Friday, September 05, 2008

[stowaway] snake on flight

From West Australian today:

Crew on an Air India passenger jet discovered a snake coiled up under a seat and were unable to catch it as it slithered around the plane, the airline said today.

The incident, which occurred on Monday, echoed the plot of 2006 hit film Snakes on a Plane starring Samuel L Jackson and Julianna Margulies.

Question - if you're flying and you know there's a snake under the seats somewhere, do you:

1. Scream and start a mass panic;

2. Put your feet up on the headrest ahead and whimper to yourself;

3. Find the b--g-r and exterminate it;

4. Make friends and name him/her?

[good navigation] the key to readers returning

Every one of us gets about other blogs - my primary method is to go first to my comments, read through and then click on the links there.

This produces some surprising results.

In the case of ScotsToryB, it produces a page which presumably is there to provide him with a link and to register who came. That's fine, as at least it does go somewhere.

Sometimes when you click on such links, it gives you a notice that it is open to invited readers only and again that's fine.

In other cases though, it either goes nowhere or else it links to an old blog. Now I can understand a blogger wishing to route his/her readers through some other blog, a little like Madame Toussaud's taking visitors through the shop and cafe before they can leave but we now get into the question of coercion.

If I try to link back to a blog, I would like to go straight to that person's list of linked blogs, with a nice little summary, top left, under the heading "Contact", of email and web page. You might say it is unnecessary to put "My Web Page", when that page is already listed in the blogger's blogs, below right but that involves scrolling down in many cases and ... well ... you know how rapidly we go from blog to blog, don't you?

And often we can't know which is your primary blog, among all the others. True, it is often the one with the most team members but still - wouldn't it be easier for all just to put the main blog under "Contact"?

These little annoyances can add up after time.

Seems to me we should try to get the navigation working well first but as we can't visit our own blogs, as others do, we often don't know how easy or how difficult that is.

A rapid journey to your blog, which then does not take two years to come up on screen, plus the nice listing of email and web page top left, is a real boon as far as I'm concerned.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

[chrome] shape of things to come... perhaps

Wiki ran this summation of the new Google browser/platform Chrome:

Microsoft reportedly "played down the threat from Chrome" and "predicted that most people will embrace Internet Explorer 8." Opera Software said that "Chrome will strengthen the Web as the biggest application platform in the world."

Mozilla said that Chrome's introduction into the web browser market comes as "no real surprise" and that "Chrome is not aimed at competing with Firefox" — and furthermore should not affect Google's financing of Firefox.

The FT ran this summation of Chrome:

At the time, Microsoft’s claim that its web browser was part of its operating system was self-serving baloney. With the arrival of Chrome, however, it has migrated from being false to being true.

Chrome is not going to replace Windows. A computer requires an operating system such as Windows, Apple’s OS X or Linux to make the machine work. It does, however, have the potential to do what Mr Gates feared: make the choice of operating system less important.

Why use it? Some reviewers say:

1. The first release of Google Chrome does not pass the Acid3 test; however, it scores 78/100, which is higher than both Internet Explorer 7 and Firefox 3.

2. At the end of the day, I'm making the decision to switch to Google Chrome for the same reason that I originally switched to Firefox. The underlying technology and architecture of Chrome is so different from its competition. Chrome has raised the bar and I want to support the team for doing so.

3. Google itself - What we really needed was not just a browser, but also a modern platform for web pages and applications, and that's what we set out to build.
Why not to use it:

Sackerson has just run this, for example.

I have just downloaded Firefox 3 and quite like it. Chrome is not available for Mac as yet so it is a moot issue for me at this time.

I'd be interested to know if you like it after you've tried it.

UPDATE via Wolfie - read here.

[arctic shelf] delving behind the statement

First the news:

Arctic ice shelf specialist Derek Mueller of the Trent University in Ontario, Canada said the 19-square-mile shelf is now drifting in the Arctic Ocean after breaking loose in early August. The chunk of ice sheet was part of the 4,500-year-old Markham Ice Shelf.

He adds the event underscores how rapid changes are taking place in the Arctic due to global warming.

So he supports the contention of global warming which bloggers assure us is not happening. First step is to play devil's advocate and find the dirt on him which would support the climate sceptic bloggers.

His CV says he completed two years of postdoctoral work at the Geophysical Institute at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (supervised by Martin Jeffries). He's the Roberta Bondar Fellow in Northern and Polar Studies at Trent University and is working with Luke Copland. He has an association with Wayne Pollard, of McGill.

The four of them have really only one strike against them - they are primarily geographers, then glaciologists and Trent University is a general Liberal Arts university, within which the department operates.

Each of the four appears to have had an outstanding career path and has been published many times in journals. A minor blip is that McGill rang a bell in the mind in another context and that raises another question - while geography is not psychiatry, still, how far is university research biased, given the issue of who funds it?

Returning to McGill, it is funded by SURF and government and other institutional funding is paramount. One such institution is the Canadian Foundation for Innovation, research of which leads to this site and a statement by Steven Harper, in another area:

... that allowing foundations to operate without scrutiny showed that the Federal Government “has learned nothing from the Sponsorship Scandal.” Harper further said “that scandal happened because the liberals stashed millions away from the watch of parliament. Even after repeated warnings, billions of dollars continue to be hidden away in these unaccountable research funding foundations. When will the government learn and put the foundations under the scrutiny of Parliament and the Auditor-General?”

No doubt the CFI itself is squeaky clean but the question does remain how far the universities, and by a logical process its research departments, are caught in the research dilemma, firstly in this way:

"Our concern is that, by primarily rewarding academic research that's divorced from its practical application, we risk having entrants to the profession taught by people who have never practised it themselves."

... and also in the pressure to produce certain findings, e.g. in the pharmaceutical trade:

Most clinical trials, however, are funded by pharmaceutical companies with enormous financial stakes in the products being evaluated. Furthermore, the scientists who design, conduct, analyze, and report clinical trials often receive monetary compensation from drug companies, in the form of either salaries or consulting fees.

... and:

The effect of competing interests is debated in medical research. It has been found that industry funding has been associated with higher quality than trials without external funding. On the other hand, financial interests may bias the interpretation of trial results.

The above looms as a convoluted strawman, in that by raising the spectre of bias at Trent in geophysics by scrutinizing McGill in medicine which, of course, is a non sequitur, it thereby plays into the climate proponents' hands. That is possible and yet, the nagging doubts about the sceptics persist:

Of all the accusations made by the vociferous community of climate sceptics, surely the most damaging is that science itself is biased against them ... "Most global warming sceptics have no productive alternatives; they say it is a hoax, or that it will cause severe social problems, or that we should allocate resources elsewhere." Andres Millan wrote. "Scientifically, they have not put forward a compelling, rich, and variegated theory."

So we are left with the people on the ground, such as Derek Mueller and colleagues, accepting climate change due to global warming.

The blogosphere, on the whole, begs to differ due to possibly sound, innate distrust of the Gore and IPCC agenda and point to the statements by such groups as the NIPCC, e.g. Professor Frederick Seitz, the past president of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, who told WND:

... he believes the issue has nothing to do with energy itself, but everything to do with power, control and money, which the United Nations is seeking. He accused the U.N. of violating human rights in its campaign to ban much energy research, exploration and development.

Diametrically opposed to that are the scientists, like Jay Lawrimore, a climatologist at the National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, N.C., who said:

... there was no way to account for the trends, be they the melting of Arctic sea ice or the warming of winters, without including an influence from heat-trapping gases.

The Federation of American Scientists states:

“There is no serious doubt that human activity is altering the earth's climate in potentially catastrophic ways. Even skeptics are forced to admit that the risk is real and that prudence demands action if only as an insurance policy, the only serious debate is about how best to respond."

... and here is a list of organizations supporting human agency in climate change.

Whom to believe?

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

[budding journos] or just caring for baby

Just went over to Grendel's and was pensive after what he'd written about the difficulties of running the blog:
Part of the problem is the hours which, as we all know, it takes to support these projects. For me it's pretty much impossible to get on the computer before 21.30hrs on any given day. So by the time the posts are researched / written / proof read and published and all the visits undertaken you're just not getting to bed before 01.00hrs.

And that's how things have been for much of the last year and I think it's got to the stage where that's just not a sustainable position anymore. I haven't been feeling too good lately and perhaps a period of getting proper nights rest will help to address that.

I have been thinking of getting out completely. But there is this little voice that reminds me of the time and effort expended on this project and a sadness at leaving the blog friends / associates made since I started.
Yes, that probably sums it up. If you run a consistent blog where you come up with new and interesting things every day, then you are a virtual journo, without being paid one penny. And yet fellow bloggers I've observed will scour the papers and other sources, answer emails, answer comments, plan the post, write and publish, as well as going around other blogs and for what?

Someone I know is not blogging at all - he's out making money. What am I doing? Blogging. Now is that productive? Seems to me one has either too much time on the hands or is not utilizing it to produce income.

Maybe though, just maybe, it is the camaraderie and the way the blog becomes part of us. We don't stop feeding the cat or dog because we tire of the dear. We don't have a hiatus on changing the baby.

Our blogs do seem a bit like babies.

[wednesday quiz] easy one to return with

1. What did Diana Duyser of Hollywood, Fla., discover in her rye bread when she sat down for breakfast one morning in 2004?

2. On the afternoon of April 14, 1865, the Whig Press in Middleton, New York, announced that Abraham Lincoln had been killed by an assassin. What was so strange about this?

3. A company called Technology Investment and Exploration Limited (TIEL) sought permission in 2002 to drill for oil at a site in rural Leicestershire. What was so weird about that?

4. Grandmother Eve Stuart-Kelso had a gnome, called Murphy, stolen from her Gloucestershire garden and then it was returned to her. So what?

5. Many crewmen on the the destroyer escort Eldridge later became ill or insane. What two things had happened to this ship?


The Virgin Mary staring back at her, he wasn't shot until the evening of that day, they were to use microleptons to detect the oil, there was a photo album showing he'd been to 10 countries, made invisible and teleported.