Friday, October 05, 2007

[country spread] this morning

11:15 My crazed reader origin stats [crazed stats, not readers] - this will reverse [usually] by midnight with the Brits taking top spot but other countries [usually] stay much the same.

Now look how it's altered during the day. It's now 16:39 and as you can see, the Brits have taken top spot again. This will increase towards midnight. Interesting, huh?

[All percentages refer to the last 100 readers.]

[humour check] is this skit funny or not

This is one of the Python skits from the early 70s. Your reaction to it will speak volumes about you, yourself.

The skit itself

(Fade in - TV interview set. Interviewer sitting with man with large polystyrene nose.)

Interviewer (Michael Palin): Good evening. I have with me in the studio tonight one of the country's leading skin specialists - Raymond Luxury Yacht.

Raymond (Graham Chapman): That's not my name.

Interviewer: I'm sorry - Raymond Luxury Yachet.

Raymond: No, no, no - it's spelt Raymond Luxury Yachet, but it's pronounced 'Throatwarbler Mangrove'.

Interviewer: You're a very silly man and I'm not going to interview you.

Raymond: Ah, anti-Semitism!

Interviewer: Not at all. It's not even a proper nose. (takes it off him) It's polystyrene.

Raymond: Give me my nose back.

Interviewer: You can collect it at reception. Now go away.

Raymond: I want to be on television.

Interviewer: Well you can't.

Possible reactions

Rational libertarian [chuckling]: Python were classic, weren't they? Mind you, you'd better be careful who you show that to these days …

Left liberal [stiffly]: Dated, aren't they? I would have thought we'd moved on from this kind of cheap, racial stereotyping by 2007. Seems not.

PC devotee: This is the sort of crass, philistine pig-ignorance we've tried to eliminate from rational debate these days. You think it's very funny, don't you? Well, let me tell you you're nothing but an unreconstructed racist, a throwback to a former, darker time and I wish to have nothing further to do with you. Dear oh dear. Good day!

Russian or American [possibly]: Was there something funny just then?


I've just been running through the Dead Parrot Sketch with a lady friend and once she understood the words, she found the humour understandable and would like a copy of as much Python as I can give her.


I'd be interested to read in the comments section from my friends.

[economics 101] all life in terms of money

Scenario 1

As a non-economist, reading economists can be an entertaining business. Chris Dillow, for example, explains human relationships in terms of economics and sees co-habiting as a call option, irrespective of its moral standing.

The Financial Times, one of my favourite sources of often fictional entertainment, has conflicting points of view. Firstly, that credit squeeze and our darling Chancellor of the Exchequer:

Britain’s economy will be hit by the global credit squeeze, forcing the government to downgrade its growth forecasts ahead of a possible general election, the chancellor of the exchequer admitted on Thursday.

The media is being partly blamed for this:

For the allegation that is now being bandied about is that irresponsible media coverage played a role in turning this summer’s credit turmoil into a crisis.

On the other hand, other FT columnists seem to be talking up the economy:

Most emerging economies, on the back of buoyant global demand and high commodity prices, have expanded rapidly and are less vulnerable to external shocks. Robust earnings growth and reduced country risk have propelled stock markets higher and bond yields lower.

Scenario 2

We have a liquidity problem in our banks over here which is only just emerging. This has not yet affected the average customer, except in the refusal of loans. However, on the strength of the words "possible crisis", retailers who've been itching to raise prices have suddenly done so. And how!

Milk is 40% more today than last Friday. My computer I'm in the process of buying [things take ages in Russia], has suddenly jumped 81% in cost, irrespective of the fact that I've already paid. All goods have alarmingly surged in price.

There is absolutely no direct economic connection between the bank problems and the price hikes except the age old justification of greed and I ran this by a Financial Services client yesterday who was mystified and yet not mystified.


In my jaundiced opinion, the doom and gloom talk from the Treasury disguises something disquietening. There may be no economic justification for a global squeeze [see the last quote above] but the CBs and Treasuries are sure trying to talk us into one.

In other words, they know very well what's going down. Couple that with accompanying moves in the field of surveillance legislation et al, the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act and its corollary discussed here in Phil A's post plus the move to regional assemblies - and it's looking increasingly like a gang of criminals up there in charge of us all.

Actually, without putting a label on it, it's an agenda. Deliberate mismanagement by the CBs, particularly the Fed, allowing unbridled speculative trading, bubble bursting, credit squeeze in economies hocked up to the eyeballs, bank liquidity crises, baling out and debt creation of the domestic banks by the CBs, runs on the banks, calling in of credit debts, bank closures, massive unemployment, selective terrorist attacks preceding newly prepared legislation, strong man arising to sort out the mess, [Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill], inevitable war, suspension of the party system in favour of a combined government, evaporation of the bourgeoisie.

Call me a kook now in 2007. We'll see how wrong this scenario is in the next few years. If it does pan out this way, I assure you there'll be zero pleasure derived from it.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

[burma] human tragedy in the making

Y gwir cywilyddus ydy - a barnu o hanes rhyngwladol - bod yr unig rai sy'n gallu helpu pobl Byrma yn effeithiol ar hyn o bryd ydy'r Byrmaniaid eu hun. Ac mae hynny yn golygu llawer o fodau dynol byw yn dod yn llawer o gelanedd pydredig oer. Croeso i'r unfed ganrif ar hugain: yr un mor hyll â'r canrif blaenorol, ond ein bod bellach yn gallu ei wylio ar YouTube.

I failed to understand the idea was to only post once in the day. It does not lessen the night's thoughts on the matter.

[cecilia] you're breaking my heart

Simon and Garfunkel sang: " Cécilia, you're breaking my heart, you're shaking my confidence daily."

If I could only get an unbiased non-feminist to explain this woman, Cécilia Sarkozy, to me, I'd be appreciative. Take her absence in Bulgaria today, after she'd negotiated the release of the nurses a month ago:

L'absence de l'épouse du chef de l'Etat à Sofia, où elle devait être décorée en même temps que lui pour son rôle en faveur des infirmières bulgares, a été très remarquée. L’intervention de Cécilia Sarkozy dans la libération des infirmières bulgares a été "en tous points remarquable, et d'une certaine façon décisive même".

In a nutshell, the EU clearly paid some sort of largesse to Libya, Cécilia did her part and got the credit for the release of the hostages, Nicolas did his part for the EU and all was sweet. But when the denouement was planned in Sofia, the heroine did not roll up.

Whyever not? And why didn't she attend the earlier Bush function, a move widely seen as a snub? French regional newspaper Le Telegramme wrote in its Monday edition at the time:

"What does the wife of the president of the republic want? To live her life as she likes, without constraint? In which case, why does she accept invitations, like that made personally by Laura Bush?" it added, saying that U.S. first lady Laura had personally organized the lunch with Cécilia.

Please allow me to state that I'm no stranger myself to such behaviour. Months ago I missed an award to be made to me at a university function and it did not go down well. The thing was, I was really sick at that time so Cécilia Sarkozy's sore throat - well, it's understandable that it might have been true at the time of the Bush invitation.

Except that she was seen shopping the day before and the day after.

Forgive me but this seems just a little too Princess Di to me and whatever you might personally think of The Firm, they do attend to their commitments. In the case of the Bulgarians, it does seem to me a bit of a slap in the face towards that nation.

Plus, there is the question of the re-election a few years from now. Marie-Ségolène Royal has not gone away and a much loved Cécilia would surely go a long way towards keeping France blue?

[atheists] and the statistics of religion

Chuckle - I do like Vox:

Mike doesn't do his homework:
Look at what the illiterate believe. By far most of them believe the bible is the word of God. Most of the barely literate believe likewise. As you move up the scale of literacy, you find belief in the Bible drops off.
Actually, the nation which has the highest percentage of atheists in the Western world, France, only ranks 27th in literacy; it's 99 percent rating is equal to that of the notoriously religious United States. Vatican City, meanwhile, has a 100 percent literacy rate; ultra-Catholic Poland ranks 9th, compared to secular Sweden's ranking of 28th.

It never ceases to amaze me how much the typical atheist approach to debate resembles that of the medieval religious philosopher. No facts, no evidence, just a logical structure constructed upon a baseless assumption.

Now that's going to set the cat among the pigeons.