Sunday, November 19, 2006

[la france] sarkozy veut un ''débat de fond'' avec royal

Le figaro dit: … si Ségolène Royal contribue - involontairement - au rassemblement du camp adverse, elle se révèle aussi plus redoutable que prévu par Nicolas Sarkozy lui-même. Le favori de la droite pensait jusqu'à ces derniers jours qu'elle sortirait « affaiblie » des primaires du PS. C'est le contraire qui s'est produit. Ses partisans s'en consolent en affirmant que l'icône socialiste tombera de son piédestal « dès que le ­débat sur le fond commencera ».

« Affronter une femme, c'est un problème que nous aurons à résoudre, mais qui n'est pas insurmontable, même si c'est une première en France », affirme Dominique Paillé. La méthode préconisée par le député des Deux-Sèvres : « Démontrer la vacuité de la pensée et des propositions de Mme Royal, ses insuffisances face au job qu'elle prétend vouloir assumer, sans pour autant tomber dans le travers de la caricature et de l'agression. » Sur le papier, c'est imparable.

My feeling is that she’s a pretty face but would not hold her own in a debate if it was issues based. It might be better for her to stay clear and be elected for her 'presence' and the novelty of a woman president.
Election presidentielle 2007]

[barely legal] police chief drops it 5 years

The kind of girls I spend much of my day with

Chief Constable Terry Grange stressed his views were personal when he said that young men who have sex with girls aged 13 or over should not necessarily be classed as paedophiles. "If you prosecute each and every time a boy has sex with a girl under 16 and above 12, then we'd be in the schools across Britain, and in the youth clubs across Britain pretty regularly because, since I've been alive, it's been pretty normal. It's what teenagers do."

I found that astounding; the charity Kidscape also said the police chief was "on very dicey ground". “Pretty normal – it’s what they do” is such a circuitously illogical statement. Of course they do, you bozo – because parents and responsible adults have abrogated their responsibilities and even had a little dip themselves. Of course, with no moral code and no societal constraints – of course it’s usual. The norm. But it’s no way normal. Normal is a different other animal or hadn’t you noticed?

And you say you’re protecting society and its way of life? You think this is a good way of life - your 13 year old daughter having intercourse, you friggin’ moron? So 13 is the new Barely Legal, is it? Tell me one thing a 13 year old could offer you which a hot 29 year old couldn’t? Tell me how she could sexually and socially satisfy you? Yes, exactly - no demands, does exactly what you want, goes into hysterics afterwards. And this is what we’ve come to. Stop the earth. I want to get off.

[blogfocus saturday] 17 more lambs to the slaughter

One of Chicken Yoghurt’s graphics

This evening I’d like to present 17 more bloggers for scrutiny. DK has mentioned that he can’t see anything particularly brutal in my treatment of my subjects so I hope he likes his own section this evening. Here we go:

1 Chris Dillow heads this evening’s list and rightly so – he’s a peerless blogger whose point form explanations of life, the universe and everything in terms of economics are usually novel, always sound, often amusing and have built up a loyal and expanding readership. He’s high on the list of my required daily reading and long ago I ran a mini-bio of this Leicester cricket devotee. Here he writes of Milton Friedman:

He developed
permanent income hypothesis, which argued that ordinary people were at least as rational and forward-looking as experts and rulers.He was a lifelong advocate of school choice, so that the poor would not be trapped in bad schools. So, what does it say about our politics that he is regarded as a right-winger?

2 Devil's Kitchen is the hotbed of swear-rich ranting by the end-of-year-impecunious computer whiz, Worstall devotee, UKIP unofficial spokesperson and Eurosceptic Roundup hoster who’s built up a cult following of likeminded and in some cases flatteringly imitative bloggers, as well as those who … er … don’t swear as much and that following is about to mushroom on Monday evening to mindboggling proportions, threatening even to knock Iain Dale off his lofty perch. Already close to top of the Scots bloggers list, is there no limit to this man’s dangerous rise? But a word of warning, DK – there is such a thing as the greasy pole, old chap:

Your humble Devil is unreasonably excited! First because he has blue potatoes galore (blue mashed potato with pink trout very much piques his aesthetic senses).Second, your humble Devil will be making his debut on 18DoughtyStreet on Monday evening from 9 until 12 to, no doubt, answer for his less than kind initial assessment of some of the presenters and shoot the shit for a while. Tune in!

3 Mr Eugenides can swear. Oh yes, the man can swear like a navvy but he can also write and to quote The Pedant-General in Ordinary, "Mr Eugenides may not know it, but he is, in fact, a genius of the highest order." In deep cahoots with DK and host of the popular Swearbloggers Roundup on Mondays [send nominations to] he’s never posted any of my nominations [as I’ve always nominated him] and yet he remains an example of the camaraderie in the blogosphere which is one of the more satisfying aspects of the game. He also qualifies as required daily reading on my blogrounds and can get to the core of the matter quite simply:

Blogs are
merely loudspeakers through which ordinary people voice their frustrations with the way they are governed. And those who choose to sit at a keyboard to air those views are actually a more representative sample than you might think. If you're going to be tough on shrill, be tough on the causes of shrill, too.

The other 14 bloggers are lurking here ...

[south ossetia] complex, complex and yet simple

So, in layman’s language, this weird situation in South Ossetia [oops – Georgia]. Two simultaneous referendums, one saying separate, one saying stay with Georgia. Two different presidents as well. BBC reporters saw a Russian checkpoint with a billboard poster of Putin. A few metres on was a Georgian army checkpoint. Beyond that, a string of ethnic Georgian villages which the South Ossetian authorities do not control, interspersed with yet more Russian and Georgian army posts.

The whole region is a complex patchwork of Ossetian and Georgian zones, with people living almost side by side in an atmosphere of mutual suspicion, kept apart by men with guns. What a cocktail. Ossetians look to Russia to protect them, Georgians look to the west. Now, in the republic where I live, there is the same ethnic side-by-sideness but no violence. None - at least not along religious/ethnic lines. My neighbours are both Muslim and Russian.

What will happen? They’re now into the remember-the-Boyne, remember-Culloden, remember-to-revenge yourselves mode of thinking which will never let peace reign. You know, I was diametrically opposed to Hungary ’56 and Afghanistan but now I’m not so sure. I think the Russkies need to go in and establish control without any namby-pambyness due to imminent entry into the WTO. Of course, money comes first.

[blog statement] opinion must be informed, not blind

Out of the mouths of babes …

Dear Reader, in the URLs below you’ll find one week’s collation which this blog believes answers every major question about the state we find ourselves in today – from climate change through to global conflicts, as well as throwing light on what is coming up, should ID cards get through. I do believe the answers lie here and that this is a big statement. I welcome being torn to pieces, debunked and laughed to scorn but only on the basis that the material has at least been read.

What would be more than upsetting would be to go to another site and see opinions expressed, not based on fact, when all that person needed to do was take the time to read the material at the end of these urls and links. This material is not abstruse, it’s quite accessible. To my fellow bloggers – that’s all I ask.


[climate change] an alternative explanation

If you accept that the Stern report was over-the-top, if you accept that climate change is not occurring, then how do you account for the strange weather enveloping the globe? Local aberration, coincidence? For you is presented here an alternative explanation. Agree or laugh it to scorn – but at please be informed about it.

We can start in the middle: Aug. 11, 1987 - The U.S. Patent Office grants Patent Number 4,686,605 to Dr. Bernard Eastlund, a physicist who is a consultant for the Atlantic Richfield Company. Dr. Eastlund also does work for the Defense Department's ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency). The patent is for a technology to "change the weather by redirecting the very high wind patterns." By bombarding the jet stream with high-intensity electromagnetic waves, Dr. Eastlund is able to divert it and alter the weather patterns in a particular area.

This, however, is only part of the story. The rest is here.