Sunday, January 06, 2008

[nice guys] sunday evening thought

Nice guy, no? Actually, this photo was taken minutes after he was found guilty of the mass murder of women with two other men.

The nice guys only seem to finish last, but really that is because they are the last ones standing. They last the distance, bad boys don't. And besides I like nice guys, that's not the issue. Nice guys with Bob Geldof syndrome who cry at Grey's Anatomy? They don't quite float my boat. [Oestrebunny]

This research here suggests that opinion is split, with 56% of women agreeing nice guys finish last but that women might see the nice guy as a "keeper" and the bad boy for the fling.

My thinking, therefore, is that if she does take a "keeper", then unless her moral principles are strong or she loves him, the nice guy will usually end up being cheated on. If she does love him, the question folows: "For how long?"

So either way, the nice guy is living on borrowed time, unless he can convince her he's a bad boy. :)

Bad boy, yes? He's a policeman called out to assist a battered woman. Here he holds a torch while the lady policeman attends to the woman.

[late for the sky] still we continue on

Jackson Browne had his detractors. Some thought his songs a little twee, the pathos overdone. Some thought much of his material music to slit your wrists by, a little like Leonard Cohen [different genre of course]. Some thought he became too much the journeyman muso. Some thought he was wonderful.

I met the man, with his girlfriend of the time, Daryl Hannah [Splash], sometime after the suicide of his wife. He seemed a nice guy.

This song I particularly liked - Late for the Sky:

Now the words had all been spoken
And somehow the feeling still wasn't right

And still we continued on through the night

Tracing our steps from the beginning

Until they vanished into the air

Trying to understand how our lives has led us there

Looking hard into your eyes

There was nobody I'd ever known

Such an empty surprise to feel so alone

Now for me some words come easy

But I know that they don't mean that much

Compared with the things that are said in a lover's touch

You never knew what I loved in you

I dont know what you loved in me

Maybe the picture of somebody you were hoping I might be

Awake again I can't pretend and I know I'm alone

And close to the end of the feeling we've known

How long have I been sleeping

How long have I been drifting alone through the night

How long have I been dreaming I could make it right
If I closed my eyes and tried with all my might
To be the one you need.

[martin scriblerus] first scribblings

The Logo

This is but a rough and everything can change. I'd like to see a parchment edge but don't have the tools. Copyright is not an issue with this logo but it was with the previous one.

Which do you like better - the pale or the bold version? Maybe you like neither.

Running this logo in your sidebar indicates you are one of the Martin Scriblerus Alliance [the name can be changed later].

The idea

The logo, such as it finally becomes when we can get a designer onto it, is to symbolize top blogging in no specific area. To sport the logo is a comment on quality. As there are no rules and it is not a club, then there are no prescribed limits to numbers. There is no specific home site but rather the discussion is shared round. This can alter as members see fit.

Criteria for invitation

Invitation is through the joint opinion of all members who care to comment. Anyone can put up a blog for inclusion, often repeatedly but this is subject to scrutiny by the alliance and to acceptance of the logo by the blogger.

You would have an established blog which is a main blog, you write excellently and enjoy fairly universal admiration for your blog in a cross-section of most corners of the blogosphere, you are also admired and respected as the person behind the blog.

On top of this, you have a point of view and a purpose to your blog of an elevated nature but not for recruiting of any nature - you persuade through your arguments. You're for the freedom of the blogosphere and committed to improving your blog all the while.

Your primary purpose on the blog is to write rather than to use any method possible to up your traffic. The writing is consistent and a broad cross section of readers come to your blog more or less regularly.

You haven't been subject to continued criticism from various quarters as to the ethical conduct of your blog - quite the opposite in fact.

You're known for caring for fellow bloggers. Apart from that, you can be as cantankerous, anti-social, individualistic and "unclubbable" as your heart desires.

Current state of affairs

We're up an running and gathering the first 10 members who'll form a "steering alliance" [there are 5 already], after which others will be invited jointly. Very small beginnings and steady and careful as she goes. Absolutely no hurry.

[obama] assassinated?

Why not?

[lionheart] your thoughts on this

Please give this five minutes of your time and tell me what you think. Read nothing into my attitude - it's neutral.

[rise of the yahoo] the new bestiality

Ruthie wrote this over in Minnesota:
She's eighteen. She has a slim little body, dark, wavy hair and brown eyes that positively glow with smug self-awareness and nascent sexuality. She drinks too much. She wants to be a model. She's slept with several of her co-workers.

She alternates dizzily between childish giddiness and a sort of stoic, pursed-lips silence (her interpretation of the model "pout" she sees on TV). She doesn't yet know if she wants to be outgoing and fun or aloof and superior.

If you ask her what she likes to do, she'll say "shop," or "drink." If you ask her what she wants to study, she'll look at you blankly. Then she'll giggle. "Fashion design!" she'll say. "If I don't make it as a model first."

K is really a very ugly girl. She's rude and self-absorbed, she drinks while she works, and she turns on a horrible false friendliness for customers that makes my teeth hurt. She comes to work hungover and complains bitterly about the unfairness of her life (even after her father bought her a brand-new car), the cold outside, and her customers— just before switching on a painted-on smile as she walks out the kitchen door.
... which was, interestingly, almost a carbon copy of a conversation we were having over here in Russia. Now is that coincidence or what? Our context was different but the issues are identical.

A young Muslim lady who visits me was talking about her youngish [25] sister who incidentally, also visits me and did so later yesterday. The issue was the dumbing down of education and the surgical extraction of any sort of moral code. Interesting that a Muslim and a Christian could discuss this together.

There is a generation now in whom many of the elements of previous generations are all still there - making the same errors, thinking and doing the same things, kicking against authority and so on but with some added elements - really gross ignorance, vacuousness if you like.

The education system has begun to break down here as it has in the west and whereas before even the street sweeper could quote you Pushkin, today they seriously know nothing. I quantified that with general knowledge tests. Now for me to make such a statement detracts from it because of my own age but when Ruthie wrote what she did above and when my 35 year old friend also said it, then I felt it might have something to it.

There's one key indicator over here - a girl's tummy. No girl - and I really mean that - ten years back would have been seen dead on the street with a flabby tummy. Now, with fifteen year olds, it's common to see flab hanging over the ripped hipster jeans and packaged in with it all are multiple piercing, tattoos everywhere, cheap costume jewellery and a vacuous, defiant expression. Many are pregnant.

Out of all this, I extract three points - the vacuously gross ignorance, the soul bereft of any moral framework or goal in life and the sordid lifestyle. You only have to get into the lifestyle of the blogger I left Blogpower over and it's dire and bestial, that world [which he stays above at blog level].

The language is coarse, the concerns are limited to external things of no real consequence, even to them in the long run, they're so easily bored and there is not a parent to be seen - no family context. They are resisting any kind of education and educating themselves in their own neo-bestiality, fuelled by advertising, dance lyrics and dark computer games.

Against that are the girls and guys at university. When I made a comment actually praising young people - most of these uni folk are go-getters, speaking four languages and with goals for the future, one group stopped me, said I was wrong and began a tirade about young people generally today, saying largely what is written above. That's why Ruthie's post meant so much. These girls are a bit younger than Ruthie - 20 and yet they were saying roughly the same thing and it has to make a person feel encouraged.

Over here there is a well known reaction to any disaster - кто виноват и что делять? Who is to blame and what to do? So who is to blame for the children's current sorry state?

Well look at it logically. The children for a start who are resisting education and continuously opting for the soft variant. So who allows it? Parents who throw up their hands and ask what they can do - it's just society. Schools which are not teaching properly. Example - I know a teacher who is so ignorant of any general world knowledge and yet she can quote every feminist author on how oppressed women are.

Now in the case of the schools, which are hierarchical in nature, the heads of departments must bear the blame but they themselves are so brainwashed in the new ignorance that they allow this guff to go on. I know this is so because my second cousin dragged me round to a few of these things when he was 19 and they really were dire.

Nothing wrong with a bit of mindless drinking but this was sex in church grounds, urinating anywhere and no concept of certain decencies. I'm desperately trying to steer clear of prudishness here and just say there are some things the people I know, who can be pretty wild, would still draw the line at. Some of you know the song: "I knew she was a lady 'cause she moved the dishes first."

So no, I don't mean a bit of excess in your own sphere but a sort of cultural ignorance, an ignorance of what people have achieved before you. It really is the ignorance which gets to me. How did these people get so ignorant in the first place?

My Muslim woman friend had her own view yesterday. She said it was no accident, that it was very much an organized thing, all of it - from the dumbing down through to the drugs, porn and so on. Regulars know that's one of my themes but I was shocked to hear it come from a person so divergent from my background.

I then asked her who then was behind it, who was this organization? She said, "Money. Just that, money." Asked to explain, she said that with no moral framework in the kids' heads, they are swayed this way and that and fall for anything bright and interesting, like babies do. Her own 12 year old is into Russian computer games and she said she looked at some of the crass names of characters and blanched.

I never asked her why she allowed these games but if I had, she might have answered that if he didn't play them at home he'd play them at a friend's. True but what if all parents acted in the same way and restricted things just a bit, added the concept to the children's minds of delayed gratification and having to work for what you get? What if the children were given a moral framework which society had largely agreed on? We used to have one.

I don't mean high church or sharia law but something emanating from parents, educators, everyone? Doesn't anyone see that these mindless kids are groping around in the dark, looking for meaning in life and finding readily available pap in its place and in the palaces of glitz where they spend their days? I asked the 25 year old sister where she was going after me. She said to the Riviera.

This is a shopping complex and I asked her why there and not at, say, Koltso? She said that this one looked out over the river and you had nature while you shopped whereas the other was just a shopping orgy. So nature does intrude into the mindset after all. She's only a little afflicted with the disease then.

I just think the whole thing is so sad out there now.

And anyone, anyone at all, who tries to pull the plug on this inexorable, zombie-like procession towards the low-life is turned on, marginalized and vilified. This process has its fail safes as well.

So I ask my lady friend who's behind the money and that's where her Muslimness and my Christianity diverge. Because in our faith, there is very much an answer, a quite simple answer to that question I asked her.

We can blog about the political machine, we can blog about the new feudalism, we can blog about the follies of pollies but this blogger thinks we have a greater danger to confront - the rise of the yahoo.