Friday, April 03, 2009

[open road] the power of youth

At the wheel sat a young man, his hair blown back by the wind. In the blaze of the evening light he looked, not a man, but a young God, a Hero God out of some Northern Saga... It was a fantastic moment. Afterwards, more than one of those present remembered that moment.

- from “10 Little Niggers”, 1939

Thursday, April 02, 2009

[light blogging] a few things on the mind

Having to sort out some real life issues today and tomorrow and given that I have no internet access on the weekend, blogging is going to be light. Another factor is that the books are done but they need to be read for the first time from beginning to end for continuity. That's the weekend task.

So it might be one post every few days until Tuesday. Sorry. After that, they'll hopefully proliferate.

[children] not a good time to grow up in britain

He just keeps coming up with these topics.

This time, it's about the teacher who was suspended for filming pupil misbehaviour and supplying it for a documentary:

Note what the court criticised her for and what it suspended her teaching licence for. Ms Dolan, who also exposed apparent attempts to dupe Ofsted inspectors,..

Still it’s no biggy duping Ofsted, as any reasonable person not a raving fascist Tory would have thought, and so on to the thing that hurts; really huts, a liberal’s sensibilities.
…breached the trust of pupils and abused her position. Now she didn’t film them naked, or name them (if the clip is representative), and all she did was blur out their faces and watch them monkeying about.

She states that this behaviour was typical of 14 out of 16 schools she taught in.

So what ‘trust’ did she betray; the trust so tenderly placed by innocent little children into her unscrupulous hands? The trust not to show them running about and shouting and leaping on desks and preventing any learning from going on?

Now that indirectly tunes in with what I wanted to blog about today - what's happening to our children. My mate and I were discussing this and he said that whereas in our own childhood, we were on our bikes, playing in the street or going up to the woods, seeing a slice of life along the way and thrown onto our own resources, kids now fall into two categories:

1. Those whom mum and dad want to tie to the apron strings and protect at all costs, in line with Gordo's vision for Britain. This is a result of the paedo hysteria and the beserk Health and Safety rules which don't let you even use certain colours in paints because they'll harm the eyes;

2. Chavs on the street.

Just as the middle-class is dividing into the new euro-serfs and those who've joined the haughty rich [or would like to], so kids are being subdivided into classes.

Is there any chance we'll ever get back to some sort of sanity in the upbringing and education of children and if so, when? After the current crop are well and truly destroyed within?

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

[ebook readers] are they the future

Now this one is interesting to me, particularly with my book finished and ready to post. Just how effective are readers anyway?

Frstapr noted that all current ebook readers are aimed at the dextrous adult market. They have tiny buttons, tinier memory cards (the txtr will use pin sized micro-SD cards) and many of them seem to require bizarre gestures to do things like turn a page. And if you get the gesture wrong you turn two pages or exit the book or something. Furthermore they are notoriously fragile - a trawl of the mobileread forums will turn up any number of stories of expensive ebook readers with cracked screens and other defects.

L'Ombre goes into
the latest developments.

[antidisestablishmentarianism] misses the real issue

Toque brings up an interesting one:

The latest CEP press release tackles the Church of England’s inclination towards ignoring England’s national day. Hostility towards the concept of Englishness runs very deep within the UK Government and Establishment to which the bishops belong.

This is because all major institutions are white anted at the top. An archbishop is a closet spokesman for Them. You say, 'Rubbish.' I reply, 'Why not?' If you are pushing your agenda for a world currency, European bloc and a restructured economy, the organs of spirituality, education, law, medicine et al are all going to be infiltrated.

Read Sonus in the sidebar.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

[international currency] what chance

Interesting report in Pravda:

US President Barack Obama has publicly opposed Russia’s initiative for the first time during his presidency. Obama rejected Russia’s idea to replace the dollar with a new international currency, which immediately led to the growth of the US dollar on the international financial market.

Russia put forward a suggestion to the IMF to look into the opportunity to create a supernational reserve currency which would be issued by international financial institutions. Russia also suggested a diversification of the currency structure of reserves, operations of national banks and international financial organizations.

Many countries, including Iran, China, Kazakhstan and several Arab states, supported Russia’s idea to replace the dollar with a new currency. The governments of those countries believe that the doubtful dollar settlement in the oil industry will soon become a matter of the past.

Now what's happening with the rouble and does Russia mean the Euro or the world currency currently being mooted?