with, whose claim to immortality was her curves and shyness. Coming out of the water, she had to go past a group of men and went into the hip swagger in such an exaggerated way that they burst out laughing. You can only do what you can get away with, that which your body shape allows and anything else is vaguely ludicrous.

For the more mature, it’s how ladylike she can come across as, which now moves on to the question of attire. Simple, well cut, concealing the weaknesses and highlighting the positives is the only rule. She should forget all the accessories, going out festooned like an ocean liner, forget all the too-busy ornateness – she should simply rely on her elegance and poise but that comes from inside her head and heart, doesn’t it? A man-hater, for example, can never bring off the effect – sooner or later, the cloven hoof will appear.

Somewhere in here has to come the ‘air of mystery’, the alluringly arcane. That’s all right to an extent, especially if she grudgingly allows her secrets to be revealed one by one but if she overdoes the mystery thing, then she’s just a dishonest person and not worth bothering about.

Finally, again, it comes down to the perfume, always last on the list.

In the words selected by one other beautiful woman:

Either we are in the universe to inhabit the lovely eternity of our souls
and grow real, or else we might as well dedicate our days to shopping and kill
time watching talk shows.

[fiction] why some of it works and the rest falls flat

It would be mighty nice if my own amateur literary efforts were not included in this analysis as they might not survive the fierce spotlight of scrutiny. This is intended merely as a spotlight on professional fiction.

Each to his or her own but much of Hardy falls flat for me, the bulk of the modern authors do too and I’d like to know why. Once we’ve eliminated the factors of it not being a genre we enjoy, not liking the author him/herself and representing a point of view we don’t subscribe to, then what makes a good piece of writing?

What makes it satisfy us, in other words?

There are two Holmes stories I like to quote to students. One is generally regarded as being a superior work and the other falls flat.

The Bruce-Partington Plans

At last, shortly after nine o'clock, there arrived a messenger with a note: Am dining at Goldini's Restaurant, Gloucester Road, Kensington. Please come at once and join me there. Bring with you a jimmy, a dark lantern, a chisel, and a revolver. S. H.

It was a nice equipment for a respectable citizen to carry through the dim, fog-draped streets. I stowed them all discreetly away in my overcoat and drove straight to the address given. There sat my friend at a little round table near the door of the garish Italian restaurant.

"Have you had something to eat? Then join me in a coffee and curação. Try one of the proprietor's cigars. They are less poisonous than one would expect. Have you the tools?"

"They are here, in my overcoat."

"Excellent. Let me give you a short sketch of what I have done, with some indication of what we are about to do."

The Mazarin Stone

"And Mr. Holmes knows it?"

"Mr. Holmes always knows whatever there is to know."

"Well, we'll hope he won't fail and that Lord Cantlemere will be confounded. But I say, Billy, what is that curtain for across the window?"

"Mr. Holmes had it put up there three days ago. We've got something funny behind it."

Billy advanced and drew away the drapery which screened the alcove of the bow window.
Dr. Watson could not restrain a cry of amazement.

What allows the former excerpt to live and the latter to seem forced and wooden?

Well, the choice of vocab for a start, attempting characters the author had little experience of, the calibre of the plot and perhaps the overuse of adjectives in annoying ways – these might be some factors.

For me though, the one overriding factor is the author’s engagement with the subject matter, for if he can’t be clattering over those cold cobblestones himself, how can he expect us to?

Which is possibly why SF and humour are so difficult to bring off satisfactorily. How does Douglas Adams, for example, get away with it?

Plenty of people did not care for him much, but then there is a huge difference between disliking somebody -- maybe even disliking them a lot -- and actually shooting them, strangling them, dragging them through the fields and setting their house on fire. It was a difference which kept the vast majority of the population alive from day to day.
Men were real men, women were real women, and small, furry creatures from Alpha Centauri were REAL small, furry creatures from Alpha Centauri. Spirits were brave, men boldly split infinitives that no man had split before. Thus was the Empire forged.

Why do people who attempt to emulate Adams or set up Marvin the Paranoid Android fan fiction not actually succeed?

These are some of the questions puzzling mankind this day.