Friday, July 06, 2007

[from small creeks] mighty rivers become

Well, that's a relief! It seems that at least two Americans recognize that the U.S. of A. is going to be without the wooden implement on the right, up the topographical feature in the main photo, unless they wake up very, very soon.

[lesson 3] new order

Moving from the negative to the positive, what are the next steps?

1] Wresting control of government out of the hands of the cabals by focussing on the preselection procedures of all parties, especially the big two:

a] opening of all party memberships on a nominal fee covering admin and paperwork to any interested person, subject to criminal and psychological checks;

b] automatically yearly rotated party hierarchy positions into other income bands;

c] automatic declaration of all interests, subject to public scrutiny;

d] open recruiting drives in all major centres constituting an agreed proportion of the party budget;

e] automatic free local airtime of two minutes for any shortlisted preselection candidate;

f] listing of all aspiring candidates, with contact info in local papers and on an internet site which is advertised around the city;

g] right to set up soapboxes at any public venue and if garnering a quota of petition names, the local party must consider that name.

2] All home nations to have their own legislatures, including England, resolving the West Lothian Question:

a. Westminster becomes the English parliament;

b. British Advisory and Defence Council [responsible for Defence and international dipomacy] situated on either the Isle of Man or Jersey.

3] [In England]:

a. Mono-cameral legislature elected under proportional representation, the Queen's Premier Minister being the acknowledged leader of the party with the highest proportion;

b. House of Lords one third hereditary, one third appointed, one third elected, fulfilling its full role as the house of review;

c. Bill returned for the third time is null and void.


a. DTI having a progressively reduced regulatory role but an increased advisory and promotional role, using tax incentives and free economic zones for those sectors it wishes to promote;

b. This doesn't advocate free trade but fair trade for a nation's traditionally accepted manufacturing strengths which will still enjoy progressively reducing tarrif protection linked to overall product and profit margins;

c. Business-friendly DTI stacked with businessmen and women, of declared interests, who constitute its advisory council whilst the executive functions are still run by the Minister;

d. Tax incentives and fast tracking for start up businesses and for financial institutions who will provide reduced rate loans to both start ups and short term businesses;

e. Incentives for major business to allocate start up funds for aspiring talent from secondary and tertiary institutions.


a. Removal of all fees from tertiary students and entry predicated only on mark quotas by examination and coursework in the final year of school, open to any resident of seven years or longer;

b. Openly declared business recruiting allowed;

c. Fixed term positions for professors and lecturers, renewable by public forum in the same manner as elected positions in government;


a. Trade sanctions [as distinct from military solutions] the sole means of coercion internationally, pressure on the UN to support such moves and provide financial incentives to any country operating this way;

b. Progressive multilateral disarmament [anti-ballistic treaties and the like] automatically renewable under UN auspices [not unlike auditing] in a progressive form [not unlike the situation in the late 80s/90s;

c. Countries which won't play ball sanctioned out of existence and trade cut off - the sole effective method.


a. Financial incentives from the bolstered UN [which is currently serving many evil purposes] to countries demonstrating stable peace both within their borders and with neighbours;

b. Massive allocation of UN resources for water desalination and extraction projects worldwide;

c. Rotating HQ of the UN in the country of the Secretary-General's nation;

d. Secretary-General to serve 10 years.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

[caption comp] bottle of bubbly for best

[europe] do you love it

Should we leave the EU?
No free polls

Some weeks back, I was playing about with the template and used this poll to help . Then I completely forgot to remove the poll from the template.

Result? Lots of people found it, thought it was for real and have voted. Have a look at the results!

[lesson 2] how to lose your readership

"The truth which makes men free is for the most part the truth men prefer not to hear" [Herbert Agar, Time for Greatness, 1942]
Further to my answer to
The Cityunslicker, I don't know where to start with this business of ascribing the "purpose" behind the seemingly suicidal policy of the financial elite and the military-industrial complex.

I agree with him that it would be economically illogical for them to undercut their own financial base but I think to create a western collapse is another matter - there are great profits to be made on a falling market.

Today my friend, who reveres most things western, was almost mocking:

"Oh and how in your country, with its democratic tradition, could a government get away with these things? They'd be voted out of office."

Me: "How? Look at the U.S. - Clinton and Thompson are both ex-CFR. Kerry and Bush were both from the same club."

"But in your society, the people have the power."

"Really? Read any website from my sidebar and see how much power the people have."

"But if they brought in unpopular legisalation, they'd be voted out."

"Hardly anyone knows about it. We call it "salami tactics", from a sitcom called Yes Prime Minister. "Slice by slice". The Blair government criminalized 3000 new aspects of human behaviour and only a few are known about, let alone debated." [Source: Tom Paine]

I can see the problem here.

People are seeking rational answers to the almost hard-driven government mania for acquiring powers over the people - the new Statism. I see no difficulty in understanding it at all because of the hundreds of pages I have in various places, ranging from the financiers through to the psychological and education communities.

How to get it to you and even if I could - would you read it? This is a blog, after all, where people have attention spans for about four witty paragraphs and that's it. The only way I can see to do it is just take fragments from all over the place and throw them together below.

Not to convince, naturally but just to get an idea of the sort of thing we're dealing with, which I'm quite sure the average person is not yet aware of. So here are some random excerpts lifted from various documents, focussing on the Power referred to by Senator Jenner:

# They are intelligent, well educated, and active in their local churches.

# These are NOT nice people and they use and manipulate others viciously. They cut their eye teeth on status, power, and money.

# A top western financier would secretly meet with an Eastern or Russian "adversary" during those years [Cold War], and have a good laugh at how the "sheep" were being deluded.

# The random factor in all of this is how the average citizen reacts. It can't be predicted, although the leadership will often invent different scenarios, and try to decide how they will act if the ordinary citizens react in an unexpected manner.

# Open royalty that is currently seen now, and "hidden royalty"…

# ...a lot of the current U.S. leadership will be in Europe when the change occurs, and many have homes there. They will be "changing nationalities" overnight, as it were.

# The Kennedy family were punished because they tried to disobey them. They were free thinkers, and too hard to "control".

# ...covertly supply guns and funds to BOTH sides to keep the conflict fueled. They are very duplicitous people.

# The government will call in its bonds and loans, and credit card debts will be called in. There will be massive bankruptcies nationwide. Europe will stabilize first and then Germany, France and England will have the strongest economies, and will institute, through the UN, an international currency. Japan will also pull out, although their economy will be weakened.

# The good news is that if a person is debt-free, owes nothing to the government or credit debt, and can live self sufficiently, they may do better than others. I would invest in gold, not stocks, if I had the income.

# They are still there, manipulating people, running banks, and channeling their dirty money to Brussels, Switzerland, and Cairo, Egypt.

# These people are very, very militaristic.

# [symbolism] The Phoenix, especially red on black, or the reverse - Butterflies and rainbow signs - A tiara - Star of David called "the great seal of Solomon" - "The Fifth Element" movie was based on the elements - a head with a computer inside …

# ...paedophiles, they abuse children and teach them, under duress, to become perpetrators themselves from earliest infancy. This alone means they should be stopped. They run the porn industry, along with other groups such as the Mafia drug smuggling, gun running, and human slavery…

# …if a lawyer is super rich, with no real identity, beware…

# …any press about them is the equivalent of a gnat to be swatted. Arrogant people make mistakes, and they are becoming more blatant and open in recent years…

# …creating new life or resuscitating from death is a major preoccupation…

# …use abuse to create obedient top-down hierarchies of control…

# Stopping pornography and child prostitution and drug smuggling and gun running would take a huge chunk out of their profits - the financial base would be severely dented…

# They place importance on bloodlines and trace their ancestry back to ancient times…

# …plurality of linguality is valued…

# They hate trees and forests for some reason…

# …they hate Israel with a passion …

# My younger sister remembers being tied up on a stone altar at the age of 3, with a gag in her mouth, and being raped.

# …[herself] stuck with pins and needles, being burned, hung by my feet - sometimes to crosses, spun, dropped off a table as an infant, near drowning…

# My church was very close locally, so they would take me out of class to be taken to the choir director's home to practice "choir" during schooltime…

# None of their techniques to erase memory was satisfactory. I think that's why there are so many survivors who are remembering.

# I think it is used as an incredible fund-raising ability to bring in large amounts of money underground with child pornography in international markets where it is highly sought after.

# …Point Magoo Naval Base where they had dolphin tanks in research, and there were places at Edwards Air Force Base and all sorts of different locations…

# Walter Bowart has a blurb in his book that says the big secrets are protected by their incredulity. And certainly I believe that those who strategized this were very well aware that when all of us started talking about these things that just like in Nazi Germany - people still today believe that a lot of those horrors didn't happen…

# "Don't these old money power groups have enough money already?" What is motivating them to perpetuate these atrocities? A: What I saw from the inside sitting in a group of these men, they more or less look at this as a game of their intellect - like a group of powerful men sitting in a room thinking up strategies of what benefits they might be able to have…

# Valerie Wolf and her survivor clients who were so courageous and stepped forward and opened the door on the mind control…

# It is my understanding now that A Most Dangerous Game was devised to condition military personnel in survival and combat maneuvers. Yet it was used on me and others known to me as a means of further conditioning the mind to the realization there was "no place to hide"…

# William Birnbauer, Melbourne Age, April 18, 2004: Dr Leeks is already being investigated by the board following claims that he allowed children to be punished with electric shock treatment and pain-inducing injections while in charge of a psychiatric hospital unit in NZ in the 1970s. The complaints include allegations of assault by staff, the use of electroconvulsive therapy and pain-inducing injections on children as well as sexual assault. From 1982 to 1984 he lived in Canada, and returned to Melbourne in 1984 to establish a private practice in Cheltenham

# Ewen Cameron, the founder of the World Psychiatric Association, funded through MKULTRA and Human Ecology Foundation by the Canadian military and the CIA, did LSD and other hallucinogen research and was successfully sued - he had already died and the CIA settled out of court with eight of his patients. One of his papers, published in the American Journal of Psychiatry is on Psychic Driving…

# Why aren't more people concerned about [this]? A: Because they simply can't, won't believe that this is happening.The evidence is there, but in my opinion, the average person does NOT want to know, and even when confronted with it, will look the other way. We as human beings want to believe the BEST of our race, not the worst.

If only a fraction of any of this had any truth to it, three descriptions spring to mind:

1] at the least - irresponsible, in those who supposedly govern us;

2] elements of the fiendish and cold;

3] simply mad.

The question of whether it's as mad as the kill-militias which now roam Iraq in and around the American army, as mad as the Janjaweed of Sudan, of Pol Pot or of the Algerian Islamic Satanist militias - that's a moot point. Does "cold and clinical" make them any better than "gleaming-eyed" and "frenzied"?

You understand I'm not referring to George W. or Cheney or Blair or any of the "open faces" here. I'm referring to the secretive faceless men.

Two can play at that game.

[dreamliner] boeing makes its big green play

So the dreamliner has been rolled out:

Richard Aboulafia, chief analyst with the Teal Group Corporation, said the Dreamliner was poised to revolutionise air travel if its projected rates of fuel-efficiency proved accurate.

"If you look at it from an airline standpoint: you don't have a choice," Aboulafia told Agence France-Presse.

"If you don't have a 787-class aircraft and your competitor does, he can under-price you and out-profit you.

It's not so much the commendable greenness [which is always welcome], it is the way they have so quickly jumped onto the official line about climate change and the need to reduce operating costs, as well as scoop the market.

Still, it's set the cat among the pigeons with Airbus and almost straight after their latest monster-in-the-sky.