Wednesday, February 13, 2008

[aboriginal homogeny] koori simply don't exist

Let me make it clear that I'm no Irving. The holocaust most certainly existed and was one of the most disgusting testaments to man's inhumanity to man ever. However, not every situation which exists in the popular mind is necessarily as portrayed by the revisionists.

Was there anything so ridiculous as this National Apology Day? As expected, once the thing was done, in they came for the cash:

But some Aborigines say it should have been accompanied with compensation for their suffering.

Exactly - the big handout to people who are only tangentially connected with the so called "Stolen Generations". Within Australia, even the existence of a concerted campaign to remove children from families is still hotly debated:

Some conservative journalists, such as Andrew Bolt, have publicly questioned the very existence of the Stolen Generation. Bolt considers that it is a "preposterous and obscene" myth and that there was actually no policy in any state or territory at any time for the systematic removal of "half-caste" Aboriginal children.

The Australian Governments of the time acted on field recommendations, which saw half-caste children rejected by aboriginal tribes and left to die. It was not the removal of full-bloods, as has been suggested - the tribes themselves were discriminating against the half-castes. Just as Social Services today will put abused and abandoned children into care, so it was then.

The very fact that the children were placed with white families, though muddled and showing not a great deal of understanding of aboriginal culture, nevertheless reflected the basically altruistic outlook of later white society, an altruism which eventually resulted in Sorry Day.

What's at issue here is that authorities of the time saw a situation and opted for a solution which, in hindsight, doesn't look too good. Why ascribe beastly motives for this policy when the motives really were altruistic at the time, albeit with some ignorance?

Either way, why on earth would a current government need to apologize? This modern habit of taking responsibility for the crimes of others in the past really needs to be examined.

Now to this business of tribal land and cash compensation for that.

Interesting how that only happens near national monuments like Ayer's Rock and where the oil companies want to drill. There's so much greed and hypocrisy among the aboriginals.

To portray the aboriginals as innocent sufferers is to rewrite history in a new PC light. Waves of tribes came in, warred with the incumbents and then were themselves pushed further inland. Negritos, Murrayans and Carpentarians are three that spring to mind.

Some 250 Aboriginal languages have been identified in Australia and more than 800 Papuan idioms are thought to exist in New Guinea.

This means different tribes and their offshoots and they fought [click to read]:

So to suggest that the aborigines:

1. are one people, the Koori;

2. never visited atrocities on each other or were peaceful and "soft"

... is revisionist history which can most charitably be described as muddled.

The various aboriginal tribes are chalk and cheese. There are peaceful elements, as there are with all peoples and then there are other elements. I suggest that those who are trying to differentiate on the basis of skin colour for the purpose of dragging money out of another skin colour are the true racists.

A non-racist would say all people are equal, with the same right to compensation as any other people. So who is trying to perpetuate these racial differences and for what ulterior motive?

Could it possibly be for the good old payola? Useful thing, racism.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

[winehouse] place to get paralytic?

Little bit of brilliance from The Nameless One [f-word toned down for this blog]:

Bag lady in waiting Amy Winehouse wins Grammys but can’t attend the award ceremony. Why? Because she’s a f-cking junkie. End of story. So let’s hear no more about this woman until there is actually something newsworthy.

I always thought a winehouse was for bibbers but apparently not. Genius? Becoming a junkie?

[groupthink] the gentle art of persuasion

Before the stick always comes the carrot. Every parent is an amateur psychologist. Every political thinker and writer is also and the techniques are many and varied. Here are some of them:

Speaking in bureau-gobbledegook

Creating an esoteric language which both persuades anyone who doesn't understand your termnology that he is ignorant and at the same time bolsters your intellectual self-esteem:

multi-organisational working, cross-boundary working and the global-national-local interface each raise their own set of organisational dynamics which must be surfaced and worked with if collaboration is to be effective.

Cultivating an aura of exclusivity

Creating an aura of a vibrant, free-thinking contributor to change, dynamically going places at a high level beyond the common mortal, beyond the goyim, e.g. Middleton:

I believe passionately in the definition of civil society of Mr Mandela, who says that civil society is anyone who stands up.

Or in a group context:

[We] are looking for candidates who are:

*senior decision-makers within the area covered by the programme
*interested in contributing to the future of their area.

Applicants will be considered according to their:

*current responsibility as a leader through work or community activity
*involvement within the area covered by the programme
*likely contribution to the perspectives and dynamics of the group
*ability to participate fully in the Common Purpose programme.

Identification with a common goal

Aligning your goals and techniques with those of business and sharing their joint concerns, e.g. industrial and corporate espionage:

InfraGard is an information sharing and analysis association of businesses, academic institutions, state and local law enforcement agencies, and other participants dedicated to sharing information and intelligence to prevent hostile acts against the United States.

This is nicely illustrated in a speech not that long ago by Robert S. Mueller, III, Director Federal Bureau of Investigation:

I want to turn for a moment to counterintelligence intrusions and economic espionage. There is no shortage of countries that seek our information technology, our innovation, and our intelligence—information we have spent years and billions of dollars developing.

The simple truth is we do not protect cyber space to the same degree we protect our physical space. We have in large part left the doors open to our business practices, our sensitive data, and our intellectual property.

We understand that we must continue to work closely with all of you—members of the private sector and the academic community.

Think of the fusion center as a hub, with spokes that range from federal agencies, software companies, and ISPs, to merchants and members of the financial sector.

Industry experts from companies such as Cisco, Bank of America, and Target sit side-by-side with the FBI, postal inspectors, the Federal Trade Commission, and many others, sharing information and ideas. Together, we have created a neutral space where cyber experts and competitors, who might not otherwise collaborate, can talk about cyber threats and security breaches.

Members from a host of industries, from computer security to the chemical sector, share information about threats to their own companies, in their own communities, through a secure computer server.

We are also reaching out to academia. In 2005, we created the National Security Higher Education Advisory Board. We asked your president, Graham Spanier, to lead the group. We knew it wouldn't be an easy sell, because of the perceived tension between law enforcement and academia.

Collective mental position

The next stage on from identification of a common goal is the "slide":

‘A “slide” is a prefabricated, politically correct, blanket pop opinion, “view” or “take” upon a particular issue of general interest which is designed to preclude further consideration, analysis or investigation of the issue in question. [Soviet Analyst]

Beyond Bullets, in addressing corporate techniques in groupthink, wrote:

It's fine to assume these things, as long as we're aware that our default mode of presenting and informing also means that there is little room for thinking, challenging, dialogue and debate -- a fertile breeding ground for groupthink. The way we use PowerPoint only adds fertilizer to this stagnant pool, because a slide filled with bulleted text only increases the illusion of certainty for presenters and the feeling of passivity for audiences.

The bulleted, pre-packaged concept is used by the Chinese and others to great effect:

Three evils – terrorism, extremism and separatism – are main threat to peace and security of Central Asia, Secretary-General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Zhang Deguang said o­n the eve of the SCO heads of states summit in Astana.

In the English language, the addition of the definite article "the" transforms the package to gospel - "the three evils of ...", as in "we're all agreed this is what they are".

Polarizing diverse opinion

One of the oldest techniques is to rearrange diverse opinion into two antagonistic party lines, e.g. Swift's High Heels and Low Heels and then everything can be argued along such convenient and easily controlled party lines.

So, in a non-partisan debate about wiretapping, one person's incarceration for refusal to divulge information casts her in the role of martyr [she's of our political persuasion] but when it's someone of the opposite persuasion, her incarceration hardly matters:

Lest anyone be confused, this is quite the opposite situation from when former NYT pseudo-reporter/White House shill, Judy Miller, was subpoenaed and went to jail for failing to reveal her sources in the CIA leak case. In her case she was refusing to name White House officials who were involved in government wrongdoing in which she had a role.

Marginalizing dissent

Persuaders are ever ready to learn new techniques in assuring your opinion prevails and all other dissenting opinion is marginalized, from the horrendous to the banal:

This paper seeks to fill this gap, by drawing both upon theoretical literature and experience with successful change facilitation practices from Europe and the US. Its focus is on the cognitive aspects of strategic orientation and provides a practical guide to those who use this process.

It doesn't matter if the technique is proven or not - it's new and it sounds great:

The NLP Milton model uses non-specific and metaphoric language allowing the listener to fill in the gaps, making their own meaning from what is being said, finding their own solutions and inner resources, challenging and reframing irrational beliefs.

For example, Grinder and Bandler stated that there were a few common traits expert communicators – whether top therapists, top executives or top salespeople – all seemed to share:

1. Everything they did in their work, was pro-active (rather than reactive), directed moment to moment by well-formed outcomes rather than formalized fixed beliefs.

WF Outcomes as the goal, rather than acting from belief in something?

A Well-formed outcome is a term originating in neuro-linguistic programming for an outcome one wishes to achieve, that meets certain conditions designed to avoid (1) unintended costs or consequences and (2) resistance to achieving the goal resulting from internal conflicting feelings or thoughts about the outcome.

There is no shortage of detractors as to the efficacy of the techniques though:

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is one of many New Age Large Group Awareness Training programs. NLP is a competitor with Landmark Forum, Tony Robbins, and legions of other enterprises which, like the Sophists of ancient Greece, travel from town to town to teach their wisdom for a fee.

The Persuaders require young[ish] people, susceptible to flattery and elitist inclusion, of mediocre intellect, of a conformist bent and likely to rise high. Fortunately for the Persuaders, there are many such goyim out there who want "up".

Free thinkers need not apply.

Good material on Common Purpose

UK Column
CP Exposed
Stop CP
Ken Craggs

Some of my own, based on material supplied

Common Purpose - more evidence
Common Purpose dishonesty
An oppressor by any other name
CP - the cancer spreads
OFSTED - the fish rots at the head

Common Purpose at work and play
More than corrupt
Groupthink spreads like a cancer through the UK
Is this how to run a country?
One ring to rule them all
Paradiso and the future of the internet
Demos, Common Purpose, Labour, Tories, security companies
Common Purpose - the disease spreads to the Netherlands
Common Purpose - meanwhile, in America
Groupthink - gentle art of persuasion
Common Purpose - initially to have a coffee
Common Purpose - just the facts, ma'am
Common Purpose - rhetoric of the quisling
References to Common Purpose appear in many other posts.

[super delegates] when democracy is unnecessary

Given that McCain is a shoe-in, then it comes down to the superdelegates which Hillary thnks she has sewn up but a McCain-Obama head to head is still quite likely:

The role of around 440 still-undecided super-delegates - party luminaries who can chose to vote for either candidate - is now likely to be critical. Senator Obama now leads Senator Clinton 1144 to 1138, in the running delegate count, according to website A total of 2,025 delegates are needed for the nomination.

Therefore, the decision on who will direct foreign policy in your country comes down to 842 unrepresentative [in this context] men and women in the United States.

And this is democracy?

Just one other thing to look at is who the running mates might be - Iain Dale addressed that some time back, among others.

If you have a few minutes, take a look at Cindy McCain - great first lady or trophy heiress?

[imagination] nightmare scenario actually

5th Beatle?

Only problem is that he's getting it in the neck from someone like her.

Via Gates of Vienna

Monday, February 11, 2008

[new feudalism] we've laid ourselves open

Ian Parker puts it like this:

Dead countries almost always give birth to dictatorships. Remember that old one about for evil to prosper, all that's needed is for good men to do nothing?

Well, thank you, the nation's teachers and education authorities. Fine work over the past thirty years or so, during which your left wing all shall have prizes and let's not teach British history 'curriculum' has so successfully disenfranchised the younger half of the electorate. Brilliant. Fucking brilliant. Lenin must be so proud.

This apathy and ignorance scares the hell out of me.

It was not always thus.

I would like to add some notes to this.

Williams' assertion that adherence to sharia "assumes the voluntary consent or submission of the believer" is symptomatic of what has happened in Europe and raises the question of either his naivety or his complicity.

It ignores one simple point - societies now Islamic are in the House of Peace and societies not yet Islamic are in Dar al-Harb. There is a do-gooder spirit, much lauded in the west, which says 'let's all love one another' but ignores simple realities. It's allied with PoMo relativism.

Multiculturalism is nowadays affiliated with a postmodern outlook. The pivotal ideas of this vision of life are relativism (cultural relativism, in particular), a negative attitude toward Western political tradition, the cultivation of collective guilt for the transgressions of the colonial past, and other real or presumed black pages in Western history.

What worries me about this relativistic - or rather, nihilistic - position is that it makes Western societies easy prey for the ideology of radical Islamism.

The Left not only refuses to acknowledge but actively propagates the idea that there is no Christian basis to western society and in particular - Europe. Therefore:

If Western societies think they have no core values important enough to fight for (by peaceful means), then there is no reason for immigrant minorities to accept them. If the dominant ideology in Western societies is that democracy, the rule of law, and human rights have no specific quality that makes them superior to theocracy, dictatorship, and authoritarianism, there is no need to oppose the radical assault directed at Western democracies by the teachers of hate.

Is hate too strong a word? Here is the Iran Daily on Magdi Allam, the Italian journalist who has achieved some notoriety for his statements:

The way he earned such reputation is by means of relentlessly and viciously slandering Islam and its beliefs, a task that he carries out diligently every week--when not every second day--from the pages of Italy’s biggest newspaper, usually by splashing shocking headlines on the front page. The ideas he expresses in his articles and interviews are so outrageously biased and grotesque that the Italian journalists’ guild ought to reprimand him, at the very least.

Here is yet another example:

Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Somalian-born member of Parliament from Verdonk’s VVD party, used to be a Muslim. After 9/11, however, she renounced a religion from which she was already estranged, and has now become one of its most uncompromising critics. In return, Islamic fanatics want her dead.

So the West, aided and abetted by cynical men and women of the old money have been in bed with the marxists in destroying everything from the judiciary to education in the last four decades but far worse is that by crippling Christianity and not allowing social values most strongly espoused by Christianity, e.g. standing firm on principle and treating ones' brother as oneself and by replacing it with a false dictatorship of the proletariat model of brotherhood, bereft of the key element love, European society has been laid open for takeover.

And they know it very, very well.

Caroline Fourest, herself of the Left, prefers to see it as naivety and refers to 1979 in Iran:

“Back then, a group of Marxists made a big mistake. They thought it would be possible to form a partnership with Islamists in the fight to topple the Shah,” said Caroline Fourest in her controversial presentation at the recently concluded international Islamism conference at Århus University. “Today, we see coalitions and partnerships between Islamist groups and progressive leftwing movements that we would not have expected five years ago.

We can argue all night about whether it's intentional or not but the simple fact is that the Left is assisting in the destruction of society as the west once knew it.

If we persist with the delusion that the EU state is not marxist in nature and funded by the stateless and unscrupulous old money, then there's very little basis for debate. This unholy alliance has put any person or persons who dares speak out against it in great danger.

Read about Redeker to see this alliance illustrated:

Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin and centrist intellectuals, including Pascal Bruckner, Alain Finkielkraut, André Glucksmann, and Bernard-Henri Lévy, also issued an appeal on Redeker’s behalf and in defense of France’s “most fundamental liberties.” But the vast majority of responses, even when couched as defenses of the right to free speech, were in fact hostile to the philosophy teacher.

This is a standard Leftist ploy - to pretend to be interested in freedoms of the individual. Yes we are but ... always the but.

And none of them would ever have got a leg-in if Europe had adhered to it's Catholic and Protestant codes of conduct, if not its practices.