Saturday, November 18, 2006

[casino royale] reviewed by praguetory

Nice review of the James Bond film from a 'locations' point of view: Firstly, I found myself glancing at my watch for the last third of the film. I think I could have left after 90 minutes quite happily. Secondly, I'd like to say that the world's newest state of Montenegro came out of the film smelling of roses. Read the rest here.

[mind games] the psychology community and the old boy net

The purpose of publishing this is not just to get this one issue into the open by posting it in blog form. It's also to open up the whole field of nastiness in many areas e.g. HAARP and countless other topics. Much of this material was freely available before being closed down but this is a chance to now see it in the blogosphere, which is much harder to control - there are just too many blogs around. What appears below is related to the 'root of the trouble series' posted earlier.

This lecture, by Dr. Colin Ross, psychologist, given at 9th Annual Western Clinical Conference on Trauma and Dissociation, April 18, 1996, Orange County, California, has been abbreviated, including leaving out the entire section on Jonestown. [Broadcast on CKLN-FM 88.1 Toronto - International Connection Mar 16, 23, 30, 1997]

Somewhere in the course of my residency … I went to the Eastern Regional Conference, to Chicago, found out a little bit [about DID and] my personal reaction was - this sure sounds real, could be real, it's pretty scary [but] it is clear that we’ve got into some sort of hysteria wave … and a lot of people went a bridge or two too far on their journey and we have to reign ourselves back in.

Except [that] didn't work because when I systematically started looking into CIA military mind control, the more I looked, the more solid reality there was. As you will see, it's a completely different deal to SRA. If there is SRA, that information is not generally publicly available to us. It is a fact that we have not nailed down - human ritual sacrifice cults in North America if they exist. So it's all conjecture.

[However], intelligence agencies have been creating Manchurian candidates and MPD for operational use since the Second World War. This is not a conspiracy theory. This is documented. I am going to talk about not just creating Manchurian candidates, but the whole network of mind control doctors that is involved in this and supports this - this kind of old boys' network that maintains all of this.

So there is something real peculiar about the whole story. It's a very strange story. It tells us that there is something going on in our culture and in the mental health field that is hidden and secret. This is another kind of incest secret in the field of psychiatry that all of these people who have been running psychiatry in the latter half of the 20th century are either directly or loosely connected to.

Continued here

[root of the trouble] part 3 – drawing the threads together

This passage touches on the essence of what is behind the troubles which are currently afflicting the globe and which are about to envelop it.

Glasgow and Oxford educated first Baron Tweedsmuir, Governor-General of Canada, otherwise known as John Buchan MP wrote a novel in 1915, specifically about Germany and Russia but the contention that it is equally applicable to the modern day is one supported by the chronology of part 2 and he was a man who was in a position to know. Here is an excerpt in which a little man accosts our hero in the apartments at Portland Place, seeking sanctuary from a perceived enemy:

"Is the door locked?" he asked feverishly, and he fastened the chain with his own hand. "I'm very sorry," he said humbly. "It's a mighty liberty, but you looked the kind of man who would understand. I've had you in my mind all this week when things got troublesome. Say, will you do me a good turn?"

"I'll listen to you," I said. "That's all I'll promise." I was getting worried by the antics of this nervous little chap.

There was a tray of drinks on a table beside him, from which he filled himself a stiff whisky-and-soda. He drank it off in three gulps, and cracked the glass as he set it down.

"Pardon," he said, "I'm a bit rattled to-night. You see, I happen at this moment to be dead."

I sat down in an arm-chair and lit my pipe. "What does it feel like?" I asked. I was pretty certain that I had to deal with a madman.

Buchan concludes here

[root of the trouble] part 2 – timetable for change

Much of what was spoken of in part 1 is traceable to a chronology of researchable data, [except for Nov 13, 1963, which is an allegation of substance.] This chronology suggests that many of the social ills now besetting us are no accident.

May 1, 1776 - Adam Weishaupt, Professor of Canon Law at the University of Ingolstadt in Bavaria wrote these as the objectives of a new organization he nominally headed:

1) Abolition of all ordered governments
2) Abolition of private property
3) Abolition of inheritance
4) Abolition of patriotism
5) Abolition of the family
6) Abolition of religion
7) Creation of a world government

July 1782 - The Order of the Illuminati joins forces with Freemasonry at the Congress of Wilhelmsbad. The Comte de Virieu, an attendee at the conference, when questioned about the "tragic secrets" he brought back with him, replies: "I will not confide them to you. I can only tell you that all this is very much more serious than you think."

1785 - An Illuminati courier named Lanze is struck by lightning and killed while traveling by horseback through the town of Ratisbon. When Bavarian officials examine the contents of his saddle bags, they discover the existence of the Order of the Illuminati and find plans detailing the coming French Revolution. The Bavarian government attempts to alert the government of France of impending disaster, but the French government fails to heed this warning.

1789 - Violence erupts in France. The French Revolution not only overthrows the existing government but also attempts to eliminate Christianity from the nation. A half-naked prostitute is placed on the altar of the Cathedral of Notre Dame and extolled as the "Goddess of Reason."

1796 - Freemasonry becomes a major issue in the Presidential election in the United States. John Adams wins the election by opposing Masonry, and his son John Quincy Adams warns of the dire threat to the nation posed by the Masonic Lodges: "I do conscientiously and sincerely believe that the Order of Freemasonry is, if not the greatest, then one of the greatest moral and political evils."

Chronology continues here

[root of the trouble] part 1 – changes since the 60s

On 31 July, 2006 13:30, ScotsToryB said… Well, I found you via Tim. So far so good! Reading this between the lines stuff has never been my forte. So, a request: I do see where you are going but have only looked at one other site dealing with the proposition, will you please write a fuller article explaining the reasoning?

So this is dedicated to both ScotsToryB and to Tom Paine who finally provoked me into it.

The jazz age perfectly reflected the moneyed 20s and the Drifters and Temptations reflected the late 50s. But so did Bill Haley and Elvis. The naivety of those days has long gone and since the 60s, there has been:

# The progressive demise of church going and the whole ecumenical language we once employed, talk of parishes and the local vicar and so on. The replacement of traditional ideas in education and the replacement of old textbooks with the new, the promotion of humanistic, man-centred values and deification of the scientific method is almost complete.

# The rise of feminism, somehow at the same time as homosexuality going public. “On the other hand, the rise of feminism and gay rights began in the 1960s and continued into the next few decades.” These were daggers in the heart of the traditional family and have played their part in the explosion in the divorce rate and reduction in the marriage rate.

# The latchkey children, as mothers worked, at first by choice and then by necessity, as the rise of credit turned the parents of partial leisure into two working machines, as aspirations increased, the glittering array of goods and services expanding, the increase in global travel, the increasing sophistication of cars and sound systems, all increasingly paid for by credit.

More here ...

[burqas] the dutch revive the issue

Five days before a national election here, the center-right government announced Friday that it planned to introduce legislation to ban burqas and similar garments in public places, saying the full-body garb worn by a small number of Muslim women in the Netherlands posed a grave security threat.

I’m in two minds about it. It is a security risk, no doubt, in terms of terrorists on a mission but I hardly see how it is in daily life. It is unpleasant to deal with someone with two beady eyes watching you behind a black barrier but equally, the move to ‘ban’ gets into the whole issue of first banning this and then that. What do you think?